About the PM's (Sunak's) speech: Stop demonising us



  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 694 Pioneering

    What conditions do they say that not able to work. When it mentions chronic illness flexibility work conditions and older workers, seems that they want you to work with chronic conditions. Also I don't trust jobcentres that they may force you into something. I wish they would halt the transition to uc if they are going to simplify it

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,977 Championing

    I know I was so happy 2028 2029 trust me I'm gutted I remembered you wrote waiting for appointments MH phone gateway and tell them you need a closer appointment yep I don't trust jobcentres at all and I read they were asking for fit notes for esa lwcra you don't have to give Any as will trigger an new assessment also if you want your medical records fill out a SARS form can go back how many years you want I'm getting all mine sorted now so can see what my diagnosis are also if you need help with UC forms I definitely do scope can tell you who can help and CAB well thier testing the migration up north so let's hope they can see its ro unrealistic

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 694 Pioneering

    After watching the last debate on bbc1 ,I hope sunak doesn't get in again. A lady ask a question that she was disabled and the benefits, he basically kept on getting people into work, and goaed Kier Starmer who did not vote to cut it every chance he could. Odious little man.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,977 Championing

    It's the unknown it's horrendous ! oh hell No if he gets in that's it life done I'm preying labour sees us and treats us with respect

  • PAnderson
    PAnderson Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener

    I must have wasted 15 years of my life on useless work programmes designed to just make money for the people running them, and having to appeal benefit decisions. It feels as if I'm being punished more then helped.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,977 Championing

    It is like that in sure most of us have ptsd from assessments if you have illnesses from trauma the assessments have taken me done to dark places if I could be independent I would it's hard living this life not knowing your future will you lose everything not living life like other people feels like no hope its terrible what they do I couldn't sleep at night knowing my lies cause suicide and great emotional stress on the most vulnerable absolutely vile shame on them

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 694 Pioneering

    They don't care, they live in their make believe world, looking down on us the little people, and disabled people seem to be at the bottom of the pile where Sunak is concerned. They spend billions of tax payers money on rubbish like HS2, PPE contracts , Rwanda etc then they take it out us and the pittance we get and because our bodies aren't working ,we seem a easy target.

  • yellowmoon23
    yellowmoon23 Scope Member Posts: 6 Connected

    What you’ve both written is an accurate reflection of how you manipulate populations. In order to engage in the wholesale eradication of a group you must first demonise them. It starts with one extremist group. Typically there is some pushback, but eventually it gets some momentum, then it gets mainstream coverage. The affected group are increasingly less seen as individuals but as other, words like other, vermin, burden, are very popular to use to increase the rift. By this point mainstream politicians see an opportunity, they can ride the crest of this isolated group who are typically too disparate, too poor, and not organised enough to fight back. Roughly where we are now. It progresses, other parties adopt the same policy, it happened with student grants vs loans, at one time is was 100% for grants, now it’s 100% for loans, effectively making education unaffordable to many, and costing more to run than the old system, but it generates guaranteed profit and jobs for those at the top.

    Now it becomes a squabble over who can be the most cruel and vindictive. The country apes the attitudes of politicians driven by the media, who pushed this idea to politicians in the first place. Now you’ve created the other, it’s a short step now to determine the boundaries of who lives, who dies. The public accept it, as they’ll be sold on improving the bloodline, organ and fluid harvesting where possible, and savings on the government budget. We’ll be executed for profit. Nobody is going to step in to save us. I doubt wecan save ourselves. We can be monetised to make profits for billionaires.

    Think it can’t happen? In America jobs for their concentration camps for babies and children under 12, deemed by international observers as inhumane, unfit for human habitation, cruel, a crime against humanity, jobs were oversubscribed about 20 times over. They sell the more white looking ones, and others that fit a customers wish list. The US government argued in court they had “a right” to hold children and babies in these inhumane conditions. Before you damn Trump, the camps were built under Obama, who withdrew from the Rome Accords Stature on Human Rights citing that America didn’t need international oversight against crimes against humanity. They can’t be prosecuted for crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court. I know, I wrote and tried to bring charges myself. They agree it’s inhumane, criminal, but America does not belong to the signatories, along with just 29 other countries, most of which are vile inhumane dictatorships, and America is better than that supposedly.

    An equivalent to the Aktion T4 programme is not only possible under current government plans it is looking increasingly likely. Unfortunately for most of us we’ll be easy to find, I just got back from the pain management clinic, my data is all over the NHS, Government departments, the Council, I’m registered disabled, registered partially sighted, registered socially isolated, registered vulnerable. I’m not hard to find, and I couldn’t make a run for it if I wanted.

    The worst of it will come when all of us with obvious issues have been removed, then they deem left handers, left footers, green eyes, uneven boobs, no ear lobes, needing glasses, coughing just once too often, skin colour, something in your DNA, they become the categories to determine life or death.

    i fully expect in my lifetime, what’s left of it, that involuntary euthanasia will become a thing. First they will ask for volunteers, in exchange for say debt forgiveness, name engraved on a wall of heroes, you will but put to death, your body harvested for anything useful, samples recorded for future research. But they’ll soon run out of volunteers and they’ll set certain criteria, these will get increasingly strict and narrow. But, bear in mind the end game, a handful of billionaires will get a tiny fraction wealthier at our expense, and we won’t be spoiling their view.

    It all starts by demonising the disabled as “other”, getting people to stop thinking of us as people, but purely as a burden, a burden crippling the average person, and that, in these difficult times for everyone,is ridiculously easy to achieve! It’s already working.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,977 Championing

    Surly charities are working on our behalf

  • PAnderson
    PAnderson Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener

    I know of charities who do it for their own benefits. They get lottery awards and council funding to pay themselves a wage, while doing as little as possible for the vulnerable people they work for.

    They also support government policies, than campaigning to change things for the better

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,977 Championing

    I got a response from labour emai don't know how to share on here

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,977 Championing

    I set an email to scope online community??? Want people to see it how do u share

  • Cantilip
    Cantilip Online Community Member Posts: 621 Empowering

    Disabled people aren't an outgroup like immigrants or Jews, who can be separated from mainstream society. Sick and disabled people are aunts, cousins, nephews, nieces, grandfathers. People recognize people get sick. People know when they visit their grandparents Grandpa can't walk to the door. I think people's perceptions depend a lot on whether they feel isolated and the people immediately around them.

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 694 Pioneering

    Got a reply back for 2nd email from Sir Keir Starmer

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 694 Pioneering

    I did try to post the email I got but it didn't come through

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,977 Championing

    Yh how do you share on here trying for hours be intreasted to see if we got the same response

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,977 Championing

    Letter was nice ot spoke alpt about supporting back to work but noting of you couldn't work but obviously good they responded imaging tories doing that hell no

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 694 Pioneering

    Don't know I selected, copied and pasted, look ok but it then it disappeared. It says what Labour want to do to help disabled people. It does mention help into work but not in a bullying way the torys are

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,977 Championing

    Yes I was surprised I been emailing my local no mp never response

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 694 Pioneering

    My mp was a tory and stepped down, he was useless anyway