General election - party’s manifestos published this week starting 10th june



  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,288 Championing
    edited June 2024

    Not so different from yours or anyone else's I would imagine?

    I've mentioned authentic twice in GE discussion threads so that probably matters to me.

    Policy wise - they need cross-party support to effect change whoever gets into power. Some of them know how to sweet-talk or bamboozle the electorate and that's what they do to attract votes! Lend us your vote worked, didn't it and asking people to use their common sense 🙄

    I think politics took a dive when Theresa May began hugging world leaders and her colleagues, something MT never did and rightly so.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,288 Championing
    edited June 2024


    Nearly two-thirds of eligible voters did not vote in the 2016 referendum but in any case, the vote was not binding! It was a political choice and certainly not "the will of the people".

    GE result is binding. No comparison.

  • Meg24
    Meg24 Online Community Member Posts: 369 Trailblazing

    THe only thing the Libdems missed out was a free unicorn for every household…

    It's easy to make great promises when you have zero chance of being in power. A coalition is just not on the cards this time, thank goodness after the car crash of the last one.

    Labour simply must come out and say they are not going to make the country's poor and vulnerable pay to fix everything. If they can't do this then I think we all need to take a good hard look at the state of ourselves. Are we really the sort of peoples who are going to be happily watch people die and live in abject poverty rather than be honest about who are the real leeches in the world? Hint, there aren't very many of them and they've got more than half the world's money...

  • Meg24
    Meg24 Online Community Member Posts: 369 Trailblazing

    Everyone apart from me in my family is a high earner and would be better off under the Tories proposals. However the cost would see me homeless and with nothing left to live for. Would you be happy to sacrifice a family member for a few extra takeaways?

  • MW123
    MW123 Scope Member Posts: 890 Championing

    Meg, try not to worry too much. I know it's easier said than done. While high-earning families might have financial incentives to support Tory policies, many working families with average salaries struggle to make ends meet. Consequently, they are more likely to prioritise policies that offer broader social benefits. A mere 2% reduction in national insurance again is unlikely to have the same impact on regular working people as it does on high earners. So, while your family members might favour the policy, I wouldn't worry too much about its appeal to the broader working population. Trust me, even middle earners are sick to the back teeth of the Tories.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,288 Championing

    Heck no woodbine. Where did you find that gem?

    A political choice then as I said, not binding.

  • Remina
    Remina Online Community Member Posts: 225 Empowering
    edited June 2024

    What I find frustrating is that it's already been established by the LSE that a very small 'wealth tax' of 1% a year on multi-millionaire couples in the UK would raise 260 billion pounds, which in-and-of itself would be more than enough to pay for an ENTIRE year's welfare budget in the UK (which is estimated at 240 billion pounds).

    But instead, as usual the poorest people are forced to remain as scapegoats for the elites.. The sick/disabled are demonised as being 'burdens on the taxpayer' and that we are causing the country to 'run out of money' when the truth is that the smallest amount of tax on the richest people would completely fund/offset ALL of the much needed financial help and support that the sick, disabled and poorest people in this country truly require and deserve.

    The sheer greed of these people, instead of applying a simple, insignificant 1% tax on the richest people in this country to offset the welfare bill, they would rather continue to demonise us and slash further at the benefit system, inparticular the disability benefit system, something which should ALWAYS be there to help the most at-risk and vulnerable people in our society..

    It's a sickening state of affairs.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,288 Championing

    Heck no WhatThe!

    Two-thirds of eligible voters did not vote for Brexit!

    (say what you mean and mean what you say)

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,288 Championing

    …and apologies to woodbine

  • Lostsoul13
    Lostsoul13 Online Community Member Posts: 122 Connected

    I’m voting green unless Labour can give some definite answers about benefits and bip- their manifesto is amazing for us..

    5% uplift of pip 40 extra for uc and esa etc

    Getting my vote??

  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 5,691 Scope Online Community Specialist

    Oh, @apple85 you should be able to find the old thread now. An unconnected action removed it! I managed to delve back and bring it back from the dead.

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 766 Championing
    edited June 2024

    Edit* post I forgot to post yesterday - I have the Tory manifesto highlighted ready to be paired with labour manifesto

    I’m just about to go through the Tory manifesto and condense down via screenshots and a blue highlighter (hope a bit of my soul doesn’t die in the process!)

    I will post on Thursday or Friday once labours manifesto is out and I’ve gone through it with a red highlighter and I’ll post minutes within each other so they can be compared practically side to side

    I will also do the same with the Green Party, snp, and reform manifesto’s as that rounds out the most significant players (unless people want parties like Sinn Fein, dup, etc……. Include)

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 766 Championing

    Green party manifesto highlights (whole pages posted for context):

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 766 Championing

    I agree that the green manifesto is the most disability friendly manifesto so far

    However a member described the Lib Dem manifesto as a ‘unicorn’ - something I disagree with - however I think part of their point was that the smaller party manifestos (such as greens, Lib Dem’s and reform - snp is the exception to the rule as they are a small uk political party but the last decade have been a dominant large party for Scotland so they have opportunities to carry out their manifesto plans - I’m personally interested in the snp manifesto when it drops as Scottish disability benefits are being taken a different route than the rest of the uk) are idealistic at best because chances are they will never be in power to carry them out. However this allows the freedom to come up with ambitious ideas that may actually trigger real ‘change’ the big 2 parties are prattling on about but only producing hot air

    The thing is that the greens have stated that their election target is 4 seats (specifically Brighton Pavilion, Bristol Central, North Herefordshire and Waveney Valley) - there are 650 total mp seats……..can’t do much with 4 backbenchers

    The Lib Dem’s could get anywhere between 25 and 70 seats (and the way sunak and the tories are imploding, have a shot in a very dimly lit room in terms of being the party in opposition and having the platform that comes with that

    if love to see the Lib Dem’s & green’s collaborate together as if one of the big 2 parties presents a libdem/greens merged manifesto clone id be a pretty happy duck right now (still don’t think any party is being inventive enough/thinking outside the box and there is many issues and past events all parties are conveniently ignoring or bypassing)

    finally a bit off topic but I’ll leave the following below (note: from newsnight on the bbc from a few nights back - I listened to the attached video, all text on tweet are direct quotes from Lucas):

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 766 Championing

    I know many will criticise me for saying the following but I actually have time for Rory Stewart (Grew up in a somewhat privileged Tory stronghold - to me both disgraceful and decent Tory mps, members and voters have existed in my lifetime) - a very interesting read of the small print of being a mp

  • Meg24
    Meg24 Online Community Member Posts: 369 Trailblazing

    Unless you live a Brighton it's a wasted vote I'm afraid. They cannot win and their policies will not be implemented. If and when we ever get proportional representation, *that will be the time to give them your vote for power.

  • Lostsoul13
    Lostsoul13 Online Community Member Posts: 122 Connected

    let’s see what Labour manifesto is tomorrow… hopefully as good as greens. :) or at least some hope..

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 766 Championing

    I am keeping an eye out for the labour manifesto and will post the highlighted screenshots alongside the tories ones I’ve already prepared

  • Meg24
    Meg24 Online Community Member Posts: 369 Trailblazing

    My heart is in my mouth right now. I think the best outcome we can hope for is that they say nothing tbh. I hope someone is noticing just how effing scared we all are and put a stop to these attacks

  • Lostsoul13
    Lostsoul13 Online Community Member Posts: 122 Connected

    pretty much nothing about pip or benefits just getting people into work. Such disappointing manifesto..