Official thread: ‘Get Britain Working’ White Paper released Tuesday 26th November



  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,372 Championing

    i seen a post somewhere else that says they will be talking about white paper on dispatches? Does anyone know

  • JW77
    JW77 Online Community Member Posts: 170 Empowering

    Coming onto this thread on 1st December.

    B&W highlights the key points of the document

    Four priorities

    The White Paper sets out four priority areas that it intends to deal with in order to get disabled claimants into work.

    1  Improving the health of the population.

    2  Mobilising local leadership to tackle economic inactivity.

    3  Supporting employers to promote healthy workplaces.

    4  Reforming the system of health and disability benefits.

    I'll go on points 1 or 2, and what I think are opportunities, and why I think that's gonna be tough.

    Keypoints . If you're gonna improve health you have to.
    *Make healthy food accessible - this means subsidising organic production, and reducing our reliance on ultra processed cheap foods
    *Change the way food is prepared for those who do and can cook (and this will link in with housing as well, ie solar, cheaper cooking/heating/ saving costs. Now there are several points where I think the gov will fail.
    Also on health improvements

    *Ending car dependency . All most EVERY new housing development is car dependent with very few transport links, wether cycling/bus, tram or train.
    If you reduce the number of cars you make it better for everyone and enable car use for those who NEED a car to get around. Some disabled, or emergency services.
    This is why countries and towns that do this generally have a healthier population.

    2 - with bust local councils, often contracting out services at a higher price - this baffles

    3 & 4 - 3 baffles me a bit ?
    I put 3 into DEEP AI chat and got a good long answer and a summary
    3  Supporting employers to promote healthy workplaces.
    "Supporting employers in promoting healthy workplaces requires a proactive and integrated approach. By offering education, resources, and a supportive culture, you can help organizations create environments where employees thrive both personally and professionally." Now I can see a lot of big employers that will seek exemption, or small employers that its just not suitable.

    Likewise with 4 4  Reforming the system of health and disability benefits.
    " Key Considerations:

    • Equity: Always prioritize equity in access and treatment for all populations.
    • Sustainability: Consider the long-term sustainability of funded reforms.
    • Flexibility: Be prepared to adjust the plans based on feedback and changing circumstances.

    Successful reform requires time, patience, and collaboration among diverse groups to truly improve the health and disability benefits system for those it serves."

    That made me chuckle internally - with the DWP as it is… Which basically tries to serve itself, and not those it's supposed to!

    Those are my thoughts anyway..

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 809 Trailblazing

    Thinks it tomorrow on channel 4 or bbc1 at 9pm

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 809 Trailblazing

    The thing is everything should go through planning and Labour are always changing their minds. So unless it's final try not not worry. Try and take your mind of things

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,534 Championing
    edited December 2024

    Dispatches - Monday at 8pm on Channel 4.

    There's an even tougher one scheduled for 17th December. Google if you want to know more.

  • Remina
    Remina Online Community Member Posts: 275 Empowering
    edited December 2024

    I'll definately be missing that Dispatches episode, it is hosted by Fraser Nelson, who in the past has made some incredibly cruel and hurtful comments about people on sickness/disability benefit, in 2016 he was quoted as saying ''Putting these people back into work is tough love in the long term..''

    In the past he also referred to social housing estates in Scotland as ''scummy'' and gave speeches at ERSA workfare events where he said that sickness benefit recipients should ''make more effort..''

    So in my opinion this episode of dispatches will probably be just another anti-benefits propaganda piece which puts sick/disabled benefit claimants in a bad light to rile up the general public, no different from trashy tv shows like 'benefit street' etc which try to depict people on benefits as lazy and unwilling to work.. I could be wrong and this episode of Dispatches could be unbias, but I won't hold my breath, especially considering who is hosting it and his horrendous track record for cruel comments about sickness benefit claimants.

    Fraser Nelson says that sick/disabled benefit claimants are ''trapped on benefits'', I reply to him with I am not 'trapped', my sickness benefits are the only thing that actually allow me to survive, without these sickness benefits I would die as I simply can't work in my current condition, end of story.

    Disabled benefit claimants need respect, care and understanding, we do not need more propaganda aimed at demonising us as being some kind of burden on society.

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 809 Trailblazing
  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,036 Championing

    Dispatches actually did a documentary in 2021, I don't recall seeing that one.

    The truth about disability benefits.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,372 Championing

    Oh some tory going to laying down hard on us so the point of this is to get more public hating on us

  • Tumilty
    Tumilty Online Community Member Posts: 179 Empowering

    Agree, they probably will be an assessor who doesn't know anything about your history that will make a decision in one meeting. A friend had an ATOS interview once, she broke down in it crying as he was so hard, was suicidal after. He thought she was putting it on.

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 883 Championing

    sorry for not getting back to you @Catherine21 on your question

    Honestly the commons vote on Black Friday affected me more than I thought it would and in all frankness if (and it is still an IF) said ‘bill that must not be named’ passes into law it would alter my viewpoint when I mention things like ‘compromise’ as that would signal labour having no interest in ‘fairness’ nor all disabled persons well-being - it’s already difficult enough to entertain ‘trusting’ and working with the dwp but this may close that door entirely for me

    Anyways, when I say compromise I am basically asking what would the disabled & labour/dwp want the welfare system to be in an ideal world?

