Upcoming changes to benefits



  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 288 Empowering

    god I hope I am . I think if it’s 16 points it would disallow most people I reckon. Hopefully someone on here can clarify though obviously we don’t know anything for sure

  • JonnycJonny
    JonnycJonny Scope Member Posts: 241 Empowering

    We are all in the dark till Tuesday - even then it will remain some way off before changes are implemented.

    The move from a Green Paper to a White Paper and then legislation will require a number of steps not least of which being a ping pong between the Commons and Lords.

    Try and get some fresh air and sunshine today - that's my recommendation and plan for the rest of the day at least.

    Best wishes

  • evelyncourtney
    evelyncourtney Online Community Member Posts: 44 Empowering

    DPAC (Disabled People Against Cuts) are holding a parliamentary meeting tomorrow afternoon:

  • Ray212
    Ray212 Online Community Member Posts: 638 Empowering
    edited March 16


  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,292 Trailblazing

    Saying on GBN government going to do a U turn over back lash from Ministers and MP's

  • Zipz
    Zipz Online Community Member Posts: 1,703 Empowering
    edited March 16

    Yes @worried33 The new points system doesn't make sense.

    A claimant can have a very major disability but only score less that eight points because the disability isn't multiple.

    Equally, a claimant with a multiple disability might score a lot of points but none of them as high as four, thus losing their claim. I'm reminded of the Tories' Green Paper last year. One of the questions was whether we thought claimants with a lot of low points ought to get the same amount of PIP. Sorry, I don't have the form to hand.

    I dint trust the points system as it is. Looking back to when DLA was launched and i got it for life, the focus seemed to be on the degree of disability rather than points.

  • tcellmutation
    tcellmutation Online Community Member Posts: 292 Empowering

    https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z-UyXXcCBUiMY_2POvCQAhr7srbbodtmnCqEEIICW RQ/mobilebasic

  • johnnyy85
    johnnyy85 Online Community Member Posts: 59 Contributor
  • geckobat
    geckobat Online Community Member Posts: 23 Contributor

    Only on the PIP freeze which is the least of our worries, sadly.

  • tcellmutation
    tcellmutation Online Community Member Posts: 292 Empowering
  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,508 Championing
    edited March 16

    What are the 2015 reforms and what effect does it have

    So why have they sat on this for 9 years ?

    I don't understand the last part from 2017 could you explain pls

    Catherine 👏 these are the right questions to be asking and all those reforms need to be understood to effectively challenge these 'new' proposals. I can't easily explain because of the scale of this scam. There are many comments on this forum about loss of the WRAG allowance from 2017 though..

    The assault on benefits claimants began in 2010 with changes to Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit entitlement.

    The 2012 Welfare Reform Act (IDS and Lord Fraud) is where key protections in the 2007 Welfare Reform Act for sick and disabled claimants were trashed. MP's who supported welfare reforms in 2012 and 2015 have been tying themselves in knots ever since to implement those measures without this coming out.

    The Labour plotters don't care about winning a second term or seeing Keir Starmer fall (tripped). Labour leadership was in crisis during the General Elections of 2015, 2017 and 2019 due to the benefits fiasco. IDS was gifted the seat he was certain to lose at the last GE and he still rules the roost. He got Brexit done and hopes to get this done and dusted too!


  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 757 Trailblazing

    I finding hard to cope, email that unless timms and reeves. I'm autistic and scared my pip will be taken away, my review is in a few years time.

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,292 Trailblazing

    It said pip but they have had a back lash over disability benefits in general.

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,292 Trailblazing
    edited March 16

    Its not the least of my worry.

    I need pip to survive.


  • judie
    judie Online Community Member Posts: 275 Empowering

    I think you are right, it is unclear though. First report I read 5 days ago was that they were simply taking away all the 2 point descriptors; ie nothing for needing reminding only for needing prompting. I don't think they have a clue - if only they'd consulted with some, say, disabled groups or people 🙄

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 288 Empowering

    so does that mean if you get pip now and have a review coming up they can’t take your pip off you unless your health has improved ?

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 288 Empowering

    hi Catherine hope you’re ok ,

    I just watched a different bias on YouTube gushing over how wonderful labour and starmer are now they’ve stopped the benefits reforms. Ppl in the comments so pleased but didn’t realise it’s just the freeze on pip. Totally misleading video and ignored the real cuts that are coming.

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,292 Trailblazing
  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 288 Empowering

    I don’t trust the points system. For instance questions I answered were awarded 2 points when it should have been more on my previous assessment. So if you say can’t wash between your shoulders and above your waist that should be 4 points , but if you can’t wash between those areas you can’t wash your hair either which is 2 points. So a bad assessor can award you the 2 instead of the 4