Eating and Drinking Ability Classification System for people with Cerebral Palsy (EDACS)

Richard_Scope Posts: 3,711 Cerebral Palsy Network

Since 2023, Sussex NHS Trust and Scope have worked together on an Eating and Drinking Classification System for people with cerebral palsy (CP).

EDACS describes how people with cerebral palsy eat, drink and swallow using five distinct levels. EDACS is now used internationally.

People with cerebral palsy cannot use the range of physical movement available to most of us. We developed the Eating and Drinking Ability Classification System (EDACS) for people with Cerebral Palsy by consulting with people with Cerebral Palsy, as well as parents and experts around the world.

Difficulties may occur in the development of walking, speech, and hand function. The movements involved in biting, chewing, and swallowing are frequently affected. Children and young people with cerebral palsy may have problems eating enough food to grow and to stay healthy because it is challenging to move their mouths to eat and drink efficiently. Some of them will have problems with frequent chest infections because particles of food or drink enter their lungs when they swallow. These difficulties continue throughout their lives.

We developed the Eating and Drinking Ability Classification System (EDACS) for people with Cerebral Palsy. EDACS describes five distinct levels of ability using the key features of safety and efficiency:

  • Level I - Eats and drink safely and efficiently
  • Level II - Eats and drinks safely but with some limitations to efficiency
  • Level III - Eats and drinks with some limitations to safety; there may be limitations to efficiency
  • Level VI - Eats and drinks with significant limitations to safety
  • Level V - Unable to eat or drink safely - tube feeding may be considered to provide nutrition