Upcoming changes to benefits



  • William01
    William01 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected

    No, but those with existing awards that have 4 points in a current care activity already meet the new proposed legislative requirements. Interesting to see if those that don't meet the requirements, will there existing awards be pulled and reviewed... the amount of effort involved in such am exercise would be massive and given that the full welfare reform from Tories isn't fully rolled out I'd be very surprised. Also given the fact that new uc health tops reduced and existing people frozen, I'd assume they will not pull existing awards.

  • Wibbles
    Wibbles Online Community Member Posts: 2,430 Championing

    Any mention of Carers Allowance ?

  • geckobat
    geckobat Online Community Member Posts: 46 Contributor

    I'm a bit confused at the idea of none of this happening until 2029/2030 because she said UC LCWRA changes will be next April and also for those who have PIP, she said changes in November this year. Can anybody explain?

  • Popster2020
    Popster2020 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener

    thanks so much for getting back to me. That's my reading too. What do you think will happen to ESA Contributory Support Group? Is it to be merged with JSA? If so, will I need to be re-assessed for this or given that it is going to be governed by the PIP assessment will this be at award review in 8 years time?

  • Maggie37
    Maggie37 Online Community Member Posts: 44 Empowering

    Thanks so much. I’m going to be ok but hoping and praying for others.

  • barton85
    barton85 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Connected

    I get lcwra element but not pip I have leukaemia which I will have for the rest of my life taking daily chemo tablets so can only hope this would still make me eligible on the next review

  • William01
    William01 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected

    I thought there's a new insurance type payment amalgating both CB Esa and Jsa.. so on that regard they shouldn't be moved to UC...??

  • Stellar
    Stellar Online Community Member Posts: 209 Empowering

    You may wish to lock this thread, so people stop commenting. this will get buried.

  • Prinko
    Prinko Online Community Member Posts: 14 Connected

    is any of this affecting New Style ESA?

  • nsaeon
    nsaeon Online Community Member Posts: 21 Contributor

    Some changes are coming in sooner than others.


    This is a timetable of the changes.

  • Ray212
    Ray212 Online Community Member Posts: 652 Empowering

    Annex A: Summary of Policy Measures and Consultation Questions

    The implementation dates in this table are those by which the Department anticipates bringing these changes into force. However, they are subject to various factors, such as legislative timetable and operational factors which mean that these dates are subject to change and are indicative.




    Question Number

    Implementation From (indicative)

    Chapter 2

    Scrap the WCA




    Chapter 2

    Single assessment (PIP)




    Chapter 2

    Removing barriers to trying work




    Chapter 2

    Rebalancing UC standard allowance and health element




    Chapter 2

    Focussing PIP more on those with higher needs




    Chapter 2

    Supporting people who lose entitlement to PIP




    Chapter 2

    Health and eligible care needs of those no longer eligible for PIP




    Chapter 2

    New Unemployment Insurance contributory benefit




    Chapter 2

    Review of the PIP assessment

    No - Process separate to Green Paper



    Chapter 2

    Switching back on WCA reassessments




    Chapter 2

    Increasing the number of face-to-face assessments in PIP and WCA




    Chapter 2

    Recording Assessments




    Chapter 2

    Reducing assessments for those with severe conditions




    Chapter 2

    Improving communications with those receiving an ongoing award




    Chapter 2

    Medical evidence and digitalization




    Chapter 2

    Safeguarding in DWP




    Chapter 3

    A new ‘Pathways to Work’ support offer



    We expect to begin testing elements on a voluntary basis over the next year

    Chapter 3

    Implementing a new Support Conversation



    We expect to begin testing elements on a voluntary basis over the next year

    Chapter 3

    A new baseline expectation of engagement




    Chapter 3

    Delaying access to the UC health element until age 22




    Chapter 3

    Raising the age at which people can claim PIP to 18.




    Chapter 4

    Reforming Access to work and the workplace adjustments system


  • Becky93
    Becky93 Online Community Member Posts: 67 Empowering

    No, pretty sure it's bad, they only ever sugar coat it in the speech, the fine detail will show how bad it all is no doubt. Effectively everyone not fit for work will have their benefits cut unless they rule that you will never be fit for work, which I'm going to guess will apply to very few people, otherwise you will see a benefit cut with the freezing of LCWRA, and if you don't qualify for PIP and are currently qualifying for LCWRA the changes there don't spell good for you either, particularly as it's going to come attached with making it even harder to qualify for PIP.

    There will be a lot of sugar coating, and some of the principle isn't terrible in theory, the problem will be the application. Eg. combining assessments isn't a terrible theory, because it's pretty stressful for claimants to have to go for two often near identical assessments, but in practice they're just using this to reduce the number of eligible claimants, particularly with whatever PIP changes they're going to try and force through. Other parts are just indefensible. The freezing of LCWRA or health element as they're calling it is illogical. These are people that you have found not fit for work, but you're now cutting their benefits, how is that in anyway logical?

  • Ray212
    Ray212 Online Community Member Posts: 652 Empowering

    No idea why it came out as purple :/

  • mawempathy
    mawempathy Online Community Member Posts: 23 Connected

    The protections for LCWRA until 2029/2030 are for existing claimants. When the changes kick in, new applicants for LCWRA will be assessed using the new rules and amounts immediately.

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 9,142 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hey folks, now we've had an announcement, we're going to close this discussion.

    But we've opened a new discussion regarding the green paper announcement here. This will also be a great place to check as we will update with new information as and when we get it.

    Stay safe everyone.

  • Jenwren
    Jenwren Online Community Member Posts: 29 Contributor

    I'm really, really sorry this happened to you. The system is horribly unfair. Just please remember that this is a govt wishlist of what they want - it's not guarentees of what will happen.

    I'm on contribution based as well as I used to work - also I'd really love disabled people who working made their illnesses and disabilities worse (this is what happened to me). Do you mean your assessor lied?

    RE assessments, they are designed to catch people out - disabled people aren't really an investiment for govenments because even if we work, we cost them money - like children, pensions and internation aid - they don't see the value.

    With my assessment there was a YouTuber who was really helpful that I used when filling out my PIP, I'll try to find her on line she specalises in getting people PIP, doing tribunials etc and gets PIP herself so she understands, I think she's called Charlie Anderson

  • hallac
    hallac Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected

    I never received 4 points in a the care element but did receive enough points to receive the care element. I did believe I should have got more points in a few categories but because I didn’t want to rock the boat I left it. It looks like that decision is going to come back to haunt me!

  • philevan77
    philevan77 Online Community Member Posts: 30 Connected

    well guardian saying pip will be reassessed

  • mawempathy
    mawempathy Online Community Member Posts: 23 Connected

    I tried to cut the second part of your question in the reply. Sorry. I my reply was in regard to this:

    "Well I just checked my PIP award and I did get a singular 4 in my daily living, so as long as I get the same score in my next review then I should be fine I think?"

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 9,142 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hey folks, now we've had an announcement, we're going to close this discussion.

    But we've opened a new discussion regarding the green paper announcement here. This will also be a great place to check as we will update with new information as and when we get it.

    Stay safe everyone.

This discussion has been closed.