Green Paper not making sense

Topcat71 Online Community Member Posts: 67 Contributor

I really cannot make sense of the green paper and what it means to me on pip and lcwra. I have a pip review coming up so should I worry I could lose everything. I just feel totally confused and let down by labour. I have painful osteoarthritis and spinal disease and I work 12 hours a week. The worry of having to return to full time work I just cannot see I can cope with this. Even with the morphine I take every day I just don't know how I manage full time work.


  • Stellar
    Stellar Online Community Member Posts: 215 Empowering

    wait for third parties to start publishing their own breakdowns. the paper will take days to properly parse and digest.

  • Topcat71
    Topcat71 Online Community Member Posts: 67 Contributor

    It's just left me confused and worried and my friend talking in very bad ways about if she lose it. It's horrible if the assessments are not bad enough it's not knowing. Why is the media saying millions to lose benefits it's like saying millions to lose their jobs. It's how we survive and pay bills . They seem to think it's holiday money. It's our lives , sorry it is upsetting me a lot today.

  • Stellar
    Stellar Online Community Member Posts: 215 Empowering

    I understand. Nothing will happen in the near future, so take time out for yourself. Same goes for your friend.

  • Topcat71
    Topcat71 Online Community Member Posts: 67 Contributor

    Thank you Stellar I will try to calm down over it all. I really wish I could go back to full time work but I finding it difficult to go upstairs now in place of work. Morphine helps so does the 3 monthly double steroid injection in both knees but the pain and that horrible dull burning ache is always there. My biggest worry if I lose pip be if my back goes into spasms I can't move. I just don't know what I do to cope I find 12 hours a week to much at times. Thanks everyone for supporting here it means so much. Thank you