Sdp backdated payment



  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 209 Empowering
    Yeah I was confused too do you think I should call them again and ask why would it not be added sooner?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    sd100 said:
     do you think I should call them again and ask why would it not be added sooner?

    It's entirely up to you.
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 209 Empowering
    I don’t wanna be a pest and keep bothering them, it’s the dwp I know they looking for any loophole to pay back as little as they can,I mentioned to the person I spoke to I know myself I fit all the criteria and I appreciate that you don’t know and I was just looking for some kind of assurance which she couldn’t give me, she done the opposite actually started telling me about they have to check my address to make sure no other mail was sent here that could have been a benefits letter with someone else not myself. I understand they just doing their job but they almost make you feel like you’ve done something wrong and they trying to catch you out, Nevermind I know fit all criteria.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    They're not just doing these checks for sake of it, they have to go through the procedure and they do the same for everyone. They wouldn't take anyones word for it and i can't see how they are trying to catch you out.
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 209 Empowering
    Maybe I worded it wrong not catch you out that’s the wrong term. You are right they gotta do their job
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 209 Empowering
    Again thanks for quick replies poppy123456 gonna be a long wait by the sound of it I need to calm down and let them do what they need to do. It’s unrealistic of me to expect a quick decision as much as I know I fit the eligibility,doesn’t mean they do too.
    Thanks again and will update when I can. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    No problem. I still think they are wrong not to award the SDP going forward.
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 209 Empowering
    They said they wouldn’t want me owing them money if they started paying me and I wasn’t eligible, I’m done with it now I’ve done my part just have to wait it out.
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 209 Empowering
    since finding out about this potential backpay it’s caused a whole lot of anxiety and stress.

    it’s really not right and quite unfair to be given this kind of news and when you ask questions they give you literally.

    I really hope this situation doesn’t trigger my illness, the more I read about things online the more I get anxious.

    I know I can’t expect a decision quickly but having to wait months seems like it’s really gonna negatively affect my mental health.
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 209 Empowering
    They give you literally nothing*
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 209 Empowering
    Should I call the regular esa helpline number because I’ve been calling the number that was on is10 form which I think is a special part of the esa team that you get through to instantly without no delays
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 209 Empowering
    Also a potential lump sum payment wouldn’t be considered official error and I’ve read you have 52 weeks for it to be disregarded but in same breath they say you shouldn’t intentionally deprive your assets, bloody hell so they wanna give you a lump sum but expect you not to spend it and squirrel it back from deductions of future benefit payments. Borderline criminal behaviour.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    When they have to check such a long period of time then you can’t really expect a decision over night. 
    I answered your other question on your other thread.
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 209 Empowering
    just saw just saw thanks poppy, you are like some kind of guardian angel in this community 😇 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    That's very kind of you thank you. :)
  • 2oldcodgers
    2oldcodgers Posts: 739 Connected
    Isn't this a case of having to make a claim for SDP instead of it being an automatic payment. I had a similar issue years ago and because I did not appeal against a decision they agreed that the 'lost' payments were indeed owing to me, but with no appeal made the matter ended there despite them actually sending me a revised award letter confirming that I should be entitled to the £20,000+ in lost payments.
    It seems to me that not knowing the law on how the DWP work leaves many people out of pocket. 
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 209 Empowering
    Yes it’s similar case I’m sorry to hear what happened with your case, but I have seen similar cases in these threads for the exact same reasons as mine that have been paid and backdated, I guess no 2 situations are the same.
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 209 Empowering
    Can I ask why you didn’t appeal? That’s a lot of money you were owed.
  • sd100
    sd100 Online Community Member Posts: 209 Empowering
    Is what you are saying is I should appeal if turned down?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Isn't this a case of having to make a claim for SDP instead of it being an automatic payment. I had a similar issue years ago and because I did not appeal against a decision they agreed that the 'lost' payments were indeed owing to me, but with no appeal made the matter ended there despite them actually sending me a revised award letter confirming that I should be entitled to the £20,000+ in lost payments.
    It seems to me that not knowing the law on how the DWP work leaves many people out of pocket. 
    It seems like your case was completely different to the OP. Yes, SDP isn’t automatically paid because of the criteria involved.
    If you were entitled to SDP and were refused then as with all decisions, you could have challenged that. As you didn’t then there was nothing to pay you.