Fabricated pip assessment by capita



  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited May 2022
    Kaylan said:
    Oh, I thought I had to submit the information again; one of Mike's links said to provide examples for each of the 12 activities. 
    Yes, you should do that if you didn't do it as part of your provious information. But there is no need to duplicate information you have already provided.

    Once the appeal is lodged DWP will have to issue a 'bundle' of documents which will include everything connected to your claim including everything you previously sent. It will be sent to the tribunal service and copied to you. When you get the bundle you should check that everything has been included.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,401 Championing
    Not if you've already done that. However, are you 100% sure it was real world incidents you gave and not assertions?
  • Kaylan
    Kaylan Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Thank you guys, I will check through my documents to see if I did in fact give real world incidents and not assertions (it was so long ago), but I'm sure I did. 
    Do DWP get the information I sent to Capita with regard to my complaint to them, there was a lot of information in those emails too?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,401 Championing
    The complaint would have nothing to do with DWP so no they wouldn’t have received anything about that. 
    You need to put the assessment and the report behind you now because that’s all in the past and it won’t get you a PIP award.
  • Kaylan
    Kaylan Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Ok, thank you for the advice, it has really helped me with my decision to continue my appeal. 
  • carerZoe
    carerZoe Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    I also had this with my autistic son, they deemed that as he can play a playstation he is capable of lots of other areas which was ridiculous.   The stress it put me through was awful.  Thankfully I found a company called Kester Disability Rights and they dealt with the Disability Discrimination element and helped me get an award for him which was the right award.   Good luck
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,401 Championing
    carerZoe said:
    I found a company called Kester Disability Rights
    Who charge if they take on your case and win. I completely disagree with those that charge people for their help, especially when there's advice agencies out there that will help for free.

  • Kaylan
    Kaylan Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Yes, because I use my phone for banking (which I check occasionally when I'm Cognitive) and playing games ( actually, just the one game, Scrabble to keep the old grey matter working) I t was deemed I was capable  of other things requiring dexterity. It's absolute nonsense. 
  • Henny5
    Henny5 Online Community Member Posts: 18 Connected
    vivienne1 said:
    Yes, some assessors certainly do. I got my report in today and I dont recognise the person in it. I wish I was that well! One spectacular lie is I dont need glasses yet had my glasses on during the interview. 
    Same here. I am profoundly deaf in one ear through brain surgery and wear 2 specialised hearing aids which make everything worse. I tried explaining this and the report just said 'doesn't wear aids' 0 points