ASD/ADHD and Right to Choose



  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,860 Championing

    IIs ASD adhd and autism if so 100 percent but in my teens I wasn't quiet I used to be loud but think that was to hide dyslexia as didn't have a clue what teachers was on about only lesson I liked was art as lady wrote about being 52 and just diagnosed I understand I think I got Bpd and bdd through trauma of undiagnosed adhd and frustrating when yourelize all these years it wasn't all your fault hardest part is no career in and out of jobs relationships on out of trouble I'm not blaming everything on MH really wish I could get a job and hold it down hate being part of The system I'm sorry I was wrong to be so rude to you all you have been is helpful and supportive I appreciate that your a kind person to still offer me support thankyou

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,814 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    There's no need to apologise at all @Catherine21 it's all in the past, but thank you, it's really appreciated. 😊

    It's very common for women to get misdiagnosed with BPD as there's so many similarities to Autism. I can totally empathise though, being late diagnosed has been a blessing to me, but it does conjure up all kinds of other "what if" questions about my past. But it's allowed me to be more gentle with myself and I now know why I react to certain things like I do. So it's allowed me to grow as a person. I'm really hoping it'll help you too. 😊

  • apples
    apples Online Community Member Posts: 454 Empowering

    I’ve been referred for an asd assessment June last year and told the wait is 3 years, and recently been referred for adhd assessment told 3 year wait also, when I asked my gp about the adhd referral they said I was referred by email so I have no idea if it’s been done or not as not had any correspondence

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,860 Championing

    Can I ask what job you do ? I'm panicking think what job could I actually do thankyou for the message very kind and Yes instead of THE BELLS be screaming THIS HELL oh gotta to laugh I be wailing later

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,860 Championing

    I would google The gateway in your area mental health services that deals with referrals my area Reading where assessment takes place I phoned them yesterday they said yes on list can take four years but sending questionnaire through post as no good online definitely try that not a great response from your doctor

  • apples
    apples Online Community Member Posts: 454 Empowering

    Thanks Catherine, I will have a look but it’s hard for me to understand any of it tbh, when I last phone the service that my asd was referred to they said they were employing more staff this year due to the list but still saying the 3 years

    have You been referred for adhd and asd ?

  • egister
    egister Posts: 700 Empowering

    It is necessary to exempt from paying taxes while waiting for a doctor. Then I think doctors will appear in the NHS quickly.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,860 Championing

    How mine went was spoke to doctor about adhd and he gave me questionnaire filled out then he said he will refer me so then I received another form from assessment centre filled in sent back then I recieved email saying been accepted so on waiting list can take 4 years so I'd suggest you google nearest adhd assessment centre to you mines reading phone and ask if on list they will be able to tell you hope my message makes sense

  • Little_Owl
    Little_Owl Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected

    Has anyone used Dr J and colleagues for ADHD assessment? How was your experience? I'm planning to ask my GP for a referral but just wanted to make sure I'm chosing the right provider for me (I really dislike video calls, hence why I'm avoiding the online providers). Any suggestions on how to approach this with my GP?

  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing

    Hey @Little_Owl, the way it went for me was the GP went through a quick pre-assessment with me to see if I reached a certain threshold on that then they just put the referral through. It wasn't a very in-depth process. I was then able to use the referral to go to a reputable private clinic. The wait for the NHS clinic in my area was over 2 years at the time.

    If the first GP you speak to doesn't take it seriously I would suggest you could request a second opinion from one of the other doctors. I did not have that issue personally!

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,814 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    One important thing to check first @Little_Owl is whether the provider will be able to give you prescriptions for any ADHD medication you may decide you need. Many don't, so you'd need to go back through the NHS for another assessment (another 2+ years!) before you'd be allowed them.

  • Little_Owl
    Little_Owl Online Community Member Posts: 12 Connected

    Thanks @Jimm_Scope. I had a bad response from a GP when I asked for an autism assessment which is why I'm a bit worried about asking for this one. In the end it was my psychiatrist who referred me. I will obviously avoid that particular doctor but it's still a bit worrying.

    @Albus_Scope I have emailed the provider to check that they prescribe medication and they said that they do "titration" of medication which I took to be the same as prescribing? Titration generally means finding the right dose so I would assume that's OK.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,860 Championing

    Hell no I'm 53 and just been put on list I probley 57 when assessed and its really important to me as I can image it is for you too ! Well it's important because if you do get diagnosed work would have to put in reasonable adjustments not just that it's important for us all our life's struggling we been robbed of many years decades literally decades makes me so angry id go back and insist or I'd see another doctor your life your choice do not let them gaslight you x

  • NDME
    NDME Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected

    Ask another doctor. I've just been referred RTC and I'm even older. After and ADHD diagnosis in July.

    After a whole life lived in a secret battle no one knows anything about, it would gelp me make peace with myself.

    In fact I would ask to change doctors pronto. Which I do around 3 years ago. My doctor is lovely and I can completely open up to her. I rarely engaged with doctors before then, so my medical records are sparse.

  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing
    edited November 2024

    I would honestly complain about such a response. Putting aside whether an assessment was right or not the doctor shouldn't be talking to you like that. I can't imagine much would come of it but things like this do bother me a lot when they come from the professionals who are supposed to have some idea of how these conditions can affect a person.

    I would also, as others have recommended, speak to another doctor about this.

  • Amaya_Ringo
    Amaya_Ringo Online Community Member Posts: 246 Pioneering

    I was diagnosed with autism in 2005 and at the time my GP referred me but warned me it might be that I'd have to travel out of the area for an assessment. In the end I was lucky, I had an assessment in my area and within six months of being referred. But that was 2005. While everyone I know thinks I also have ADHD and my mother has been saying so since I was younger, I've just not thought about getting another assessment because a: I already have a ND diagnosis, and it's hard to know where one might end and the other begin, and b: I would be taking up space in the queue needed by people who haven't had any assessments yet.

    But talking to my ADHD diagnosed colleague is always interesting because we have points of clear overlap and then points where we are completely different (for example, she is much more confident in social situations than I am).

    Wishing everyone still waiting for assessment good luck and that they get the waiting lists down :)

  • Strawberry1
    Strawberry1 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 6,542 Championing


  • Strawberry1
    Strawberry1 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 6,542 Championing

    Those hugs for everyone here 🤗

  • Strawberry1
    Strawberry1 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 6,542 Championing

    Please take care of yourselves everyone 💜