ASD/ADHD and Right to Choose



  • TinaClarke
    TinaClarke Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener

    unfortunetly in Jan 2021 I had not heard of right to choose, even though I had waited from sept 2020 to get a handle on things (when i figured it out) before asking my gp. She referred me, I filled in a form and I've been on the waiting list ever since…i was 60 then I'm 65 now. I rang last year and they said another 18 months as they had several staff out on long term sick.

    I think the journey to the accessment is just as important, and i've learnt a lot by being the fb asd groups. I thought I had no stims, I do. I discovered my most intense traits, and more insight into melt downs so they are over quicker. How my family can say and do things to help me understand what's going on better. Humour, I have my own…i don't understand most humour lol.

    Anyways, If you got referred to the nhs directly, don't worry about the wait…though i could have done with the results because I wanted to put in for pip before I reach my pension age….

  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 13,405 Championing

    thank you for this as I didn't know about this

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 639 Pioneering

    Had my first Asd assessment in 2019, then final 2 in 2022