Submitted claim for ESA migration to UC Support Group. What next? Follow up questions

moosee Online Community Member Posts: 105 Contributor

Hi. I finally submitted my claim for migration to UC today after many stressful weeks. So, I would like to clarify a few things…

  1. I seemingly managed to confirm my identity online, but as soon as I had done it and it said it was successful, which i screenshotted, ("you have answered the security questions successfully for Credit Reference and Uk Driving Licence"). I then had to press continue and a page popped up say something about "other ways to confirm your identity " which totally confused me as this then give the impression it hadn't been successful. However, it does at present say in my journal "Confirm your identity completed". I am v confused. If any one can provide guidance on this it would be appreciated. Sorry if i have not explained v well.
  2. I accepted some sort of basic claimant commitment online, saying I would regularly check my account and notify them on any changes. My journal says: "Accept your commitments completed". Is that it for my CC or will there be another one by phone?
  3. Do I have to complete the "Answer a few equality questions" in my To Do List?
  4. My To Do List is also saying "We Will Call You. What happens next. We are processing your claim. We will call you in the next 2 to 3 days to check the information you have given us." Will this really happen and is it necessary if my online ID check was ok, and I signed my CC online. V stressed about them phoning so any further info on this wwould be appreciated.

Sorry, many many questions again. V stressed.



  • tealhoneydew16
    tealhoneydew16 Scope Member Posts: 29 Connected

    hello @moosee I have just gone through this are you on ESA IR Support Group if so you will need to check if your IR ESA and CB ESA combined I thought I was just IR ESA but I was both I am now getting New Style ESA CB part and just needed to do a commitments phone call which was very quick and just to confirm if any changes to inform them.

  • moosee
    moosee Online Community Member Posts: 105 Contributor

    Hi @tealhoneydew16. As far as i am aware i am only receiving income related ESA Support group. All my reward and uprating letters have only ever referred to IR ESA. No mention has ever been made about CB ESA. Contributions have never ever been refered to before.

  • Kimi87
    Kimi87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,380 Championing
    edited March 3

    Unfortunately ESA letters are very difficult to understand, even for experienced advisors.

    Many people migrate thinking their ESA was one thing, only to find out they were mistaken.

    You can ignore number 4.

    I claimed three years ago and that is still sitting on my To Do list! No call ever happened. I read recently a suggestion it is a hangover from the pandemic when staff were working from home.

  • moosee
    moosee Online Community Member Posts: 105 Contributor

    Thank you Kimmy, I will try my best to ignore No.4 for the time being. Hopefully no phone call will happen.

    I have just checked my account today and nothing new has appeared on my To Do List so far. This waiting to see what happens next is unbearable though.

    Do I have to complete the "Answer a few equality questions" in my To Do List?

  • kittenface19
    kittenface19 Online Community Member Posts: 36 Contributor

    Hi @moosee I'm so glad that things went really well in your submitting. Keep us updated if anything else comes up. I do hope they don't call you. I don't see why they should, as you verified through an official government website, you don't get anymore legit than that 😉

  • moosee
    moosee Online Community Member Posts: 105 Contributor

    Hi @newbie2017, I haven't answered the equality questions yet and still don't know if I am supposed to! Are they mandatory?

  • kittenface19
    kittenface19 Online Community Member Posts: 36 Contributor

    @moosee did you have to submit your bank statement when you applied ?

  • Kimi87
    Kimi87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,380 Championing

    If you have under £6k in capital, you won't need to submit bank statements when you apply.

  • moosee
    moosee Online Community Member Posts: 105 Contributor

    Hi, no I haven't had to submit any yet. I have under 6k. I seemingly managed to confirm my ID online, as they havent said otherwise. I think sometimes people use one bank statement as proof of address when confirming their ID.

    I haven't had to do anything else yet. The waiting and checking my UC account several times a day is unbearable!

  • kittenface19
    kittenface19 Online Community Member Posts: 36 Contributor

    I'm filling in my application at the moment and I'm stuck on this question:

    Are you recovering from, receiving or expecting to receive any medical treatments?

    Does that mean the treatment (ie medication, blood tests, eye checks, scan etc) you are currently receiving, or does it mean going into hospital for an operation etc?

    Any help anyone can offer will be gratefully received as I want to submit this tonight. I'm too tired and stressed out over it and just need this over with.

