WCA consultation ruled unlawful - White paper, part 2



  • stay_positive
    stay_positive Online Community Member Posts: 412 Empowering

    I think all this is just causing more anxiety, worrying before we know what is what .

    If we are truthful , what can we do if they change the system ?

    I say this in the nicest way because I am seeing lots of people here in a state of panic and I know what that feels like, but if we waste our every waking hour worrying about what they might or might not change we wasted days that we could have been doing something nice . I think we should leave this thread and go and do something that makes us happy .

    One example. In 2022 I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer , I had to go through some tests and for each one i was terrified and it sucked all the joy out of me .

    When it came to the CT scan I had to wait a few days for the result , instead of sitting in the house worrying I went out with my husband and we enjoyed ourselves , we just realised that we wouldn't know the result until the result came through so why waste each day worrying about the unknown ?

    The CT result was that i didn't spread and we were elated , but we could have sat for three days in a constant state of worry .

    Stress and worry is not healthy , it is very bad for the immune system .

    I speak from experience because I ruined most of my life with stress and anxiety . Now even though I get anxious and stressed I have to tell myself that it is not helping me .

    We don't know what is going to happen and there is nothing we can do to change the outcome by worrying each day .

    I hope this makes sense to you all . x

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,120 Championing
    edited January 20

    I am now definitely going to deregister as self employed with them (selling some craft items) before they use that to steal away the LCWRA. So in effect they are pushing me further from work not closer to it out of scaring me.

    Definitely don't deregister is my advice.

    If you are "not gainfully self-employed" - as only they call it because nobody else does - this is protecting you. It means you are economically active which is what they want from the rest of us. It means they can't just randomly stop your benefits.

    Don't let this silly terminology make you feel you aren't doing enough!!

    The way I see it, the rich have always seen the poor as a burden. I don't think they distinguish between 'the poor' and 'the disabled' even if the media does. We used to read a snippet about politics in a newspaper but now we're drowning in information and misinformation. Being creative is the best way of removing yourself from worry.

  • JasonRA
    JasonRA Online Community Member Posts: 82 Empowering

    I would like to clarify that what the cross party of Lords said were recommendations, nothing is set in stone in regards of reforms. Labour don't have to pay any attention to what 14 Lords.

    There will be a Green Paper, there will be a consultation on WCA changes but that high court ruling last week is in our favor and so Labour will have to be open and transparent to what changes are to come.

    That's cause for optimism rather than worry and pessimism, lastly there are people on our side.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,120 Championing
    edited January 20

    What I spotted in a list of former members of that committee was an Oakeshott related to Isabel Oakeshott 🙄

  • carbow32
    carbow32 Online Community Member Posts: 179 Empowering
    edited January 20

    My fear with them is I am LCWRA substantial risk. I have got Bipolar which has had me sectioned and also a suicide attempt. My fear and reasons for (out of fear) is they could put me down to just LCW and consider the self employment as work related activity. Then I lose the £400ish. I cannot sell enough items to make that £400 a month without making myself more ill (oh the irony). That said I have severe IBS and would as it stands qualify on that descriptor.

    I get what you are saying would they pick on someone who is already doing a bit of self employment. They are so twisted I wouldn't put it passed them.

    What they need is a disabled working element attached to UC. Like there was in Tax Credits. For quite a while I worked minimal hours and claimed that. Life was fine. I was not then constantly shaking heart racing heart racing can't sleep.

    I am most certainly not a well bunny at all but the last 18 months they are making me sicker and sicker.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,120 Championing
    edited January 20

    Exactly that carbow - deregister and you become a candidate for their idea of help to get back into work.

    They would need a reason to stop your benefits plus evidence that you have magically recovered which you haven't.

    Being not gainfully self-employed just means you're not earning enough to fully support yourself. But that's fine. You are doing something and you are earning. You have a self-employed status rather than being unemployed 😃

    The 2010 Housing Benefit regulations wrecked what had been a reasonably fair welfare benefits system for low earners and forced up rents. Social Security is not what it used to be and it's absolutely not your fault if you cannot support yourself. I can't despite trying very hard when I was young and I no longer feel guilty because we keep them in work and yes, it is twisted!