Pip Assessment report being inaccurate



  • chrisvanf
    chrisvanf Online Community Member Posts: 62 Contributor
    Hi @poppy123456
    I suppose if the Decision Maker needs info or clarification of something then the easiest and perhaps fastest way to find this out would be to contact the claimant or the claimant's medical professionals.

    What does CLDT stand for?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    chrisvanf said:

    What does CLDT stand for?

    Community Learning Disabilities Team
  • chrisvanf
    chrisvanf Online Community Member Posts: 62 Contributor
    Ah thanks for that @poppy123456

    Sorry, I'm old-school
    Too many acronym;s , can't keep up.. lol
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    chrisvanf said:
    Ah thanks for that @poppy123456

    Sorry, I'm old-school
    Too many acronym;s , can't keep up.. lol
    Haha, we're only as old as we feel.. :#B)
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,847 Championing
    chrisvanf said:

    So what you are saying is, because DWP didn't phone you, then DWP don't phone anybody.
    Have you spoken with every claimant that DWP have on record?
    Or, have you official documentation from DWP stating no claimant has/was ever contacted by phone. 

    The only thing I can surmise from my conversation with the DWP is that the assessors report was vastly different from the the PIP form and medical evidence that I sent in with the pip form. 

    You seem to read what you want to read.
    I said I have never heard of it before. It has never featured on this before this last week as ever happened either.
    No doubt it has happened to others but given how the DWP work (with 23 years of experience under my belt) it does not appear to follow the trends that they have set previously
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,847 Championing
    edited September 2018
    chrisvanf said:
    Hi @poppy123456
    I suppose if the Decision Maker needs info or clarification of something then the easiest and perhaps fastest way to find this out would be to contact the claimant or the claimant's medical professionals.

    What does CLDT stand for?

    The point is that the DWP have normally not bothered they just seem to rubber stamp what the assessor reports.

    If this is to become the norm in contacting the claimant how on earth would you square that if the claimant has never disclosed a telephone number to the DWP like I have done? Maybe they would write a letter and ask nicely to contact the writer as they have some questions to ask. Given the postal system that the DWP use it could well be 4 weeks at least before the DWP get a written reply back asking what it is that you want to discuss?.
  • Waylay
    Waylay Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 965 Trailblazing
    @Username_removed I sent in a very well done form (according to the Tribunal judge), with a lot of useful evidence. I had little stories of things that have happened in various situations. As far as I can tell, the assessor and both DMs didn't even look at it. So many serious factual errors, really basic ones, that they can't have read anything I sent. *shrug*
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,847 Championing
    The issue isn’t really whether they’ve read them or not. There is a cultural issue within DWP about weighing evidence badly.
    If that is the case, thank God the DWP Decision Makers aren't employed by the MOJ. to sit on Tribunals advising the panel as an expert on Welfare Law.
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,847 Championing
    edited October 2018
    . Sadly the social entitlement chamber has been busy recruiting barristers as judges with predictably bad results. 
    Are you suggesting that these 'new' judges are not up to speed with legislation and case law? Or that they can't find enough to want the job?

  • fluffy84
    fluffy84 Online Community Member Posts: 18 Connected
    Although it can be a long and draw out and stressful process I would strongly advise anyone who feels that their PIP assessment is flawed or their award wrong to take their case to tribunal. 

    We had a similar experience and after 10 months went to tribunal and won. Send the courts as much evidence as possible - medical and personal statements. Go through the assessment report line by line and try and find evidence to dispute their findings. 

    Dont give up - no matter how hard they make it for you. Please ask for help and support here - or with your friends and family. 

    These assessors have targets to meet and will actively find ways to refuse PIP. The DWP seem to disregard all medical evidence and almost always side with the assessors report. Once you get to tribunal the panel and the judge are totally independent and actual experts in their field. For the first time we were treated fairly and with compassion once we reached our tribunal. 

    The system is a disgrace. I'm hoping to do what I can to stand against it. 

