Has anyone had a successful PIP mandatory reconsideration?



  • friendsindead
    friendsindead Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener

    hi just thought I'd share my friend Story we applied for her pip back in February in June was only awarded 6 points so we decided to do MR I spoke to a lady on the phone the day we did the MR and answered all her questions on my friends behalf last week Wednesday she received a random phone call from pip that she missed they sent a text to say they would call back at 3 they did she answered a few questions and was told she was getting awarded stander rate on both parts when she received the letter she had gone from 6 points to 20 so don't give up

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,484 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Heya @friendsindead and welcome to the community!

    Thanks for sharing you MR story, we so often only hear the negative stories, not the positive ones, so that's kind of you. Hopefully it'll give people a bit of hope. 😊