Pip review



  • JO2907
    JO2907 Community member Posts: 19 Contributor
    @Heidi415 this is my 1st renewal but knew that a f2f would def be happening lol. Like you i think there prioritising the people that were refused the 1st time. But where still getting paid but doesn't make it any easier with the worrying. Your right i find this renewal worse than my initial claim, i think its because where left in limbo. From a couple of posts it seems from 6wk to 9wk and longer depending what Area you live, so god knows. All we can do is keep updating our posts i think till we hear anything, that way it will give us some insight rather than None At All!!
  • sarah50
    sarah50 Community member Posts: 119 Empowering
    Well my reassessment didn't go well I have been denied pip and because of their stupid postal system and the time limits that are imposed on us but not them, they work to guidelines that they don't have to stick to, I have had to apply for a mandatory reconsideration. Without the benefit of my report. I now have a copy of the report and it varies from inaccurate to down right lie. I don't expect DWP to change their decision based on the MR and I've got no clue how long it will take for that decision to come through but I will be taking it to tribunal again no idea how long that will take but someone I know here in the southwest waited 9 months. My pip has stopped altogether as of the 19th the date of the decision. Happy days debt here I come.
  • sophella8
    sophella8 Community member Posts: 7 Listener
    I have recently been awarded PIP and the whole process took 13 weeks until i recieved a decision its one of them where you have to be very patient 
  • JO2907
    JO2907 Community member Posts: 19 Contributor
    @sarah50 really sorry to hear that you got denied pip. Was this a Review of your Original Claim?. 
  • sarah50
    sarah50 Community member Posts: 119 Empowering
    @Jo2907 hi it was a review, I was originally awarded pip until Feb 19 but in May 18 they sent me a review form as I said they stopped it on 19 Sept. So award length doesn't mean that much either does it. So angry with the whole process at the moment ?
  • sarah50
    sarah50 Community member Posts: 119 Empowering
    @sophella8 hi your claim was very quickly sorted did you get any help with your claim?
  • JO2907
    JO2907 Community member Posts: 19 Contributor
    @sarah50 Jesus no the award length obviously doesn't mean nothing at all. I can only imagine how angry you are??. If you don't mind me asking, what are your Problems?
  • livonia
    livonia Community member Posts: 75 Contributor
    I applied April decision in July . I’m still waiting on esa review decision also submitted in April 
  • Saracen
    Saracen Community member Posts: 66 Empowering
    Hi all 
    This is my wait so far im in south wales .
    Recieved my review form 4th april, I asked for a three week extension because cab were doing it for me , had my f2f in early august they recieved my assessors report 21st, phoned and had a copy the following day wow couldnt believe it came that quick ,
    According to assessors report he gave me 13 points care and 18 mobility . Phone on numerous occasions still no decision yet but have been told by Dwp at least I got some money coming in .
    Its been 7 weeks since they 6 months from start hope this helps some of you good luck.
  • sarah50
    sarah50 Community member Posts: 119 Empowering
    @JO2097 hi, no I don't mind I have Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome along with the resulting depression from having such a reduced life.
  • JO2907
    JO2907 Community member Posts: 19 Contributor
    @sarah50 thank you for replying. I have had Severe Depression for years and just been diagnosed with Fibromalgia and IBS, so i know how it effects you. After your Outcome i'm not holding out any hope at all Now!!. Please keep me updated of how you get on with your MR etc, because i'm sure i will be in the same boat shortly and any tips would help. Message me anytime if you want to talk about anything.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,856 Championing
    PIP isn't awarded based on a diagnosis, it's about how your conditions affect you daily and you can't compare 2 people because we're all affected differently even if we have the same conditions. I claim PIP for fibro and other conditions because of they way i'm affected by them. Lots of other people claim PIP without any problems for fibro and mental health conditions. Good luck with your claim.
  • sarah50
    sarah50 Community member Posts: 119 Empowering
    @JO2097 try not to worry as poppy said it is about how your conditions affect your daily life not your diagnoses. You can only go through the process and respond accordingly.
  • Yadnad
    Yadnad Posts: 2,852 Championing
    JO2907 said:
    @sarah50 thank you for replying. I have had Severe Depression for years and just been diagnosed with Fibromalgia and IBS, so i know how it effects you. After your Outcome i'm not holding out any hope at all Now!!. Please keep me updated of how you get on with your MR etc, because i'm sure i will be in the same boat shortly and any tips would help. Message me anytime if you want to talk about anything.
    Main disabling condition for people in receipt of PIP (normal rules):  
    634,000 (36%) were recorded with ‘Psychiatric disorders’ (which includes ‘Mixed anxiety and depressive disorders’ and ‘Mood disorders’).  
    372,000 (21%) were recorded with ‘Musculoskeletal disease (general)’ (which includes ‘Osteoarthritis’). 

    Taken from DWP stats

    A total of 57% of all claimants with an award  will have either Psychiatric disorders or Musculoskeletal disease
  • sarah50
    sarah50 Community member Posts: 119 Empowering
    @JO2097 Fibromyalgia is classed as a chronic pain condition for pip,
  • medwaymum
    medwaymum Community member Posts: 9 Connected
    edited October 2018
    It can take a very long time and as others say no case is the same but I would always phone them if you have not heard and appeal straight away if they dont get back to you also everyone has an assessment, I have found they often put wrong things about people and you need to put this in an appeal ,depression does effect your life big time, I hope you get it eventually. 
  • JO2907
    JO2907 Community member Posts: 19 Contributor
    @Yadnad Thank you Yet Again for your Valueable Information. I'm Definitely more Inclined to Listen to Your Input as i'm Sure with you having Worked for the Civil Service you have the EXACT Insight and Information that people NEED, rather than people who just think they know Everything because they've been Awarded it!!. Thank you
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,856 Championing
    sarah50 said:
    @JO2097 Fibromyalgia is classed as a chronic pain condition for pip,
    PIP isn't awarded based on a diagnosis, it totally depends how those conditions affect you daily. Everyone is different and you can't compare 2 people.
  • JO2907
    JO2907 Community member Posts: 19 Contributor
    @poppy123456 yes we already know that its based on how your condition affects you daily as youv'e already said on your previous post. I think i'll just be leaving it to the person who's job it is to Assess me and Yadnad's Valuable Advice thanks.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,856 Championing
    edited October 2018
    Yadnad's valuable advice... not being nasty here but this persons PIP claim was refused and the information he gave you was just stats from the internet...