Second language English and disabled - support networks?

LucieG Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
edited February 11 in Start here and say hello!

Hi, I am an adult second language teacher in Wales. I am looking to find support for several students who are learning English (so not fluent speakers/readers). I was wondering what the chances are of people from this community being able to help us. One student has a brain injury, one has a brain tumour, another is profoundly deaf. One learner has cerebral palsy and another student is most likely dysgraphic and dyslexic, although this was unrecognised in his home country. Some are looking for work, others are looking for friends. All are improving their English, although it is harder for them than for their peers. I am looking for advice, organistions who I can contact on their behalf, and ideas about the best ways to support them. Thank you!



  • Mary_Scope
    Mary_Scope Posts: 650 Scope Online Community Children and Family Specialists

    Hi @LucieG and a warm welcome to the community!

    It's great you are reaching out for support for your students! I hope the community will be able to help. You sound you care a lot about your students.

    Headway is a UK charity specifically supporting people with brain injuries and they have support in Wales

    Disability Wales gives information and advice on a wide range of disabilities. and they can likely point you towards more specific services based on each student's needs

    The Brain Tumour Charity provides support and information for people affected by brain tumours so it may be helpful to reach out to them.

    RNID offers support and information for deaf people. so they can advise on communication strategies, assistive technology and local service

    Hope that was helpful, please reach out if you have more questions or would like further support😀

  • LucieG
    LucieG Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener

    Thanks Mary! I appreciate you taking the time to write back and that was indeed a very helpful list. 😁