Understanding and Addressing Behaviours of Concern in CP

Richard_Scope Posts: 3,631 Cerebral Palsy Network

Understanding and Addressing Behaviours of Concern

This online session will help parents, carers and other adults to make sense of what a child, young person or adult’s behaviours mean and explore ways of reducing behaviours of concern. Focus will be placed on practical assessment and intervention tools that can be used in the home environment, and that will support a child or adult to develop more helpful ways of communicating their needs.

In this session you will learn:

  • How to understand what a child or adults’ behaviours mean, when they cannot communicate their needs orally
  • How to make sense of a child or young person’s or adult’s behaviours of concern , using some simple assessment tools
  • How to focus on a priority behaviour and how to use strategies that help to reduce this
  • How to support a child or adult to develop more effective ways of communicating what they want and need
  • How to work out what kind of activities will help them to feel more regulated

The session includes a mixture of presentation, demonstration of items, case examples and practical considerations.  Opportunity will be given for questions and discussion.

  • Please ensure that you have an updated version of Zoom installed on your device.
  • NB, while the case examples used will be of individuals who have Cerebral Palsy, much of the content will be transferrable for those working with individuals who have a different physical impairment.
  • NB, while the case examples used will mainly be of children who have Cerebral Palsy, much of the content will be transferrable for those working with adults who have Cerebral Palsy.
  • Copy of presentation and certificates of attendance will be provided to participants.

Who is this programme for? 

This session is designed for parents, caregivers, health professionals, and teachers. Please note that this event is not suitable for individuals with cerebral palsy.

  • Date: Thursday 29th August
  • Venue: This is an online webinar. Once you have registered we will supply you with joining instructions.

Register for this Cerebral Palsy Scotland training Event