Capita telephone assessment

Dave1979 Online Community Member Posts: 19 Connected
edited May 2020 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Hi Folks, I’m not sure what to do here. I already knew capita face to face assessments were suspended because of the virus but I thought this would mean either paper based assessments being done or waiting until they get back to normal which I wouldn’t have minded 

However I got a letter from capita today telling me I will have to have a telephone assessment. This is ridiculous, not only am I no good at talking to strangers on the phone but how can they accurately assess me when they can’t even see me 

Does anyone know if I have the right to refuse this and tell them I would rather wait, I’m in Northern Ireland if that makes any difference which I don’t think it would 

Any helpful advice much appreciated 


  • daisy80
    daisy80 Online Community Member Posts: 13 Connected
    I am hard of hearing and was told today they arent doing paper based assessments only tel ones. I said surely there has to be an alternative for deaf or hard of hearing but was told to put the assessor on loud speaker?! If I declined the tel assessment they said they were going to send my claim to dwp as not complying and my claim to be withdrawn! Surely if I can't hear how can i have a tel assessment. I've sent them the info telling them this from the hospital. They advised to tell the assessor on the day and see what they can do or see if someone can help me. I suffer with multiple mental health conditions to and it's causing me so much stress. They told me they arent doing any paper based ones now only tel ones. 
  • wilko
    wilko Online Community Member Posts: 2,438 Championing
    Hello and welcome, when you we and I apply for pip we fill in a detailed questionnaire answering questions relating to each of the PIP descriptiors and where we feel necessary add more information reference to the descriptiors we need to. When you have a F2F or telephone assessment the assessors job is and will be to confirm your answer given as per each of the descriptiors and noting your answers and making a report to send to the desision makers at DWP. Now being not a F2F the assessors can't see your appearance, state of dress, anxiousness, eye contact or any mobility issues you may have. This could be a good thing for some people but I feel only time will tell many will be refused because of lack of evidence, and more Mrs will be required and no doubt tribunals. 
  • Leelink
    Leelink Online Community Member Posts: 16 Connected
    This is actually worrying me. I just submitted a UC50 form before all the pandemic so i'm expecting to either have to do a telephone call or a paper assessment. The only downside is my main reason for claiming this is because of my anxiety on phones. 
  • Dave1979
    Dave1979 Online Community Member Posts: 19 Connected
    For one thing how could they possibly do an accurate and fair assessment (not that they’re ever accurate or fair anyway) when they can’t even see you. Wouldn’t it be better to wait until they can assess you in person 
  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 674 Trailblazing
    edited April 2020
    I find it interesting people seem to be preferring f2f over phone assessments.

    I have always felt the only benefit of a f2f, is for the purpose of anti fraud.  Because what is any other benefit of them seeing you?

    Anything they can see, can be told to them on the phone.

    They dont carry out actual medical examinations, I have never been asked to do more than press down on their hands.  It involves them sitting there on their laptop asking you questions.
  • fatherinpain
    fatherinpain Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
    I believe after doing a telephone tribunal it would’ve been more beneficial to all parties if I had face to face, I’m not very good at expressing what my mind wants me to actually say, which I think would be easier to pick up on in person then the other end of telephone.
  • fatherinpain
    fatherinpain Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
    I’m just giving my experience of it and how I see it would have been more beneficial to have f2f. This is more to do with how my conditions  are, 
  • fatherinpain
    fatherinpain Online Community Member Posts: 177 Contributor
    I get what your saying but for me it’s easier to hide behind a phone then face to face so to give them the best picture of my condition/s would’ve been face to face, obviously this is hindsight seeing as this isn’t possible in the current situation 
  • Dave1979
    Dave1979 Online Community Member Posts: 19 Connected
    Thank you all for your comments. I decided to go along with the phone assessment. It took just 26 minutes 

    As they couldn’t see me at least they shouldn’t get away with telling their lies like they usually do for example saying I made good eye contact when I didn’t even look at them or saying I showed no signs of anxiety 
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,735 Online Community Programme Lead
    Let us know when yo get the results @Dave1979. Fingers crossed for you.
  • Dave1979
    Dave1979 Online Community Member Posts: 19 Connected
    Hi Folks I got the results today, zero points on every descriptor, this is despite the fact that I sent them 100+ pages of evidence to back up my claim. Now there’s all the trouble of appealing it 
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,686 Championing
    @Dave1979. Hi I’m so sorry to hear you didn’t get your award, it’s such a nightmare going through this process, you will have 1 month to put in an MR to see if they will change there decision, if not then it’s an appeal, I’m going through the same as yourself only I got awarded standard mobility, I had previously been receiving DL standard it was a big difference, I really hope you can get it sorted good luck.
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Dave1979 said:
    Hi Folks I got the results today, zero points on every descriptor, this is despite the fact that I sent them 100+ pages of evidence to back up my claim. Now there’s all the trouble of appealing it 
    Really sorry to hear this @Dave1979! Have you requested a copy of the report? This could allow you to see why the points weren't awarded.

    You can either:

    If you choose to write a letter, include all the information required by the online form.

    Please do let us know if there is anything else we can do to help. :)
  • Dave1979
    Dave1979 Online Community Member Posts: 19 Connected
    Hi Folks, I have the copy of the report, basically it says they have decided I can do each and every thing my pip form states I can’t do. Funny how they would know what I can or cannot do when they have never met me nor do they know anything about me, it’s laughable when they say it’s consistent with my medical history even though I have sent them plenty of notes from my medical history which clearly back up my claim. Also it’s apparently a problem that I don’t have a specialist for each and every disability or condition that I have, never mind the fact that it’s hard enough to get talking to a gp about anything these days let alone a specialist. The DFC ( Northern Ireland version of DWP have had a spite at me for many years for some unknown reason, their decision was clearly a result of this, I have applied for a mandatory reconsideration which is most likely a waste of time, I really need an appeal to put these scumbag bullies in their place once and for all
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Really sorry it wasn't a better result @Dave1979! I can imagine this was disheartening. How are you doing?
  • Dave1979
    Dave1979 Online Community Member Posts: 19 Connected
    Hi Chloe, yes it sure was disheartening, zero points twice in a row despite sending them over 30 years worth of evidence. I’m very annoyed but getting there, I have my MP involved and a local councillor too so hopefully my appeal will go well, goodness knows how long it will take though 
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,686 Championing
    Dave1979. Sorry to hear that, it’s one of the worst processes to go through, I’m currently waiting on word on my MR but will probably be the long rd to appeal, please don’t give up. 
  • Dave1979
    Dave1979 Online Community Member Posts: 19 Connected
    This time I won’t give up, I even told them that in my appeal letter. I know this may sound crazy but it seems like this time they gave me zero points deliberately out of spite. As for the MR if you ask me it’s a waste of time put there to try to make us give up
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,686 Championing
    Yes not many win MR at all I think roughly 17% but they make us do it before we appeal I have currently been waiting 10 weeks, which is supposedly be the normal waiting time which is ridiculous and I no we have been in lockdown and it’s held things up but this is the time limit even before oh sorry I’m going into a rant lol 
  • Dave1979
    Dave1979 Online Community Member Posts: 19 Connected

    Hi, thank you for your comments, yes I understand how PIP is supposed to be assessed, however my reason for sending a large amount of evidence is because as you will see in the redacted scans I have included they are simply making up their own rules as they go along for example I attended a mainstream school, I sat GCSE exams, I don't have a specialist for each and every disability I have, whatever any of that has to do with PIP, as you will also see everything I said I couldn't do they simply said they have decided I can do it based on absolutely nothing, no evidence whatsoever