  • moosee
    moosee Online Community Member Posts: 105 Contributor

    The only treatment I'm receiving at the mo is various medications, so I listed all of them. Citizens Advice Help To Claim said that medication counts as treatment. So would any sort of counselling, CBT etc. I don't think checks or tests, such as those you mentioned, count as actual treatment as they are just investigations.

    If you are unsure and are able to wait until tomorrow to submit, then i recommend asking Citizens Advice for clarification on any queries you may have:

  • moosee
    moosee Online Community Member Posts: 105 Contributor

    Update for my migration from ESA Support Group to UC...

    I had a message I my journal today saying my online ID verification was not successful.

    "Regarding your identity verification for this new claim for Universal Credit, I can see that the online verification process was not successful. We have also looked at using the 'telephone' identity verification process for you, but similar to the online process, this was not successful. This means that we need to verify your identity another way. Please do not worry about this. We will not ask you to travel to our local Jobcentreplus but we can arrange for a DWP Visiting Officer to come to meet you at your address.The Visiting Officer will view your identity documents and gather the verification information we need.I will pass your details to the Visiting Team today. They will contact you to arrange a suitable appointment time.They may take up to 10 working days before they contact you"

    I sent a reply saying that it was far too stressful for me to have strangers in my home and requested that it be done by telephone instead. They haven't even tried to do it by phone yet.

    In case they still insist it won't be possible by telephone i would appreciate it if anyone who has experience of a home visit ID verification could reassure me that it is not as horrendous as I am imagining?

    V v stressed now.

  • kittenface19
    kittenface19 Online Community Member Posts: 36 Contributor

    Hi Moosee,

    Geeze I'm so sorry this has happened to you. I was hoping that everything had gone well for you and that everything was sorting itself out.

    I submitted mine last night and did my ID verification online. It says my identity was confirmed...but after what's happened to you, now I'm not so sure.

    Push them for the telephone consultation, coming to your house should be last on the list and frankly an invasion of your privacy.

    Keep us updated on what happens and sorry I don't have anything useful to add to the topic. Hopefully someone else here can shed some light on home visits.

  • moosee
    moosee Online Community Member Posts: 105 Contributor

    Yes, my to do list still says that my online ID confirmation was successful. V v confusing. I have left a message on my journal asking for my ID to be done my telephone, saying it's too stressful to have strangers in my home. I hope your online ID check was successful.

    It has taken a whole week from submitting my migration form and seemingly verifying my ID online to now getting this message. So I stupidly thought everything was OK. Hmph. Struggling to cope with the stress now.

  • moosee
    moosee Online Community Member Posts: 105 Contributor

    Tagging @newbie2017 … did you manage to confirm your ID online? And have you answered the equality questions?

  • moosee
    moosee Online Community Member Posts: 105 Contributor

    And has anyone on here had a home visit ID check? Looking for advice and reassurance on what to expect please?


  • moosee
    moosee Online Community Member Posts: 105 Contributor

    Any input please.

    I had a long phone call with UC woman who has been putting the messages on my journal. She said my online ID check was unsuccessful and that they have looked into doing it by phone but this isn't possible for me. So, a home visit ID check looks to be the only option.

    Any info would be appreciated.

  • kittenface19
    kittenface19 Online Community Member Posts: 36 Contributor

    Did she say why the phone verification wouldn't work for you?

    Hope someone can help you regarding the home visit.

  • Kimi87
    Kimi87 Online Community Member Posts: 4,380 Championing

    With phone ID checks they rely on information held about you on their system. As during the call you'd be asked questions about your personal details, benefit history etc to confirm identity.

    It may be that not enough information is held about you for this to be viable. That is just a guess.

  • moosee
    moosee Online Community Member Posts: 105 Contributor

    That is what the lady on the phone said, Kimmy. There wasn't enough info for indepth questions, or something. I don't understand why, I assume it's because I don't have much of a credit rating history.

    My family think a home ID visit is better for me than travelling 25miles to the JC, although the lady didn't even suggest/push this. They saw all the info i had previously given requesting reasonable adjustments, about not being able to travel to appointments for claimant commitments etc. and just immediately suggest a home visit.

    My mum and dad have said one (or both) will come round and be here. But any feedback on home ID checks would be welcome as I'm super stressed.