Upcoming changes to benefits



  • Zipz
    Zipz Online Community Member Posts: 1,698 Empowering
    edited March 11

    Is the announcement/ Green Paper definitely tomorrow?

    @Catherine21 "Freezing" PIP means payments won't rise with inflation in April 2026 and maybe for the lifetime of the benefit so, in real terms, claimants receive less and less.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,101 Championing

    So if they say will roll out on 3 years does that mean completed or just starting hope makes sense

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,101 Championing

    I heard it's tomorrow

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,101 Championing

    Oh zipz this is to much let's hope and prey it's not as bad as we think I hope your OK in my clear mind I think they won't get half of this throwing it all out there to see what they can get are you going to watch I will try

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,101 Championing

    And to say people who look for work get more people who can't well suffer never in my 53 years heard of this my god mind in terror

  • Mysteriouskitten
    Mysteriouskitten Online Community Member Posts: 7 Connected


  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,264 Trailblazing

    Hi welcome to the community.

    Your link isn't working.

  • Mysteriouskitten
    Mysteriouskitten Online Community Member Posts: 7 Connected

    Oh sorry. I think if you hold and press the text it should open in Google. It just says this from daily mail.

    Benefits cuts 'delayed to next week' as Labour MPs revolt over 'rerun of austerity' - despite Keir Starmer warning the system is 'indefensible'.
  • Becky93
    Becky93 Online Community Member Posts: 65 Empowering

    The thing is you'd think getting it through their own party with such a majority would be the easy part too, because there surely will be all kinds of legal challenges if they try and go to the extent alleged. There's just no real way you can defend freezing PIP, cutting LCWRA as anything other than a brazen attack on the sick and disabled.

    What's even more crazy is I would guess of the people directly affected by this, the majority vote Labour, whereas a lot of the cut benefits types will never vote Labour.

  • Vicbes
    Vicbes Online Community Member Posts: 3 Connected

    I’m new to this community, bipolar and agoraphobia. I used to be a freelance journalist. If my writing can be of any use, let me know.

    We have to fight this. I know we’re all exhausted, but we don't have to take this lying down.

  • TheManFromLondon
    TheManFromLondon Online Community Member Posts: 8 Connected

    Where exactly in that article you reference, you see "The LCWRA element of UC will be cut"

  • JasonRA
    JasonRA Online Community Member Posts: 140 Empowering

    It's bizarre the argument that people who are disabled and out of work are living it up on higher benefits compared to people looking for work, the uplift is to cover disabled people who can't work and who may never work.

    Starmer, Kendall, Reeves and Timms have created a false narrative to justify their malicious agenda.

    This should be the argument if it's brought to the courts.

  • Moorgater
    Moorgater Online Community Member Posts: 55 Empowering

    Of the 300 most deprived constituencies in the UK, the majority have Labour members. If they lose those seats, they don't get in again.

    When the Green Paper is eventually published, it might be an idea to write to as many Labour MPs as possible - particularly those in the worst off areas.

    They may not care about our future, but they do about their own.

  • axab43
    axab43 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected

    Ok, so I've jumped on here after posting elsewhere. I am on PIP, transferring to UC because of severe mental health issue. Getting worse all the time. At the moment I have PIP until October 2027. So (I might have asked this before) can anyone guess how long all this will take to go thorugh Parliament, House of Commons, House of Lords? If they are aiming to target people with mental health for PIP, not sure I could survive that in assessments, , take from that what you will.) Just looking; If this all takes two years to go through, I might just give up on PIP anyway and think about my upcoming pension.

  • Grissom123
    Grissom123 Online Community Member Posts: 113 Empowering

    I also would like to know

    There's so much conflicting information.

    We've heard for months that it'll take ages to get through these changes, however there are also implications they'll be rushed through cos they don't require votes or new legislation.

    So which is it?

  • Vicbes
    Vicbes Online Community Member Posts: 3 Connected

    Hi, I’m not sure about timelines but I saw my psychiatrist today and she said both she and my psychologist will both fight for me if the time comes. Do you have anybody in your corner who could write compelling letters? Hugs to you, I know how frightening this is.

  • axab43
    axab43 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected

    Yes, this is what I would like to know? Anyone know the answer to this?