Disability discrimination during covid pandemic



  • shellbell20
    shellbell20 Online Community Member Posts: 260 Empowering
    I think @TG0601 just quoted the text and then put their answer to you above the text.
    I don't see it there either.

    I am not claiming constructive dismissal as I am still employed by them. As for sexual discrimination that is not part of my claim either. I was simply  saying that it could be. I’m sure my solicitor will decide if legally he wants to add that to my case. I have previously won a tribunal, 30 years ago, based on two characteristics. So I am actually a fact that states it can & has been done without a case collapsing. Iinnocent21 said:
    I understand what you're trying to say @Tori_Scope

  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    You have legal representation run your case see where it goes  all cases are different a few years back I represented a person in an employment tribunal  the person couldn't read and write properly 

    The details of his disability was put in there job application and spoke about in interview three months later the person was sacked due to not doing their job properly because they weren't reading what jobs needed to be done 

    Everyone said that that tribunal wouldn't do anything because the person  hadn't worked long 

    The case went to tribunal and the case was won compensation was paid and the person got their job back 

    Never under estimate what an employment tribunal can do 

    Hope your case goes well ?
  • shellbell20
    shellbell20 Online Community Member Posts: 260 Empowering
    I must admit all of this is making me more and more anxious. So I need to step out of this discussion, it's just not helping my anxiety and I am beginning to get highly stress. I wish you luck @TG0601, when I feel better, I will see how it is going for you. x
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    Why has there been a breach ? Its a case for tribunal what ever is said on here is not going to influence a tribunal  no one can predict what a tribunal is going to say or do  and no one can say what will happen or not happen in tribunal  every case is different 
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    What's the point in having discussions if they keep being closed down because someone doesn't like what is said  in this situation no one can say what will or will not happen what can be done and what can't be done their is no facts becsuse every case is different every tribunal judge is different no one knows what's going to happen and we don't have all the facts 

    Whatever anyone says about it is only going to an opinion not fact and yes people are going to get frustrated  and upset to comments because it's happening to them 

    Things sometimes do get to much and over whelming on here none of us are superior to any one else we all have different types of knowledge and different opinions it doesn't mean people are right or wrong 

  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing

    none of us are superior to any one else we all have different types of knowledge and different opinions 

    That's absolutely correct, we are all equal here and everybody's point of view is welcomed when presented in a constructive way and is intended to help the OP of the post.

    However, on occasions when talking about a very complex topic such as this one, people can stray into presenting their own thoughts and opinions as fact, and thus potentially making things confusing for the OP. 

    As always, everybody is encouraged to use the "flag" button to report any posts that you deem to have broken the community guidelines, or any posts that just don't sit right with you for whatever reason, and it would be good if this thread could remain on topic and for the benefit of the OP.

    I'm sorry to read that you feel that way @shellbell20, please take as much time as you need and take care. It's important to step away from things like this sometimes for the benefit of our well-being, so I hope that you feel better soon. 

    Have you found any of the comments on this thread helpful @TG0601? Are there any other questions that you have?
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    If it has hapoend to them then it's a fact isn't it  to show that they would have to put their case on here or search through years of tribunal hearings  to find a link to prove  its fact I actually cant see the problem 

    If you have a case against an employer it could be three things included in one case sexual harassment  disability discrimination and bullying  and employment  law isn't always based on proven fact the same as family law isn't always based on proven fact 

    Just wanted to say 

    The OP can only run the case and see where it goes 

  • TG0601
    TG0601 Online Community Member Posts: 73 Empowering
    @lisathomas50 forgive me if I’m wrong but I think you are getting confused with who @Username_removed was posting about. He was responding to @innocent21 post, not me or my case. He was addressing some of the points @innocent21 raised & asked them to provide evidence to back up what they were saying as fact. I’m sure the tribunal will act accordingly in my case :) 
  • TG0601
    TG0601 Online Community Member Posts: 73 Empowering

    none of us are superior to any one else we all have different types of knowledge and different opinions 

    That's absolutely correct, we are all equal here and everybody's point of view is welcomed when presented in a constructive way and is intended to help the OP of the post.

    However, on occasions when talking about a very complex topic such as this one, people can stray into presenting their own thoughts and opinions as fact, and thus potentially making things confusing for the OP. 

    As always, everybody is encouraged to use the "flag" button to report any posts that you deem to have broken the community guidelines, or any posts that just don't sit right with you for whatever reason, and it would be good if this thread could remain on topic and for the benefit of the OP.

    I'm sorry to read that you feel that way @shellbell20, please take as much time as you need and take care. It's important to step away from things like this sometimes for the benefit of our well-being, so I hope that you feel better soon. 

