Morning @Lou67 I've sent an econsult off probably get appointment later. Morning @teigr and @Hannah_Scope I'm going to pop to the village to get some groceries after I've pegged out washing
It was great @Hannah_Scope lovely weather and food, its nice to be back also. Just adjusting to time differences. Lovely @Lou67 I will see the kiddies on the weekend
66MustangOnline Community MemberPosts: 14,990Championing
Hi everyone, I'm feeling a bit low today but thought I'd pop in and say hi, sorry to bring the thread down, I hope everyone has a good day
@66mustang I'm sorry to hear you are feeling low. Anything we can do to help?
66MustangOnline Community MemberPosts: 14,990Championing
Not really @Hannah_Scope but I really appreciate you asking and caring I am off for a drive soon which might pick me up I hope you're well today and having a nice day?
Sorry your feeling low @66Mustang I always think music helps enjoy your drive
Well drs said xray was cancelled on 16th Jan by me, so I rang the hospital and they said it was a walk in appointment and after 6 weeks they cancel it. But Dr didn't say she just told me leave it with me, so I was expecting appointment letter. Now have to go back to referral and earliest appointment with gp is Tuesday
It is breezy @teigr but it will dry, I've got a line full of from holiday. I'm so tired today, just been a walk to the shop to try and get some energy. Big winter coat on brrr