10 Year Award Benefit Cuts?

tcellmutation Online Community Member Posts: 331 Empowering
edited March 19 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA

Do you think the people that are awarded the 10 year award and receive a light touch review at the end of that period, that their PIP will be cut too or do you think these people in this bracket will likely be left alone?



  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 204 Empowering

    I dont feel anybody could answer that yet but many will be wondering if their awards will be honoured.

    I understand it's human nature for people to hope they will be okay whatever happens but even if they are it's not acceptable what is being said right now the cuts being proposed by Chancellor would cause the maximum amount of harm to the maximum amount of people.

  • Meredithshep
    Meredithshep Online Community Member Posts: 87 Empowering

    When DLA changed to pip people with indefinate (lifetime) awards were reassessed under the new pip descriptors and many lost money and had to keep having assessments every few years. If the descriptors get changed you may no longer qualify for the same amount so stands to reason that eventually everyone would be reassessed under the new descriptors so I suggest everyone stands together at this horrible uncertain time.

  • Elastic_Band_Man
    Elastic_Band_Man Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener

    I am on PIP standard rate daily living and Enhanced rate mobility I am now concerned that I will lose the daily living part as I have not scored a 4 on any of the descriptors but I believe the assessment was wrong as they only gave me a 3 for the bathing descriptor I should have scored a 4 on that one as part of that descriptor states Being unable to wash between above your waist and shoulders this definitely applies to me as I cannot reach around my back to wash in the shower I have to have help to do this as well as washing above shoulder height I also need someone to be in the shower as I often fall over. The PIP I get helps me as I am unable to work full time due to the pain which is cumulative as the time goes on. I work 5 hours 3 days a week but an in agony by the third day. I fear that if I lose the daily living part of PIP I would have to work extra in agony. I am unable to claim UC as when I tried I was told my partner's State pension would be deducted from any UC I get so we get Pension credit instead luckily we claimed this before the government changed the eligibility to both partners in a couple having to be of state pension age to claim.

  • lukemc
    lukemc Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    Hi my name is Luke I have joined this forum due to my concerns about these changes I have PIP higher rate daily living and standard rate mobility for a ongoing period it was hard won for me as I was initially on DLA lifetime/indefinite award but the assessor did not understand autism very well so I got 0 points on migration to PIP and then got an ongoing award at tribunal after over a year. Being on the autism spectrum I do ruminate a lot but I did feel reass today as it did seem to suggest in the green paper that ongoing awards will continue but I just got a bit worried again reading your post nothing against you just asking what makes you think they will want to reassess everyone including those with ongoing awards I deserve what I got at the tribunal and dread having to go through that process again. Do you think my award should be OK. Also I have got friends who are worried including a lovely lady who has multiple physical health conditions including a feeding tube but did not get 4 points on any descriptor she said that if her PIP stopped she would not have enough money to pay her bills as she cannot work even part time now because it is too exhausting for her and I also have multiple neorodivergent friends who are also worried for autistic and other neurodiverse people this support is vital as we need to socialise and get that experience and restricting PIP will only make it more difficult to get out and meet people and this will have a detrimental effect on my friends wellbeing. I have written to my MP a number of times I am just asking how I go about getting a face to face meeting as I have never met my MP in person would be nice to explain my concerns to her verbally. I have voted Labour for a long time but now I have started to rethink but what do you think will happen re: ongoing awards relevant part of green paper is below:

    169. Most people with ongoing awards are not formally reassessed. Instead, they have a ‘light touch’ review every 10 years which aims to maintain a minimal level of contact with people to ensure their details are kept up to date and adjust awards if necessary.

    170. By providing PIP awards for an ongoing period, we remove the need for people whose conditions are unlikely to improve to undergo more regular award reviews. Yet we still hear that people with lifelong and progressive conditions are concerned they are being put through unnecessary repeated assessments.

    171. We are considering making changes to improve communication around receiving ongoing awards in PIP. These include improving the information we provide when we write to people about ongoing PIP award decisions, what support is offered to people receiving ongoing awards between ‘light touch’ reviews and reviewing the length of time between ‘light touch’ reviews.

    This suggests that there are no current plans for the ongoing awards to be subject to the full reassessment process.


  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 1,487 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Afternoon all. We understand you have lots of questions and concerns regarding the new green paper announcement, so we've created this discussion for everyone to talk about it here - The Green Paper Discussion

    We'd prefer to keep the conversations regarding this all in one place, so as to protect the mental health of all on the community, so we will be closing this discussion. I hope you understand. 🙂

This discussion has been closed.