Sdp backdated payment



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    The SDP will increase your ESA by £69.40/week. 
    Yes they can take money you owe them from any money they owe you. If you do receive the money for 10 year underpayment and they recover the money you owe them for this then at least it will be paid back. Then won’t have to worry about it in the future. 
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 209 Empowering
    I dyed you are right the stress would be taken off of having to pay back money to them, but is that deifinte the protocol to deduct it or could they still take it back off payments?
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 209 Empowering
    sd100 said:
    I dyed you are right the stress would be taken off of having to pay back money to them, but is that deifinte the protocol to deduct it or could they still take it back off payments?
    sd100 said:
    I dyed you are right the stress would be taken off of having to pay back money to them, but is that deifinte the protocol to deduct it or could they still take it back off payments?
    sd100 said:
    I dyed you are right the stress would be taken off of having to pay back money to them, but is that deifinte the protocol to deduct it or could they still take it back off payments?
    sd100 said:
    I dyed you are right the stress would be taken off of having to pay back money to them, but is that deifinte the protocol to deduct it or could they still take it back off payments?
    sd100 said:
    I dyed you are right the stress would be taken off of having to pay back money to them, but is that deifinte the protocol to deduct it or could they still take it back off payments?
    I agree* not I dyed
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    As i advised, they can recover debt from any money they owe you.
    I don’t work for DWP debt management and can’t tell you for definite that they will do this. 
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 209 Empowering
    As i advised, they can recover debt from any money they owe you.
    I don’t work for DWP debt management and can’t tell you for definite that they will do this. 
    Thanks again poppy123456
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 209 Empowering
    do you do you think it would be better to chase this up on Monday morning or just leave them to get on with it?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    It’s entirely up to you but with 10 years to look at it could take a while. 
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 209 Empowering
    I’d like to ask them when will the premium be added to my future payments, would be a big help. And if back pay is eventually sorted should they not compensate me aswell for all the extra hardship and money I’ve had to borrow over all these years or is it just a sorry is good enough from them?
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 209 Empowering
    It’s all a bit much and it’s gonna be a long weekend, I’m just gonna read past threads about sdp instead of waffling too much.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    It’s very unlikely that you will receive any compensation if you were entitled to SDP for all those years. If it was automatically paid and you weren’t receiving it then it would be a different story but it’s not automatically paid. 
    I know the wait is frustrating but there’s nothing more you can do. 
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 209 Empowering
    So in saying that you think they could say they won’t pay backdated at all because it’s not automatic?
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 209 Empowering
    Surely that would be unjust
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 209 Empowering
    or am I just overthinking things now?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    edited March 2023
    sd100 said:
    So in saying that you think they could say they won’t pay backdated at all because it’s not automatic?
    No, that’s not what I said. My comment was related to the compensation you mentioned.
    I can’t tell you if you were entitled to it for all those years. I don’t know anything about your circumstances and it’s not possible to give such advice on an internet forum. 
    As I advised you will need to wait for them to make a decision.
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 209 Empowering
    Oh ok, thanks again poppy I have been reading things on here about sdp and my situation isn’t same as the people that migrated from esa to universal, my case is I was never given the premium at all, and my circumstances as far as I’m aware for the past 10 years fit all the criteria to get the premium,appreciate your kind help you seem to know lots about these things👍
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 209 Empowering
    I know you can’t give info as you don’t know my circumstances but I fit all the criteria to recieve the premiums. If I fit all the criteria in your opinion what do you think will happen, I’m very anxious sorry
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    If you’re entitled to it then you should receive what is owed. I realise you’re anxious but there’s really no other advice I can give. 
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 209 Empowering
    thanks again poppy I will keep updated with what happens here👋
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 209 Empowering
    Update. So I spoke to esa today and they had a team leader call me back as they knew I was anxious and the person on my case wasn’t there. She said as it’s historical back payment and could be quite large they have to double and triple check everything as it’s taxpayers money and mistakes can’t be made which could take months she couldn’t give me a timeframe. I asked wether the ongoing payments would be made sooner now that they know I qualify but was told no it’s all done in one go so won’t be seeing anything added to future payments until it’s all been dealt with. I’m bit confused as it was mentioned in this forum the payments should be made quite quickly and the back pay will take much longer. Is this how they do it now?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    I don't understand about the wait for SDP to be added to future payments and it doesn't make any sense at all. If they know you're entitled they could just include it going forward.
    Money owed will understandably take much longer, especially because it's for such a long period of time.