Autism child dla

frogspawn12 Online Community Member Posts: 34 Connected

High I have mentioned the DLA award high rate care needs which I agree with the mobility award I did not agree the award is 10 years

The motility part I sent clear evidence of the challenges out side on a journey a school letter a echp plan previous to this at play school

This was picked up at 3 years old and had to limit play school. Hours now this is the school half days due to her being overwhelmed running off and becoming aggressive due to her condition also they have taken her on a swimming learning and. Had gold of her hand spontaneous she leaped into the pool without thought and the member staff jumped in to save her she is challenging going any were



  • Mary_Scope
    Mary_Scope Posts: 743 Scope Online Community Children and Family Specialists

    Hi @frogspawn12

    This sounds like a frustrating situation especially as you provided so much evidence, are you going to appeal the decision for the mobility component of DLA?

  • frogspawn12
    frogspawn12 Online Community Member Posts: 34 Connected

    Yes am doing mandatory reconsideration

    The asseser for what ever reason has stated that my daughter needs are only On unfamiliar journeys ?

    Due to the award being given for hogh rate care and low motobility for 10 years I do feel her needs are high motobility I just know I have to do this for her

  • frogspawn12
    frogspawn12 Online Community Member Posts: 34 Connected

    Ok called DLA asked for mandatory as I felt she needs physical support outside on any journey not just unfamiliar "i don't know what reason they assumed this " the school are giving me a letter stating the staff car park had to be open for access due to daughter bolting off and picking her up at half days due to high anxiety means I turn up at 12 but am unable to leave due to walk refusel or meltdown etc I hope that be ok I know they gave 10 year award but it is not about the money it is the transport needs safe reliable space as it is taking a very hard emotional roll on her stress levels without it and I am physically tired out

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    You mentioned DLA and then unfamiliar and familiar journeys but that's for PIP, not DLA. PIP is for those aged 16 and over. DLA is for those under 16. They are both totally different benefits.

  • frogspawn12
    frogspawn12 Online Community Member Posts: 34 Connected

    My apologise for child some one under 16 I try my best to get advice but I have been made responsible for varies different problems that need different advisers or support

    Thank you poppy