My migration from ESA to UC, the story.

worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 698 Trailblazing
edited February 4 in Universal Credit (UC)

Hi everyone.

This is my experience of migrating from NI based ESA that has income related top up's, so it is a NI and IR based claim.

I got my migration letter early November, and my first decision was to wait until near the end of the 3 month period or get it out of the way, I looked at what I think would be most financially beneficial and concluded there would be no difference to if I did it in November or January. This wont be the same for everyone, but I want to explain my thought process.

I decided to start the migration as early as possible, as when I have something like this hanging over me, my anxiety goes through the roof, I wouldnt be able to sleep for 3 months with it hanging over me and would be a risk I forget to do it at all. So I went to the link provided in the letter, and filled the form online. The form I didnt find particurly difficultly, although I felt there was questions there that shouldnt need to be there such as filling in details about your health, its a migration in my mind, but they want these details again, so be prepared for it, I decided to list brief summary of my main conditions now rather than looking for some very old ESA50 and putting in the exact same things as that.

The form is laid out like a wizard, one section at a time so its less overhwelming, it allows you to leave it for a break, and come back to it later.

The form had a question if I am already in receipt of ESA, I answered yes of course, I was never asked for a fit note.

As I get help with housing costs, an important part of the form was related to my housing situation, so that was filled in accurately, and I uploaded my latest tenancy agreement. They do list things that are meant to be present on the agreement, and one of those things was missing, however it was accepted as proof of housing costs, so staff clearly have discretion. My agreement clearly states the important things, type of property, amount of rent, how often rent is paid, contract length, and details of me and the landlord.

When I had finished I noticed the journal prompted me I needed to send proof of my ID, the site lists a bunch of things that can be used as proof, but what is important here is you need 3 forms of ID, to pass the check online, and they cannot be "any" 3 forms of ID, they have two or three different groups of ID's, and it has to be one from each group. My Id I had planned to use from the lists, was my passport details, proof of address via a bill, and my ESA annual tax report (NI based claims should get this).

However when it came to sending the ID, I passed the passport part, which was sending them the passport ID, and some questions related to the passport, I sent the bill, but then the choice it offered for 3rd ID, the tax letter was not listed as an option, which was inconsistent with what they told me before I started submitting the details, so instead for the 3rd part I picked to answer questions about my credit history, luckily they were for things I remember recently, and I passed.

After this point, I wasnt sure what to do next, the site is not intuitive enough in my opinion for this, although you can click around and find more information, such as when they will inform you of your expected payment, and that payment date, the home screen didnt say this, I found it after clicking on everything and from a Scope post. But the important thing is there is no mandatory actions listed on the journal.

Within 24 hours I got a journal message from a staff member asking me to accept my commitments, and that was all I needed to do as I am in the support group, yes they said support group specifically even though thats an ESA term, I did as requested, this message also told me to ignore the work related stuff in the journal, not long after this, the work related stuff disappeared so was nothing to ignore. I also got a message within the first few days that my housing costs evidence had been accepted.

There was "no" need for me to have any kind of appointment for the UC claim, not even over the phone, I believe this is because I passed the online ID check.

So my personal thoughts are on the UC process, they could provide you more information and more hand holding, but it was positive especially compared to my previous experience with the DWP. The first month's payment if my brain is right, are correct, they awarded me standard UC, and LCWRA, and housing costs minus a housing costs deduction as my housing costs are above the LHA rate. In addition I got transitional protection, as I was in receipt of SDP on my ESA claim. Again this looks correct. The payment statement I think is very good and explains each itemised item on there. The only thing I would criticise is I think there needs to be more notice between when your statement is generated and the payment date, as its only a few days, meaning you have very little time to report any errors if they exist.

Since my ESA claim was primarily NI based, I also had a 2nd migration, which leads me to the part I will criticise. The UC letter, informed me all my benefits would be stopped if I didnt respond, I believe that to be inaccurate, as I am also in receipt of PIP which is a completely different benefit that is not means tested and as such not affected by UC. It also didnt explain anything about what happens in regards to New Style ESA, this is where the communication falls down a bit more. It seems according to some regular posters on Scope, the ESA communication side of things isnt at the same level as UC, I did eventually get some letters from the ESA department. The first one was to inform me I would be contacted about a new style ESA claim, and if I didnt provide medical proof at the interview I would be having a WCA or even potentially have the claim suspended, as well as needing fit notes. as it turns out this was not accurate, I also got a text message which was accurate informing me a phone appointment had been made for me to accept commitments on new style ESA. Due to the nature of this letter I had some anxiety, and was really anxious and shaking during the call, but the lady was polite, she did have tendency to keep repeating things which prolonged the call, but it was in the end just accepting commitments and to explain I would not have a case manager on ESA, as the UC side would handle that. After this call I got an email which I didnt need to reply to, was to confirm my commitments.

I also got an ESA award letter, this letter was inaccurate, it looked exactly like the old ESA award letter, it had SDP on there, which is wrong, so I ignored it as advised by Scope members. Checking my bank statement, things do seem to be right.

Since both migrations I have not been contacted again by the DWP, and my UC work related requirements are correct for LCWRA.

I am posting this in the hope of making people less anxious, as it gives an idea of what to expect, but please be aware my experience isnt necessarily going to be your experience.


  • Lentilsandveggies
    Lentilsandveggies Online Community Member Posts: 14 Connected

    Thanks for your comments on the migration experience,mostly it is reassuring to hear,as I am still dreading the whole process.You did not mention if you had to go in to the job centre at any stage,to confirm ID?Or did I miss that?

    As I understand it,the latest that this migration will happen for people on IR ESA,will be December 2025.In a way I would prefer not to get the dreaded letter until that date,even though,according to all the available information thats out there,I will be financially better off after making the migration.I just dont want the stress and anxiety that comes with it.

  • peters77
    peters77 Online Community Member Posts: 174 Connected

    Was mentioned somewhere in there, the ID they submitted was accepted online and no further input needed.

  • peters77
    peters77 Online Community Member Posts: 174 Connected

    Thank you Worried33 for your excellent post and experience share.

  • peters77
    peters77 Online Community Member Posts: 174 Connected

    Quick questions what follow up questions about your passport do they ask ?

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 698 Trailblazing

    I cannot remember exactly sorry, but I think was related to the application process for the passport. They were easy enough that I could answer quickly. They must have a online link to the passport office, as was no delay to tell me I had successfully verified my passport.

  • peters77
    peters77 Online Community Member Posts: 174 Connected

    Thanks sounds straight forward about to submit this week and the ID is my next hurdle.

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 698 Trailblazing

    Best of luck. The online ID check isnt required, the appointment system seems to be the backup for it, but I am glad I managed to do it that way as I struggle talking to people.

  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 1,204 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Thanks for sharing this @worried33, really insightful.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Thank you for this. I'm very glad that the process was easy and straight forward for you. Even if the contributions based ESA part reverting to New stye was confusing but it confuses everyone and this is because the letter they send is a standard letter and really only applies to new claims. It would be better if they changed the wording on that letter to apply to those that are just reverting.