PIP telephone assessment



  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Online Community Member Posts: 604 Empowering
    Moana said:
    It’s hard waiting and not knowing what the decision is going to be and 12 weeks is such a long time. 
    Hi @Moana. It really is difficult and stressful waiting on the decision. I tried to occupy myself with anything I could think of to take my mind off it. Didn’t work all the time, but it helped a bit. Let us know when you get the decision. Take care
  • Moana
    Moana Online Community Member Posts: 75 Contributor
    Thank you for your advice and I will definitely try to keep myself busy and try not to think about it too much but it is really hard to do sometimes. I will let you know when I hear anything. Thank you again. 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    It is a hard wait for many @moana and I hope the community can be a place of support for you :) 
  • Moana
    Moana Online Community Member Posts: 75 Contributor
    Thank you Hannah and yes this community has been such a huge support and I can’t thank everyone enough for their support and help. I haven’t told my family about what’s going on for me. So it is hard but it really helps to know that if I have any questions I can ask them here. 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    I'm so glad we have been <3 I get when you sometimes don't feel like sharing with your family but I hope one day you can so there is that someone there to give you a big hug. Sending a virtual one! 
  • Moana
    Moana Online Community Member Posts: 75 Contributor
    Thank you a virtual hug is very much needed right now so thank you. Maybe one day but it’s ok I’m used to doing things on my own. I hope you’re doing well and having a good day. 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    Doing well thank you :) I hope you join us over in Coffee Lounge. It's where we play games, have discussions and get to know each other.
  • Moana
    Moana Online Community Member Posts: 75 Contributor
    I’m glad you’re doing well and I will definitely think about joining the coffee lounge. 
  • Moana
    Moana Online Community Member Posts: 75 Contributor
    Hi I had my telephone assessment on 31st July and then this morning I got a text from DWP to say that a decision hasn’t been made. In everyone’s experience who has gone through this is it a good thing that they haven’t made a decision yet or a bad thing? I know they take up to 12 weeks to make a decision but I was just wondering if it’s just how busy they are as to how long it takes. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,404 Championing
    It's a standard text and doesn't mean anything other than what it says. You may even receive a letter saying exactly the same thing.
  • Moana
    Moana Online Community Member Posts: 75 Contributor
    Oh ok thanks I was just thinking about it. 
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    No worries at all @Moana. Is there anything that might help this to feel more manageable for you at the moment? Please do ask away if you have any questions and let us know if there's anything we can do to help  :)
  • Moana
    Moana Online Community Member Posts: 75 Contributor
    I don’t really know it’s just so hard not knowing. I don’t cope well with waiting and not knowing what’s going to happen. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,404 Championing
    In the several years that i've been advising i've yet to know of anyone that doesn't find the whole process extremely stressful.
  • Moana
    Moana Online Community Member Posts: 75 Contributor
    It really is stressful and it’s hard to not think about it all the time cos it’s always there. Thank you for understanding. 
  • Moana
    Moana Online Community Member Posts: 75 Contributor
    Hi so I got my decision today and I don’t qualify for PIP. Feeling like what’s the point anymore no one has ever helped me to cope with things so I guess nothing changes. 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,671 Championing
    I'm so sorry that you weren't awarded, but that doesn't mean you don't 'qualify.' It's just been very hard for you trying to do this on your own.
    You could still consider having someone as your appointee to help you with your claim, or you could see if you could get some local advice by putting your postcode here: https://advicelocal.uk/  & choosing 'Welfare benefits.' Then perhaps you would find help from a Welfare Rights Office or Citizens Advice, &  they could help you appeal the decision you've just received. This is called a Mandatory Reconsideration, where another decision maker will look at everything again.

  • Moana
    Moana Online Community Member Posts: 75 Contributor
    Thank you so much for replying I will have a look at the link. I just don’t understand what I need to do to explain to them how much my daily life is affected. They said I scored 2 points and that’s all nothing for anything else I’m autistic but they said don’t struggle with relationships and everything else that’s related to being autistic. And that my OCD doesn’t affect me everyday. Just feeling really sad about it sorry. 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,671 Championing
    You have every reason to feel rather sad; it's a shame when people don't understand, so don't be sorry. If you could find someone to help you, I'm hoping it may make a difference with a Mandatory Reconsideration.
  • Moana
    Moana Online Community Member Posts: 75 Contributor
    Thank you for your help I have looked at the link and will try to get an appointment to talk to someone.