Upcoming changes to benefits



  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 288 Empowering

    mines up early next year so I could get my review form anytime now . How could this affect me , any idea?

    plus why has the DWP employed more case managers to make decisions on paper if they’re making changes. I’ve heard of a few that have been awarded on paper based on assessments.

  • dream
    dream Online Community Member Posts: 116 Contributor

    im stressing out about it

  • tcellmutation
    tcellmutation Online Community Member Posts: 292 Empowering

    Read a little about the "right to try" legislation, which allows individuals to work without losing benefits or having to restart their disability application if the employment opportunity does not work out. Of course, what this looks like in practice remains to be seen. I, for one, would love to have a job where I can actually make it through the day.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 288 Empowering

    so if they scrap WCA they’re saying there are no longer sick or disabled people so we don’t need help ? How is that legal ? And if they want a work coach to decide if I’m fit enough to work or engage I hope they’re prepared to take responsibility when my condition deteriorates. Even Atos assessors need some experience, how can they have non medical people deciding on medical issues

  • Danny123
    Danny123 Online Community Member Posts: 83 Contributor

    This was their disgusting plan all along , if they could of they would of even gone along with the freeze .... but they knew if push come too shove they could u turn on it and make it seem like they were doing us a favour .....

    So they will u turn on the freeze ..

    They will make it harder to qualify for pip..

    And they will cut lcwra ..

    Im 99% sure this is exactly what will happen , of course we just will have to wait till Tuesday .... Only thing I'm not so sure about is if they will make lcwra harder to qualify for

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 874 Championing
    edited March 16

    (Edit: quotes didn’t post)

    @Moorgater @Maggie37

    I recommend reading into ‘Labour together’ - many of the MPs that had a significant hand in building it (such as reeves, streeting………….surprisingly even nandy) now have a seat on the cabinet.

    I don’t think starmer was ever a member and was chosen to be the face of the movement (now known as ‘starmerism’) but not a main scriptwriter.

    If starmer does take the fall in the future - mcsweeneys team will just try to get one of their own installed as his replacement (probably streeting)

    There’s a saying to ‘cut the head off the snake

    My gut is telling me starmer is not the head of the snake but nearer to the tail (and a snake can survive its tail been cut off)

    I’m not absolving starmer of blame of this s******w, on the contrary I think he needs open his eyes and see the old ‘swamp that needs draining’

    Start using your lawyer techniques for good starmer!

  • Dave1993
    Dave1993 Online Community Member Posts: 168 Empowering

    remember this is only the green paper and it was always going to be brutal the end result when it all gets put into place will be watered down

  • johnnyy85
    johnnyy85 Online Community Member Posts: 59 Contributor

    I will be going tribunal on my 3 points to maken4 points !

  • Meredithshep
    Meredithshep Online Community Member Posts: 83 Empowering

    Me too, I don't understand how my points add up now and I can get pip but if they change the rules someone who scores less will qualify and I will not! Seriously considering asking for a review now rather than wait until the changes come in as I am due one next year anyway.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 288 Empowering

    I hope so as this is brutal and against our human rights

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,140 Championing

    Well yes who cares to lose 60 a year let labour put all this out once green paper out everyone will be on them that's why they keep putting off hoping put more on social media work up more hate I've seen alot of people horrified by thier suggestions

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 288 Empowering

    I’d like to know why it’s 4 points if you can’t wash above your waist to the shoulders but any higher to your hair it’s only 2 . If you can’t wash your torso how would you wash you hair ?

  • CandyK85
    CandyK85 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Contributor

    Those far right people are not, sadly. They think that if you're able to work you shouldn't receive any help, they also seem to conveniently discount the fact that just over half of all British adults are on some form of benefit to survive because pay is so poor in most jobs and rents are so high.

    It's all a complete mess and going after the disabled is just easy low-hanging fruit for these people.

  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 428 Empowering

    Please excuse me if I've got any of this info wrong/names etc. I don't think I have though but what I perceive/interpret from it may be wrong.

    I (probably because of HR/operations background) usually tend to look at what's going on from a 'recruitment perspective' to try and get a feel for what their strategy is.

