Guest post: Getting an ASD diagnosis at 46



  • Chris_Alumni
    Chris_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 684 Empowering
    This one from Simon on Facebook:

    "Got my dx at 44, then my life made sense. I knew from the age of 7 I was different, all the classic signs of autism, but no one knew back then. 
    I stumbled through life questioning everything, I didn't understand social cues etc etc

    I was labelled the black sheep of the family, always misunderstood everything was hard work, I just thought this is how it is for everyone, isn't it? 

    Then I thought I was going mad and maybe it was all my fault? Then the depression came, that big black cloud that hangs over you refusing to move. 

    Then my dx, relief I wasn't going mad , there were reasons I did things a certain way , reasons why I don't understand social cues, and I hate bright light! It hurts! I thought it did for everyone..

    So many things made sense now. I'm happy now, off my meds life is really good. 

    I'm autistic and proud it gives me an outlook on life that many people just don't get to see. I don't just think outside the box,there is no box."
  • Chris_Alumni
    Chris_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 684 Empowering
    And another, from Debra on Facebook:

    "Same here. Same age diagnosis.
    A month off 47 to be exact. Brought up my daughter 26, who was very obvious early diagnosed severe ASD and nobody picked up that I was also on the spectrum because I didn't ever in my life cause problems. 
    I was very quiet, stuck to all the rules, and also very bright at school despite missing loads to illness and surgery as I am also severe end EDS. (connective tissue disorder) 
    I trained as a nurse, I've been a gifted fine art artist (all tiny brush every detail), also a singer online, (and mod winning violin player as a child) though health is dire through no fault of my own. I was a prolific letter writer and poetry writer and all covered in detailed artwork, the same with my school jotters!!
    My "thing" was knowing who every car that passed belonged to, (even in the dark) and I could recite every car they'd ever possessed's numberplates!! ..I still would but for stroke issues!
    I've always been on my own, and find males easier as friends. I don't "get" the girlie hanging out.
    I prefer animals. :)
    I have a very long lasting marriage; been together since I was 17 and he was 18. I am going paralysed now and have tearing main brain arteries due to the EDS, prognosis is poor but the last two years diagnosed, has made me understand "why".
    It was my hubby who worked it all out and pushed me to look for diagnosis.

    This is typical of where I would put my story.. on the side, on someone else's post haha!!"

  • Chris_Alumni
    Chris_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 684 Empowering
    And Lesley:

    "I can definitely relate to this. I got my diagnosis last year when I was 46 too. I ended up paying for a private appointment when my GP flatly refused to consider autism or that I needed a diagnosis for my own sanity. My main difficulty now is convincing people that their perception of autism is not very accurate and yes, it is possible for a 46 year old woman to be autistic, despite being way to good at coping, copying and masking for most of my life."

  • Chris_Alumni
    Chris_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 684 Empowering
    From Marie on Facebook: 

    "Just half way through my assessment at 44! Passed the paper side with flying colours. Luckily I'd saved some of my old school reports that back up what I've said.

    I've never been able to achieve my full potential as anxiety kicks in and I fret too much. I'm always worried about what people think of me and I really struggle to understand what's going on in conversations half the time. I'm so easily distracted and have lots of little rituals and OCDs .

     I was always the loner; the quirky one at school (nickname was freak and weirdo) . I never felt I fit in .never understood the concept of fashion so constantly had the mick taken out of me. So I tried really hard to fit in and went the other way. The school report saying I'm a very quiet girl is the opposite to what i present myself as today. I talk non stop as I struggle with cues and don't know when I should shut up. I often get carried away and talk over people and struggle to understand their annoyance sometimes; tho I'm better at it these days ! It's amazing what you can teach yourself to try to fit in.

    My friends often joke they know I'm aspie and my sons consultant put the idea in my head after we spoke (my son's autistic with ADHD SPD and Tourette's ). So I've decided to find out if I am. My mum says we all know you're different so a diagnosis won't change that but she doesn't understand how much it means to know there is a reason to your different! To know why I've struggled all my life to fit in ; how using all my energy to come across as "normal" is exhausting and wears me out. How i can't help being pedantic. But all the professionals I work with , from my sons social worker to his clinical psych have always told me they are amazed at the bond I have with my son and they've never met a better advocate. But it's because I get it. I can completely see why my son gets upset and pre empt him half the time because I did the same things as a child!

    I feel girls on the spectrum are very good maskers and I don't want to keep hiding who I really am anymore!"
  • joannarashelle
    joannarashelle Online Community Member Posts: 135 Empowering
    Thankyou @Chris_Scope for giving us all these examples, I'll be reading through them tonight.
