How is your day going?



  • Marydoll5
    Marydoll5 Community member Posts: 552 Championing

    @alisonnetty931 please be safe. It's a scary time. It's like the troubles all over again here in Belfast. I have Muslim relatives and one was chased by masked men going to work. Thankfully he outran them but it's just not on.

    I am heartened by all the people standing up for affected people and helping them clear up if their home or business is attacked.

    Anyhow good morning Scopicles and have a good safe day wherever you are 😊

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,592 Championing

    Morning all I hope yous have a good day.
    I’ve been up early as my 2 granddaughters are coming for a couple off hours I have to give myself time for my painkillers to work and also need a few cuppas in peace lol I thought they were coming at 10 but it’s later not sure exactly when.

    Yes I enjoyed it, I hope your doing good today.

    Sorry your struggling through the night I hope you can rest today.

    I hope the tablets help, yes probably best not to go into town and just goto your local Tesco it’s so sad to see what’s going on take care.

    Thats a shame you’ve been awake from early, do yous have plans or just taking it as it comes.

    I hope you and your family are coping as much as possible I really hope your nephew gets all the support he needs, it’s tragic loosing his dad and especially the age he was.


  • Nicebrit
    Nicebrit Community member Posts: 179 Empowering

    Good morning, sending positive hugs to everyone experiencing pain/fatigue.

    My Fibro and osteo are giving me jip today, think because it's the change in the weather again.

    Going Boardmasters tomorrow to sing, it's a local music festival, they're expecting over fifty thousand people today, so I'm keeping off the roads, well the main one anyway as that is going to be horrendous.

    Stay safe all wherever you are.

    Photo below is of our local Woods 😊

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 7,069 Online Community Coordinator

    Morning folks, just about anyway. 😆

    I won't tag everyone, but I hope everyone has a suitably fab day and manages to stay safe from all the outside goings on.

  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 4,409 Online Community Specialist

    That sounds awful @Marydoll5. I'm relatively lucky in that I'm quite far from any expected trouble, I hope it's put an end to soon. People shouldn't feel unsafe walking around their town just because of the colour of their skin.

    @alisonnetty931 Sorry to hear about the cholesterol 😔 Stay safe today

    I will try to have a good day @Lou67 but I have to start taking prep for my colonoscopy tomorrow, so I'm not sure it will continue being a good day!

    @Nicebrit !!!!! That sounds amazing! Best of luck with your performance!

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,817 Championing

    Afternoon all riots planned in Birmingham today again. @Lou67 enjoy kiddies

    @Jimm_Scope DNA is amazing isn't it

    Enjoy the event tomorrow @Nicebrit

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,592 Championing

    Omg that’s awful nobody should feel unsafe it’s shocking I hope you and your family manage to stay from it all.

    Good luck for tomorrow not that you’ll need it, I love your photo.

    Oh I hate having to take those preps I hope your not to uncomfortable.

    I hope your family manages to stay away from all the trouble.


  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,817 Championing

    Yeah we did consider going into town but glad we didn't now @Lou67

  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 4,409 Online Community Specialist

    I'm alright @Lou67, I haven't actually started it yet! Putting it off till after work so I'm not working on the loo 😋

    @Sandy_123 I find it fascinating. I also think though that some people can put too much into it. Knowing your ancestry is interesting and can be very fulfilling, but some people can make it their identity which I find a little odd?

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,592 Championing

    Good idea definitely lol

  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 4,409 Online Community Specialist

    They're very routine to me now, I haven't actually had one for six years nearly. I was due my five year checkup September last year, they've finally got around to doing it now 😋 I've mostly been in remission the past five years, though it has got a bit worse the past few months. Hopefully everything is alright though

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 7,069 Online Community Coordinator


    Morning everyone, I hope you all managed to stay safe and warm last night? Looks like things didn't kick off too badly. 😊

  • Teigr
    Teigr Community member Posts: 4,352 Championing

    Morning all.

    Yesterday's plan was to meet up with someone I talk to on another forum.We went out for lunch and had a bit of a mooch around the city centre,but we were all really tired so we were back at our hotels by half eight.

  • Teigr
    Teigr Community member Posts: 4,352 Championing

    There were rumours about riots being planned up here @Sandy_123 ,but all we saw was a police helicopter.

  • Marydoll5
    Marydoll5 Community member Posts: 552 Championing

    Good morning everyone from a dry sunny Beal Feirste! I'm going to get weighed now in Slimming World and have been really good this week so please all pray for weight loss for me 😬

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,592 Championing

    Morning all I hope yous have a good day whatever your plans are.
    Im not sure what I’m doing yet.

    I hope your not to tired maybe a coffee or 2 will sort you out😊

    Aww that’s lovely you got to meet up with someone from a forum and had lunch.
    I’ve built up an amazing friendship with someone who used to be on here a couple of years ago she’s an amazing friend. @Lulu_49

    Good luck I’m sure you’ll have done well.


  • Teigr
    Teigr Community member Posts: 4,352 Championing

    Good luck @Marydoll5 ,don't forget us when you're all svelte and gorgeous.

  • Teigr
    Teigr Community member Posts: 4,352 Championing

    We've been talking for a couple of years @Lou67 ,so it was lovely to finally meet up.

    They're going home today so we're meeting for coffee in a minute.

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,592 Championing

    Aww that’s great it’s amazing how you can meet someone on a forum and become great friends.
    I have a few good friends on here now but only met up with Lulu. Enjoy your coffee.


  • Marydoll5
    Marydoll5 Community member Posts: 552 Championing

    @teigr a couple of stone to move me from huffalump to mini huffaalump would be great lol