    Interesting to see a different focus/phrasing on jobs advertised with the civil service - DWP and Angeus (might be Augeus) whose contract, awarded until 2029, with the civil service went live c Sept 2024 and who provide the assessment service for the South (Maximus for the North). Caveat: first time I've looked for c a year or so and with their aim to merge the assessments for PIP and ESA into one.

    DWP quite a few jobs now advertised stating people with visible and non-visible disabilities can apply including [examples stated] autism, chronic fatigue, epilepsy, mental health problems including schizophrenia.

    I've never seen that before not to say it's not been their a while. More illuminating to me is Angeus Disability Assessors job vacancies, some similar sounding phrases to some of the rhetoric we've heard such as people not benefitting to improve their potential in life and coaxing people with long term and chronic health problems back to work. One mentioned the 'over 50s' too. Had to look at a few advertised to find them all and didn't know how to paste them here I'm sorry.

    One of those advertised with Angeus is not working from home (as some are) as they'll 'visit clients in the community/? home visits'.

    More jobs advertised for Work Psychologists to work with Job Centres to coach work coaches. Interestingly, it was the work coaches jobs that did not state that people with visible/non- visible disabilities could apply. (I just googled Disability Assessor jobs to find Angeus and DWP jobs to find the information. I had to accept Cookies and don't know if that's an identifying feature, just putting that out their but I personally don't give a rat's behind if it is).

    I'm absolutely not trying, nor want, to 'scaremonger' sharing this info. 1. It's MY interpretation of what I see and 2. Forewarned is forearmed (usually) and to some extent.

    I don't believe for one second that whatever plans that have been made in readiness for the Green Paper have been formulated recently. (The jobs I saw were mainly interview dates c end of April 2025, so ? start dates c ? August 2025 and theres usually an intensive c 8 week training period) ? ready for any transition and changes in 2026.

    I suspect while Labour were in opposition it was being planned in readiness for major welfare changes at some point; albeit maybe kept between Starmer/Reeves.

    Despite the question marks about whether increases to PIP are being frozen or not, I do not, sadly, think they'll be any significant backtracking by Reeves et al. on any of their major welfare policy changes, regardless of any opposition or rebellion from Labour MPs, or charities. I will be very happy to come back on here and eat my words if they do backtrack.

    I will personally be looking with forensic detail (brain fog allowing) as I am determined to get my mojo/fighting spirit back and, whether changes do, or do not affect me personally (I do suspect they will!), but I will help Scope or anybody in our fight for justice, dignity and restoration of any money taken off us. There is so little dignity left in some of the health conditions I have and I'll be damned if I don't put up the fight of my life to try and avoid even less dignity and abject poverty especially because it is an avoidable and a sickening, political choice by Labour.

    Please keep a strong spirit everybody, whatever is announced on Tuesday. I do not think any changes will be immediate but anything distressing announced or fear we feel, we can come on here to vent, share and get support. Am I glad I found Scope - thank you!

    With very warmest wishes to everybody x

  • Maggie37
    Maggie37 Online Community Member Posts: 27 Contributor

    Well said and echos my own experience and thoughts. PIP is rigorous to apply for and get.. I believe less than half of claimants are awarded at first application. It’s also worth mentioning that 61%of people on LWC and around 29% on LWCRA are not on PIP though they may be in the process of applying. The Tories promoted getting rid of WCA and incorporating PIP as a measure of disability.. whether this is fair or even possible to implement is another matter. You could for example just have been awarded LWCRA.. and in process of being awarded PIP.? How can a work coach at DWP assess the nature and depth of your medical/ psychiatric condition.. while the process is going on? It’s a non starter.

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 874 Championing
    edited March 16

    are you that first forum member who studied law? (prehaps a legacy member will know)

    big welcome to all the scope forum newbies 🥳🎉🥳🎉🥳

    (I think I’m a little drunk right now………though I’m teetotal - caffeine high prehaps 😂……….wacky from v little sleep in 9 days more likely 🤣)

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 288 Empowering

    that would be the most humane and efficient way to cut costs . Maybe that’s why the pip freeze is possibly off the table now. They’d go ahead with the worst ideas