    Wishing everyone the very best of luck with their PIP claim and please feel free to message if you need support. 
  • Lindaann
    Lindaann Online Community Member Posts: 41 Connected
    Has anyone been awarded pip for fibromyalgia ?
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,847 Championing
    Lindaann said:
    Has anyone been awarded pip for fibromyalgia ?
    Overall? many 10's of 1,000's
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Lindaann said:
    Has anyone been awarded pip for fibromyalgia ?
    PIP isn't awarded based on a diagnosis, it's how those conditions affect you..
  • Horrified65
    Horrified65 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Contributor
    So as I expected I am now losing my Mobility Vehicle after about 12 years due to the assessors blatant lies.  I have got some further letters from
    my GP and also from
    my Consultants.
    Can anyone tell me the best way to do a Mandatory Reconsideration?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    So as I expected I am now losing my Mobility Vehicle after about 12 years due to the assessors blatant lies.  I have got some further letters from
    my GP and also from
    my Consultants.
    Can anyone tell me the best way to do a Mandatory Reconsideration?
    I'm sorry to hear that. MR request in writing stating what you disagree with, state where you think you should have scored those points and your reasons why. Giving at least 2-3 examples of what happened the last time you did that activity. You have 28 days from the date of decision to request the MR. Only 17% of decision change at this stage, most people have to take it to Tribunal.

    Also bare in mind that they will look at the whole decision again and not just part of it. Contact your local welfare rights or law centre for face to face advice and help is the best thing you can do.
  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing

    will generate an MR submission letter.
  • PIPnewbie
    PIPnewbie Online Community Member Posts: 298 Empowering
    I don’t agree that getting the PIP 2 form is key.

    I laboured over my girlfriend’s application between and at work for weeks, explaining why she meets such and such descriptors, what has happened in the past when attempting these descriptors, and photocopying many hospital reports from over the years to recent ones, all that show her condition is lifelong and unchanging.

    She was still told to make it to assessment, was still asked everything already answered in the PIP 2 form, like it was utterly pointless filling it out, and was give mere standard rate daily living just barely with 8 points and an 9 month away date for review.

    A girl born with Crohn’s, who had four bowel resections at age 9, had diagnosed arthritis at the same time, and diagnosed endometriosis and fibromyalgia... standard daily living because she held a 250 gram bottle of liquid to drink.

    Some people here seem to think the system, the process, and DWP are perfect because they got theirs and are fine and dandy, and everything will work out fine if you follow the procedure to the letter.
  • Horrified65
    Horrified65 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Contributor
    I am concerned as to how I write the MR without calling out the blatant lies and things that I did not say to the assessor. How she can decide by looking at me that I have full power in my legs. How I have no issues with my arms and dont have issues lifting etc. I have no feeling in my thumb and have numbess both in my arm, leg and foot. The numbess in my thumb will never come back so I have to be careful lifting anything hot etc but can still put my thumb and forefinger together in a pinch (that does not mean I can easily lift something)! Its so stressful and there is NO mention at all about my shortness of breath etc!

    I want to just say this is all lies but know that is not going to get me anywhere.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    PIPnewbie said:
    I don’t agree that getting the PIP 2 form is key.

    I laboured over my girlfriend’s application between and at work for weeks, explaining why she meets such and such descriptors, what has happened in the past when attempting these descriptors, and photocopying many hospital reports from over the years to recent ones, all that show her condition is lifelong and unchanging.

    She was still told to make it to assessment, was still asked everything already answered in the PIP 2 form, like it was utterly pointless filling it out, and was give mere standard rate daily living just barely with 8 points and an 9 month away date for review.

    A girl born with Crohn’s, who had four bowel resections at age 9, had diagnosed arthritis at the same time, and diagnosed endometriosis and fibromyalgia... standard daily living because she held a 250 gram bottle of liquid to drink.

    Some people here seem to think the system, the process, and DWP are perfect because they got theirs and are fine and dandy, and everything will work out fine if you follow the procedure to the letter.
    Most people have face to face assessments, it's very rare to have a paper based one. PIP isn't award based on a diagnosis, it doesn't matter how many conditions you have and how long you've had them. It's how they affect your ability to do daily activities based on the descriptors.

    Points will not be given for needing assistance if aids can reasonably be used. It's extremely difficult to complete a form as complex as PIP if you don't fully understand what each descriptor means. This is the reasons why it's helpful to get some help filling in those forms, from someone that understands what they're doing.

    No one that's helped you has said the system is perfect, far from it. People have gone out of their way to help and advise you and there has been times where i've felt you haven't fully listened to the advise that's been given to you.

    Sometimes evidence can contradict each other, which is why less is always more.
  • Horrified65
    Horrified65 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Contributor
    Thanks @poppy123456, how do I say I disagree with something without actually saying the assessor has lied. For instance she has said I can walk around the supermarket for 10 minutes. What I actually said was that I dont usually go as I shop online but that if I did I would get a scooter or use my walker as I can sit on this and rest and wouldnt be there long as I cannot carry bags I would only be getting one or two