Speculation about government changes for PIP..



  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    Yes last October was horrific I bet all of us been on fight or flight mode day in day out all different things I

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    BBut That's the point it hard enough now to get pip if that's the one health benefit by 2028 2029 literally no one will qualify I think if you get an award now that' last after 2029 2030 your be ok that's my thoughts

  • Setsuka
    Setsuka Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener

    I’ve read the Telegraph, Dailymail, and GB news articles. They allege the reforms are targeted at tightening the definitions of mental health eligibility and being more specific at which condition are ‘true’ mental health. Conditions like Anxiety as listed as expensive. Another area is more proof will be required to qualify; they don’t expand upon what this means.

    Good news is that the cash for voucher scheme seems to be rejected.

  • Ray212
    Ray212 Online Community Member Posts: 602 Empowering

    Indeed, I am no expert on the subject but the best I can say and I say this to everyone about most things, not just this site is don't worry until you have something to worry about.

    In other words no point worrying about things that may not even exist/come true

  • mangomungo
    mangomungo Online Community Member Posts: 140 Empowering

    Which targets me directly as I’ve just had to claim pip for my mental health as I’ve been left so long with no help that I require my partner to become my legal carer, I mean why don’t they target people who are already a safeguarding risk for taking their own lives, just strip us of our money and peace of mind, that’ll get rid of us completely

  • Zipz
    Zipz Online Community Member Posts: 1,650 Empowering
    edited January 11
  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 663 Pioneering

    What about autism, ? I got high rate for that and standard for mobility. My mobility has worsend since .I have copd. But haven't put it in again as I was given 10 years at the end of 22.

  • Setsuka
    Setsuka Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener

    There’s no mentions of specific conditions, just vague stigmatisation of mental health claimants like we saw with Sunak and the Tories.

    Honestly, the writers of these articles are just guessing like we are. I’m trying not to worry as well.

  • KG100
    KG100 Online Community Member Posts: 259 Empowering
    edited January 11

    The same thing happened to some people I knew who were on indefinite awards. When they changed it to PIP they changed them to a lesser time frames.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    WHat does true mental health mean and anxiety listed as expensive sorry don't understand

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    What's this levelling up white paper can't read it all but seems it's always been in pipeline I reckon thier trying to come from a holistic approach go for a walk for 30 mins a day eat well sleep well the way the whole world is going it's all planned firstly it will start with new claimants all we can hope is ellen clifford made some dents but if it's preplanned noting can do but two years to even find out what they class as acceptable diagnosis for benefits I've been close to drinking again one minute up the next down it's cruel but none of them care

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 663 Pioneering

    Oh ok, thanks Poppy. Don't they know what they are doing to us. Reeves failure. They could of done good when they came in, instead of these harebrain ideas. Spending money abroad. Mad climate things like solar. Its not that sunny in the uk. Larry the cat could run the government better

  • Kaliwax
    Kaliwax Online Community Member Posts: 93 Empowering

    I feel physically sick now.

    I know ive just got my PIP renewed for 6 years till 2030, but still its extremely worrying what this government has got planned for us.

    It will end in travesty, im absolutely terrified. This is scary stuff.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing
  • Ironside1990
    Ironside1990 Online Community Member Posts: 285 Empowering

    Yes. I claim for cerebral palsy, which is a neurological condition.

  • Kaliwax
    Kaliwax Online Community Member Posts: 93 Empowering
    edited January 11


    Although I think which would happen is those who get PIP for any Mental Health Issue, to get vouchers weekly. so they can get private help, than rather wait on the NHS for things like therapy. Therapy on NHS only gets you a certain amount, whereas on Private you can get as many as you want, as long as you pay and I presume this could happen with vouchers

  • Zipz
    Zipz Online Community Member Posts: 1,650 Empowering
    edited January 11
  • YogiBear
    YogiBear Online Community Member Posts: 39 Contributor

    Please remember that these media reports are all speculation at the moment. The government have not yet said what's coming down the line and by them not saying what the changes are it is causing people anxiety. Granted I think there's going to be changes but we'll just have to wait until the Spring to find out.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,889 Championing

    I agree try to keep hope but signs are there I'm sure your be more than OK if till 2030 I go through times of feeling OK then blind terror