Webinar on Health Equity for Persons with Cerebral Palsy and Other Disabilities

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Webinar hosted by the International Cerebral Palsy Society (ICPS)

People with cerebral palsy and other disabilities face health challenges not only as a direct result of their condition but also due to lack of adequate training or resources in the healthcare system or even prejudice and discrimination on the part of healthcare professionals.

The World Health Organization (WHO) aims to promote "disability health equity" by shining a light on the problem in its Global Report (2022) and by proposing solutions in its Guide for Action (2024).

In this webinar, we explored the importance of these initiatives for people with cerebral palsy. A panel composed of people with lived and professional experience shared their perspectives on health equity in different parts of the world.


Mélanie Gréaux, World Health Organization

Rafael Bonfim, Nossa Casa Institute, Brazil

Abir Massaad, SESOBEL, Lebanon

Micah Niermann, Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare, USA