    Have you found any of the comments on this thread helpful @TG0601? Are there any other questions that you have?
    Yes I have thank you Ross. It’s good to have support & know people are out there to help :) 
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    Glad that you have got the help you need hope you win your case 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    Sorry I haven't commented previously, but @TGO601 is correct in thinking Mike was addressing @innocent21 -  a person's opinion is subjective rather than fact, so if it's happened to a person that does not make it factual @lisathomas50 that's just their subjective experience/opinion.
    It's indeed sad @shellbell20 has stepped away from the help that this forum & Scope tries to offer due to opinions being presented as fact by another, but is why it's important to highlight breaches of the community guidelines when these occur.

  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    Mike I do sincerely apologise I thought you were talking about the poster 

    To be fair it got very confusing who was saying what about who  thank you @TG0601 for pointing that out its not realy clear what is bring said about who 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    It's quite clear @lisathomas50 - Mike was addressing @innocent21 s comments.... & unverifiable opinions are not facts.
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    So it was another poster breaching the rules so could someone point it out to me please and thank you ?
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    Ah Mike that's why I couldn't see all the posts  all I could see was the original poster then lots of other posts with quotes so in the end it looked like you were talking about the original poster 

    Which is why I couldn't see why you thought the discussion should be closed  I was just commenting on what I could see 

    Glad that @TG0601 checked what had happend

    Glad that's sorted out  
  • TG0601
    TG0601 Online Community Member Posts: 73 Empowering
    @lisathomas50 I knew straight away there was confusion so just wanted to clear it up for everyone involved immediately :) thank you for your kind words & support. @Username_removed thank you also for calling into question & challenging the post of innocent21. It’s a shame it lead to @shellbell20 having to take time out & it made her worried about the tribunal process & hearing. If you are still reading these @shellbell20 the Tribunal hearings are incredibly fair & although it’s understandably daunting, they are there for people like us, not the lawyers. All you have to do is tell the truth. Answer the opposing sides questions truthfully & you will not be intimidated by anyone. My run up to my previous tribunal was initially daunting but once I was there I felt so empowered as no one knew my case better than me nor can you trip up a person who is telling the truth. Their barrister gave up in the end & said “she’s beaten me, I have nothing more to add”. It’s all in the transcripts. Hold your head up high. Don’t doubt the way you was made to feel or treated. Even if I lose this tribunal I will sleep well knowing I told the truth & knowing my treatment was illegal & wrong. We do this not just for us, but for all people this is also happening to :) 
  • TG0601
    TG0601 Online Community Member Posts: 73 Empowering
    @chiarieds thank you for clarifying for everyone involved. Much appreciated :) 
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    @TG0601 your welcome anytime and thank you so much for clearing the confusion up as you say as well when your in the tribunal you are in control and the tribunal want to hear what you say as only you know the truth of what realy happend 

    Employers  use Lawers to try and get them out of paying up tribunals are aware of this and when your telling the truth they can't trip you up 

    I have represented around 48 employment  tribunal cases out of that I only had 5 that didn't get the full amount they were asking for but got something but did get their jobs back 

    Alot of it happens now some Employers try to settle out of tribunal now 

    Good luck and hope you get what you want 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    You're welcome @TG0601 - I've been following all the posts, & know Mike always gives excellent correct advice, whilst innocent21 was going off on a tangent inappropriately. It's great you have succeeded in the past, & I'm a great believer in the truth so sincerely hope you will succeed again.
  • TG0601
    TG0601 Online Community Member Posts: 73 Empowering
    It's quite obvious that you are educated within the judicial system or have some experience representing yourself or others. However, what happens when you do have concrete evidence, where it is actually all in writing?  .
    I think the issue has largely been put to bed but, for the avoidance of doubt, I’m going to go out on a limb and take a punt that the poster in question has at best been on the wrong end of one or more legal decisions. They most certainly have not been educated within the judicial system and, if they represented others… well it takes all sorts I guess.

    People who are actual reps will be fairly blunt with you. They won’t waffle and they will be able to cite law, case law and guidance when asked. The half a page of waffle when asked to cite cases which supported his idea that cases collapse when people have more than one protected characteristic was telling. The poster in question posted opinion dressed up as fact. That would be bad enough but it was relatively easy for Scope to check that out when alerted by what I gather were several reports. It was nothing like fact. 

    Nothing wrong with having opinions, even when hopelessly misguided, but opinions dressed as fact are dangerous. The fact you momentarily believed this person had a legal background is quite scary when you think about it. Hopefully the poster in question will continue posting but perhaps be more circumspect and confine themselves to matters within their experience. 
    Very well put, Mike. Your feedback is invaluable & insightful. I’m sure when @shellbell20 reads these posts she will be reassured & feel less anxious.