    • I imagine many disabled would like to simply sign onto welfare with the paperwork being enough (no phone or face to face assessments) and your health status being believed with no questions asked & no strings attached. No more brown envelopes and being left alone by the dwp and jobcentre (but you can anonymously ask for help doing work IF and when you yourself deem you are ready……if you ever are)………feel free to add or subtract from this ideal claimant wish list summary
    • I think what labour/dwp want in their ideal scenario is clear - for the welfare to be significantly reduced (by 50%+) and the amount of claimants to be massively reduced and the number of ppl in jobs and paying taxes to massively increase. I think more perverted members of gov probably wish that disabled ppl in society would just disappear as for obvious reasons we ‘cost’ the state more than our fully abled counterparts

    now neither side will get their ideal scenario……….it’s unrealistic and probably impossible

    Hence compromise is needed (where both sides both give/concide something but get something we want back…….in an ideal worlds an fair 50:50 split)

    Unfortunately labour and the dwp hold significantly more cards than the disabled community on this (not helped by many of the general public being manipulated by right wing press to see disabled as scrounger drains on society and same said public unwillingness to listen to the other side of the reality of being disabled & claiming welfare) - hence picking and choosing battles…….basically what are the priorities on the top of our wish list and also areas you’d be more willing to give the dwp ground on if the circumstances are right

    I’ve always said that I will listen to labour if they are being fair and open to compromise and collaboration (a lot of disability charities have welcomed the direction the white paper is going in………but there’s a big BUT on upcoming welfare reforms and cuts which could slam the door on any idea of compromise if it turns out the gov just wants to take huge amounts from the disabled but only offer ‘crumbs’ in return!

    the way starmer is running labour (and the increasing feeling of ‘betrayal’ from many quarters of the uk population- not just the disabled) I’m starting to wondering if the (petty) version of myself may just bin all my questions and empathy towards labours uk economy and broken welfare system and replace them with a singular question - if I’m fudged regardless who’s in charge do I want to ‘flip the bird’ at starmer in the show of defiance that I still have control and choice over!

    also @Catherine21 - I know how overwhelmed you get and I’d recommend you don’t watch the dispatches tonight…… you gain nothing for knowing the details of what uneducated bullies say about claimants and disabled and the insults are always the same (I’m not going to watch it as I don’t have a tv licence as streaming is cheaper and also it’s crappy Xmas film season and I have a lot of hallmark movies to get through the next 3 weeks - my time is precious 😝)

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,534 Championing
    edited December 2024


  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 883 Championing

    I’m 90% certain your comment above was aimed at me as I do like looking at the larger long term picture (and know some members aren’t able to but may want to consider it)

    I’ve been posting on the scope forum for a good few years and yes the mods have asked me to rephrase some times I post as I can be a very blunt black or white thinker (which for those who don’t know me can sound very brutal and almost ‘kick up the backside’ - but I value being honest which at times may see mean but I certainly don’t want to be mean for the sake of being mean)

    When I mentioned the threat of a Tory/reform gov slipping in in 4 years time it’s because from what they’ve quoted in 2024 it sounds like they’ll target every disabled person, including those amazing disabled ppl already working but need pip to remain doing so and those who have worked most of their adult life until disability forced them to stop not out of choice. There are many scope members that clearly want to do more but dwp rules stop them and/or the help isn’t available and it’s very hard to do things alone. But yes there are some people who identify as disabled who when reading between the lines clearly don’t want to give back and only want to take - but the majority of disabled that I talk to are decent ppl and I’m sure they would think about how they can contribute to society in a way that is safe for them but right now because of the way the dwp currently operate that isn’t possible but I for one hope labour legit transforms the dwp/jobcentre culture so more on the scope forum feel safe in having discussions in how to give back in a safe and yes even enjoyable manner

    (And when I say contribution to society, I don’t just mean full time work (which in all honestly if labour got even 10% of the long term sick safely into work then they’ve overachieved………….i don’t think the majority of those on long time sickness welfare will ever be able to full time work as many things can’t be treated or cured and even those conditions that are you need to address asap to have any chance to reverse but the gov & nhs & society stereotypes have let those ppl down) - I also mean part time and self employment but even more so I’m talking volunteering and generally being able to offer help to someone else without potentially losing your award from trying to do something positive. I think the dwp and Kendall need to ditch their obsession to the word ‘work’ as they are setting the disabled and themselves up for failure (which is why I prefer the term ‘contribution’ and why if Kendall has any common sense she’d introduce more volunteering schemes)

    both this post and my previous posts I had no intention to be malicious - however you described (what I presume was) me as aggressive, toxic, derogatory and hurtful (and prehaps implying that I’m not truly a member of the disabled community) which I can’t read in any other way as intended attacks towards me. Lots of members don’t agree with some or even all my posts but they are more polite when they disagree with me or accept everyone has differing opinions - and honestly your post has been eating at me for the past 48hrs and I don’t think I deserved that

    also I know the scope moderators do their upmost to be fair and use the best possible language (not easy considering how easily some in society get offended over the smallest thing these day - the concept of being ‘cancelled’ needs to be cancelled imo) so I don’t think the part of your post about the mods was very fair

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 883 Championing

    okay, I’m worried about the increase in members asking AI and/or ChatGPT questions on welfare including this white people

    Go to the written or spoken source from an actual human being - ChatGPT imo is less reliable than many journalists

    there’s a reason why many say welfare decisions should stay human based and not machine based AI!

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 883 Championing
    edited December 2024
  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 809 Trailblazing

    Have you ever considered emailing Kendall about the idea of volunteering for the disabled instead of work for those unable to hold down a job, myself included now. Labour haven't exactly got a brain cell between them, and they don't understand what we need.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,534 Championing

    apple, that comment was written by kitsmum on 30th November then quoted by MadMilan - page 9

  • JasonRA
    JasonRA Online Community Member Posts: 160 Pioneering

    I was reading through this thread and it should be reminded that tact goes along way.

    It's very easy to become insular when subjects like this come up because money pays the bills, buys the food ect because nobody else will but we're all in the same situation in our own ways.

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