Upcoming changes to benefits



  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 240 Empowering

    but with no real opposition to the changes how long could this take roughly ? And does this affect current claimants or future claimants? Could they really cut hundreds of pounds monthly from our money ? I know you only know what’s been leaked but going by past changes .

  • pinkrose
    pinkrose Online Community Member Posts: 93 Empowering
  • pinkrose
    pinkrose Online Community Member Posts: 93 Empowering

    Thanks axab. I appreciate you taking time to explain that.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 240 Empowering

    exactly, they seem to be throwing money around while making cut backs to the sick and disabled. Even talking about taking money from LCWRA to then increase the amount of payments for the fit and healthy who can work. I don’t think the Tory’s were that bad .

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,101 Championing

    Thankyou mysteriouskitten welcome I hope he doesn't beat the into submission remember when sunak said it will take all night if it has too pls Lord let them stand firm 🙏

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,101 Championing

    OOh yes and once upped uc for those trying to find work once all through change again I can't see how they could ever get away with it but I'm sure they have a loophole the time is now to attack we only have one chance otherwise 3 years we will be handing back our house keys no money it's scary to say but that will be the reality they will start with new clients roll that out then change pip to one benefit and get the rest of lwcra off that and not eligible for pip your right letters like pertitions they would wipe thier @@@@ onit and laugh we are in a war and trust me they want to win ellen clifford cannot do on her own john pring can't we are the voices how do we get heard it's literally speak now or forever hold you peace

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 740 Trailblazing

    Just read that, so Timms is on Starmer side in all of this. He is a disgrace and we should have a mp to stand up for us , He has done nothing, Starmer lap dog

  • jude1967
    jude1967 Online Community Member Posts: 75 Contributor

    I have just read if we don.t go to work this government ids going to reduce our pip ..so yet again us disable people are going to suffer yet again .it was on google and because we disable they will cut our pip wat has this government doing all the waffle so here we go again ..i contacting leigh day again to wat this is coming i have already been since 2017 in the group claim..the government said they already starting paying the edp ..they have not i can vouch for that and they already said a journalist has found intrest labour is hell of worse..so guys looks like the court we be going and i for onevwill ve the first i lucky if i remenber to spell and i now having yo have my sin move bsck in with me as i lefts batg running nearly burnt my kitchen forgot..so sherlock starmer see u in court ..this is illegal anr against human rights ..uts disgusting these are worst thsn the conservative how long they be in and i would likevto think of ur thoouggt on it in scope .they sainf no matter who ..so infact if there bedridden disable people they cut that i got brain and spinal with no cure ..so scope wat will happen..do we ebd our lives for benefit of this government ..not that i would. But there so many .wrn i have acrecview every ten yrs.they get someone from neurosurgeob back ground he they look at mr and satmy why are u here as there no cure at all for me .i been told there no more tgey can do as they took part my skull away abd it fauled and tgey caused damage to now got a syrinx in my neck..so its back to court we go but i lime to think scope would join us if they did but they didn.t lsst time we battle yrs and this govetnment even worse . Its like starner cone woth a injection they put animal to sleep is wat he want ..starmer is disgusting …wats your thoughts it be intresting especially now scope are u going to step up and help us fught thus corrupt government

  • evelyncourtney
    evelyncourtney Online Community Member Posts: 34 Empowering

    No — 2025/26 rates will rise as announced and will absolutely not be changed, so don’t worry about that.

    Any hypothetical freezes would come into effect in 2026/27 at the earliest.

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 859 Championing

    that sounds like the itv leak wasn’t an intended leak from gov but perhaps an mp or civil servant who didn’t like the direction things were going and wanted to prewarn the public and give more time for disabled community to get ducks in row

    If the leak was planned I think the launch of the green paper would be announced for no later than Wednesday. I raised an eyebrow when I read it wasn’t on the official gov/commons weekly calendar

    Why else would starmer be going into meeting overdrive trying to convince labour mps (and I bet he was behind that ‘get Britain gov support’ group supporting reforms before it launched and mps have a chance to read it - I think most of those 35 members are new members selected by starmer team)

    Could those in London confirm that fishy smell is coming from a certain landmark 🫠

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 859 Championing

    just to remind members

    We have no 100% official confirmed details from the disability green paper

    Only leaks (though the itv leaks looks increasingly solid I imagine Kendall and co will be editing green paper till the last minute)

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 240 Empowering

    so according to the i report the government think in order to win the next election they need to be more ruthless than the Tory’s and reform. They really are clueless.

  • Hobbit25
    Hobbit25 Online Community Member Posts: 11 Connected

    Hi everyone. I hope you're doing as well as can be in these scary times. Please take care and reach out if needed, even if its just on here. We aren't alone in this fight.

    Sorry if this seems like a silly question but politics isn't my strong point and thankfully until now, I haven't ever had to contact a MP but now I feel I must for all our sake. I live in Scotland and personally vote SNP. I have both Labour and SNP MPs in my area. Should I contact them both or only just Labour?

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,264 Trailblazing
  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 859 Championing

    and Debbie abrams is leading the fight back

    She would be my vote to replace starmer if he can’t be talked down from whatever bad advice he’s following right now (she’s actually a central leaning mp, not heavy left and been an mp for 14 years)

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 240 Empowering

    I read the release of green paper is delayed till next week. If that’s correct then they must need time to convince their back benchers or make changes. Hopefully someone will correct me if I’m wrong here as my brain fogs bad right now.

  • evelyncourtney
    evelyncourtney Online Community Member Posts: 34 Empowering

    This is presumably what’s happening, although it COULD be that it was never intended to come out this week after all, it’s been very unclear and a date was never officially announced beyond “in the spring” and “before the budget”.

    I just really hope the backbenchers who are against this aren’t swayed.
    Did anyone else see Diane Abbott’s tweet about how she tried to attend the meeting but was told it was “full”? She seems to be very much against any cuts.