UC managed migration guide



  • mason50
    mason50 Community member Posts: 61 Contributor

    oh really ? Thanks for the reassurance. I’ve not been sleeping properly because of the worry . I’m so sorry you also feel judged

  • mason50
    mason50 Community member Posts: 61 Contributor

    yes poppy I get sdp . I had to look it up to see what it meant . Will I lose this once I claim UC ?

  • mason50
    mason50 Community member Posts: 61 Contributor

    I will look for my esa letter today and see if I get sdp, what is SDP ? Thanks so much for the reassurance

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 2,980 Championing

    Severe Disability Premium. On the ESA letter it says something like 'extra money due to severely disabled person' and is around £80 a week now. Was previously £66 a week if you have an older letter.

    SDP is a legacy benefit so you will lose it when migrating to UC. However the Transitional Protection should cover it, so your overall UC rate shouldn't be any lower than ESA + SDP rate was.

  • mason50
    mason50 Community member Posts: 61 Contributor

    thank you so much .

  • mason50
    mason50 Community member Posts: 61 Contributor

    poppy when do you think I should apply for UC ? I have untill 20th November but I also want to make sure I have money for food over Christmas

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,087 Championing

    That's up to you. If you apply on 20th November then your assessment periods for UC will be 20th to 19th of every month and your payment date would be 26th of every month. Unless payment date falls on a bank holiday or weekend and then payment will be the Friday before. (or the last working day before) This means your first payment would be 24th December because 26th is Boxing Day.

    Don't forget your Income Related ESA and housing benefit continue for 2 weeks once you submit the claim for UC.

  • mason50
    mason50 Community member Posts: 61 Contributor

    I might wait untill nearer to the 20th November to apply then I didn’t know I could do it right near the 20th . I will do it maybe 1 week before that date . Thanks so much for answering my questions

  • JWool
    JWool Community member Posts: 1 Listener

    I'm wondering if anyone could clarify a scenario:

    A person was receiving IR ESA and in the Support group. Person was also claiming Housing Benefit.

    Person's capital exceeds £16k and they come off IR ESA and HB. They do have an entitlement to CB ESA and continue to receive this.

    Person's capital drops below £16k and they need to claim help with housing costs which they can now only do through UC.

    Person is unsure whether they should ask ESA to put the IR element back in payment and then claim UC which will guarantee they go straight into the LCWRA group and receive transitional protection, or just claim UC straight away.

    Essentially, if you are only receiving CB ESA but were previously in the IR support group, will UC automatically put you into a group still or would you have to provide a Fit Note and go through the WCA?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,087 Championing

    They will only be entitled to Transitional Protection if their ESA would include the Severe disability Premium, if they claimed the Income Related top up. If it wouldn't include this then there will be no TP because you only receive this when claiming through managed migration.

    As they are already in the Support Group their UC will include the LCWRA element, regardless of whether their ESA is CB or Income Related.

    When they claim UC their CB ESA will continue as normal but be deducted in full from any UC entitlement.

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Community member Posts: 258 Empowering

    With Alternative payment, how do I ask about it once i get a letter. I'm Autistic. Also I'm worried about the rent. My Housing Benefit is paid straight to my housing association, can they still do that.

    Catherine 21 did Stephens Timms reply.?

    Honestly all this worry is making me feel ill , sometimes I wish I wasn't here, but I have my cats to look after. This Labour government is making me feel depressed. That letter that I wrote and kier starmer wrote about being kind to disabled people is lies I fear. Look what he's doing to the pensioners. If he wanted to surely they can halt the migration to UC from esa , back to what it was originally.

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 2,980 Championing

    You can ask for an APA through the journal when you start the claim.

    Yes, the housing element of UC can still be paid directly to your housing association.

  • vikki66
    vikki66 Posts: 209 Connected


    I just did mine - they asked do you want the housing paid straight to landlord during my telephone interview.

  • mason50
    mason50 Community member Posts: 61 Contributor

    vikki66 , could you tell me please how the whole process went when you moved over to UC . Did you get called in for an interview? And what evidence, documents did you need to provide? Thanks

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,021 Empowering

    He did it's on one of my posts under caption Define oh try not to worry I know it's stressful just take one day at a time your strong it will be OK once you got UC put the way thays one major thing done yes labour nit the labour I remember what gives me hope is with the winter fuel payments thier having debate on it so people are sticking up for the vulnerable he's a law unto himself but people will push back I read being taken to court for something to do with taxing private schools people had enough pls pls don't make yourself more ill I know it's not easy but look at all the things that have happened in our life's and we got through it all it's the fear of the unknown that gets us look at your furbabies and say thankgod I have you loads of cuddles we will be OK just think there is millions of us all in this together ❤️

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,021 Empowering

    Million questions did you fimd it easy to get through on phone line did they ask for statements thankyuu

  • vikki66
    vikki66 Posts: 209 Connected


    I’ve got something I need to do now, but can respond to you later.

  • mason50
    mason50 Community member Posts: 61 Contributor

    thank you so much

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Community member Posts: 258 Empowering

    I think I will go to the CAB to see if they will do it.for me

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Community member Posts: 258 Empowering

    Just asking for those who had no photo ID , can't use bus pass. I know you had to go for a interview what sort of things do they ask or you need to take for ID. ?