Where the damn can I get help



  • apples
    apples Online Community Member Posts: 450 Empowering
    edited February 18

    hi @letitbe i couldn’t find an email address for them

    A little update, I rang SPA last night as I was struggling with getting no help and the banging in this hell hole, after ranting down the phone to them they kept saying I am open to the cmht, after keep repeating I’m not as I have my medical records and can read that the referral gets declined and pending, I was put on hold so they could speak to someone else, I was on hold for about 2 minutes so put the phone down, I then received a txt that they have emailed the cmht to see if I am open to them 😡

    This made me angry as I kept telling them I’m not, anyway I rang 111 and told them I need support, they knew I had just rang SPA but told them I’m not being listened to, they kept repeating that what they can do is limited, I told them I want a referral to an o/t or social services, was told the gp has to refer me, I told them the gp tried ages ago but they didn’t accept me, after them telling me again and again that they are limited i told them I’ll keep ringing you to get on your nerves until I get help, then I put the phone down as she kept repeating the we are limited what we can do

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 251 Empowering

    what a nightmare, seems like they are all useless and keeping you dangling .
    If I was you I’d keep ringing them like you said until you get the support you need . I can’t believe they are doing this to you. I’m pretty sure SPA and 111 can refer you to CMHT and I definitely know A&E can get social services involved for a supper worker. I honestly think you need to get a really good MH advocate. Have a look on HUB OF HOPE website - put in your postcode and see what support services come up in your area. I really hope you get this resolved .

  • apples
    apples Online Community Member Posts: 450 Empowering

    Thanks for the hub of hope website I’d never heard of it before, unfortunately the organisations are the ones that refused care (talking therapies) and the cmht team

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 251 Empowering

    Oh I thought there might’ve been something there that would help.

    What do u think you’ll do next ?

  • apples
    apples Online Community Member Posts: 450 Empowering

    I have book marked that site as it may come in handy, next is wait for the report for my asd hopefully that will help but in the meantime pursue my complaint, and I’m yet to email Wes streeting

    How are you today?

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 251 Empowering

    don’t give up till you get the support you need apples, make sure you send the emails and pursue it, don’t let them fob you off anymore . I think you said you have housing issues - are you in a HMO ? Or on social housing list ?

    I’m still not feeling ok - I did manage to go out for few hours but I’m back home in bed .

  • apples
    apples Online Community Member Posts: 450 Empowering

    I’m sorry to hear you’re still not feeling ok, but glad you managed to go out and get some fresh air

    Yeah massive housing issues, I’m in a hmo with junkies and alchies which affects my mh, went out this morning at 8 to get milk and the front door was wide open probably open all night, council won’t let me join housing register as I haven’t lived in the are for the time they require, I do have st mungos but they haven’t done anything to help yet

    I won’t give up I’m stubborn if I (think) I’m in the right and not treated right

    Hope you feel better soon

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 251 Empowering
    edited February 19

    oh that sounds terrible and no wonder it’s affecting your MH, living in a house with drug addicts and alcoholics is not on at all, bad housing really has a massive impact on MH , mine isn’t good either but yours sounds worse with the issues you have to deal with .
    I’ve been trying to get a council flat for years but they won’t even let me bid , I’ve been in the lowest band for 10 years .
    That’s good that you won’t give up , seems like MH services have really been fobbing you off for too long. Keep me updated on what happens , if I can think of any other ways / organisations that you can contact I’ll let u know .

  • apples
    apples Online Community Member Posts: 450 Empowering

    The housing situation as a hole is terrible, if rents weren’t so expensive it would ease the problem

    Thank you and I will let you know how I get on

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 251 Empowering

    I know , private rental is unbelievable now , in my area a basic studio flat ( large room with cooking facilities in the corner and separate shower / toilet ) is £1400 +. Every time I look for another place I end up so frustrated , most of them won’t even consider someone on benefits.

