International Day of Education - Inclusive Education

Mary_Scope Posts: 740 Scope Online Community Children and Family Specialists

It's International Day of Education today and in this post we will talk about the importance of inclusive education for disabled children and young people.

Inclusive education is crucial for disabled children because it creates confidence, empowerment and boosts their self-esteem.

Inclusive education is more than just placing disabled children in mainstream classrooms. It is about creating a positive learning environment where they feel valued, respected and supported.

So how can classrooms become inclusive of disabled children?

  • Understanding diverse learning styles and giving flexible support, accommodations and modifications to meet individual needs - with or without formal plans like EHCPs or IEPs.
  • Ensuring the school and classrooms are physically accessible such as ramps, elevators and accessible toilets and other necessary adaptations.
  • Creating a classroom where participation is encouraged, individual contributions are celebrated, and bullying is never tolerated.
  • Providing teachers with the knowledge, skills and resources to effectively support disabled children. This could be ongoing professional development.
  • Building collaborative partnerships between home, school and other support services to make sure there is ongoing communication and a mutual understanding of each child's needs.

How inclusive are your children’s schools? And what could other schools learn from them?