PIP been reduced



  • shany
    shany Community member Posts: 14 Connected
    I had a knee replacement 2 yrs ago BUT developed osteoarthritis in the kneecap! So you can see why I'm reluctant to go thru a 2nd knee replacement! 
  • shany
    shany Community member Posts: 14 Connected
    My pip for enhanced mobility was reduced to the Standard Rate and was due for review in 2019 BUT what the DWP have done is extended my PIP till 2021. Why would they do this? 
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,852 Championing
    shany said:
    My pip for enhanced mobility was reduced to the Standard Rate and was due for review in 2019 BUT what the DWP have done is extended my PIP till 2021. Why would they do this? 

    Quite possibly to ensure that they only pay you the standard rate for another two years whereas if you had appealed now and managed to get through the heartache it causes they may well have had to pay you at the Enhanced rate.
  • shany
    shany Community member Posts: 14 Connected
    That makes sense to me now. 
    I think they're just desperate to get their figures down. 
  • davegregson40
    davegregson40 Community member Posts: 81 Empowering
    I would also advise getting medical evidence, PIP is non means-tested, you are entitled if you have a serious health condition that affects your day-to-day living and getting around, definitely contact the DWP and most local authorities have a specific WElfare Rights officer. 
  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Hi @ajones

    Would you like your comment to be made into it's own discussion so that you can elaborate on your question a bit more? If so, you can do that by navigating to the home page and then selecting "new discussion", alternatively I can create it for you. 
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