  • apples
    apples Online Community Member Posts: 450 Empowering

    Same price as my area, and same issue that landlords won’t consider someone on benefits which is discrimination in itself but what can we do disgusting prices, I even hate paying someone else’s mortgage even though it’s hb money not my own

  • Enduring_Rogue
    Enduring_Rogue Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener

    I understand your frustration. I self referred to talking therapies in my area, but they said they only do short term interventions, so can't help me! I asked for a letter stating what they told me. Then got copy of letter they sent to GP saying they might now be able to refer me somewhere (don't know where!).

    I currently pay £28 per weekly 50 minutes session for counselling with the UK Counselling Network. My counsellor is in her final year of study, which is why it is cheaper and our sessions are virtual. Maybe you could try them if your finances allow? They have been a Godsend for me, I would be in right state now if not for them. https://ukcounsellingnetwork.co.uk/

    Hope this helps x

  • apples
    apples Online Community Member Posts: 450 Empowering

    Thank you @Enduring_Rogue i will have a look at the link you posted, I expected talking therapies to be a better service than they are tbh

  • Enduring_Rogue
    Enduring_Rogue Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener

    No problem @apples I was really disappointed with Talking Therapies here too, but they only seem to deal with low level short term issues.

    I resent having to pay, but I needed the help and £28 is better than £100+ per hour for a fully qualified counsellor/psychiatrist. Mine is really great. I hope you get the help you need xx

  • apples
    apples Online Community Member Posts: 450 Empowering
    edited February 20

    Thank you Enduring_Rogue

    So….i received an email this morning from someone who done a referral to the cmht I made a complaint about the referral was done many months ago, this referrer asked if they had emailed me which they hadn’t (or so it seemed) so the referrer forwarded me the email and they got my email address wrong, saying they had tried to call but couldn’t get through, asking me what help I need, so I sent a snotty email back telling them it must be a coincidence they couldn’t get hold of me as they couldn’t even get my email right, so I replied I want help with housing and my mh.

    I then received another reply stating that did I want their help due to my issues and complaint previous, I replied ideally I’d like to be transferred to another team, however I’ve been requesting this for over a year so looks like I have no choice but to have your care

    So I have an appt with social worker next week, I’m dreading it as the previous experience and the fact they made me worse, but I’ll give it a try if no good another complaint will going forward

    I will keep you posted

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 251 Empowering

    these people are COMPLETELY useless - you know they did the exact same thing to me - said they tried to get in contact with me - I WAS ON A PSYCHIATRIC UNIT , literally 30 sec from CMHT office .
    so they’ve finally responded to you and you have an appointment with a social worker, this is positive. I understand you’re angry and frustrated about it all but your perseverance has paid off.
    I hope it goes ok with the social worker and keep as much communication via email so you have a paper trail of everything- these people never cease to amaze me with their lies and slander .
    I wish I had your courage when dealing with these people.

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 251 Empowering
  • apples
    apples Online Community Member Posts: 450 Empowering
    edited February 20

    Thank you let it be, every email I sent I copied in the referrer, and yes let’s see his lies as his email was I can help with, a mental health assessment, medicine management, support and monitoring, housing and benefit issues, and therapy if needed, so like I said I want housing and mh support so we’ll see, it has been hard to keep going but as I have no one I knew I had no choice

    Can’t believe they said they couldn’t get hold of you when you were 30 seconds away, I’m sure these people push buttons to get a reaction

    My cmht is a mental health network team, so psychologists, psychiatrist and social workers are all in the same building, when I was seeing my psychologist 2022-2023 I asked then to be seen by a social worker but was refused

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 251 Empowering
    edited February 20

    I hope it goes ok and they help you in the areas you need the help . Keep us updated pls

    Also , I def think they push buttons deliberately.

  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 8,356 Championing

    Hi @apples Good luck with your appointment next week. I hope it goes well. Please let us know how you get on.

    Take care.