whats everyone having for breakfast and lunch?



  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Community member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    wow 4pm @Geegeenumber1 sounds like you had a bad night

    I've had 2 coffee's feeling bit hungry this morning so i will have my cereal in a min x
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,025 Championing
    I fancy tinned tomatoes on toast with lots of pepper.
  • Geegeenumber1
    Geegeenumber1 Community member Posts: 1,067 Empowering
    nah im always up by 5.30am was just up even earlier this morning good job really caus so much to do today !

    I dont need much sleep to be honest

    Loving sleeping in my new big four poster. new mattress and bedding too feel like im in a hotel lol 
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Community member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    I bet you do or in your own Palace @Geegeenumber1 x
  • Geegeenumber1
    Geegeenumber1 Community member Posts: 1,067 Empowering
    well i certainly earned it lol just looking forward to having my cats join me now! they will come soon

    more diy guys in today and they are gonna put their velvet cat bed together which cost almost as much as mine lol !

    And theyve got their own teepee and a double cupboard in kitchen full of food and treats !!! lol 

    no wonder im single im a proud mad cat lady !

    did you say you having beef today, ive got that in freezer for next week. think gonna do lamb in slow cooker, really enjoying cooking with it and makes it easier and get a nice easy gravy but gotta cut it up first which i hate need to buy some decent knives lol 
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,025 Championing
    Your cats ate definately spoilt @Geegeenumber1, I bet they all end up on your bed tho. I opened the window for fresh air  and the stray jumped through, rubbing his self on me. After a treat
  • Geegeenumber1
    Geegeenumber1 Community member Posts: 1,067 Empowering
    ha ha yes my cats are house cats, knowing them theyll ignore all the beds and toys ive got them and sleep on my bed! but they are welcome, theyre my world ha ha xx
  • Geegeenumber1
    Geegeenumber1 Community member Posts: 1,067 Empowering
    nice to hear your stray is still around. have you given them a name, do you know what sex it is what does it look like 
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,025 Championing
    I call him Billy he's full black male, not neutered,  I've asked on social media if any one owns him in the past, I didn't get much responce,  he looks too well to be a full stray. I started feeding him as he was starving. He's been coming for a good 7 years. He trusts me totally, like today just jumping through the window  head butting me and rubbing against me happy. He comes every day, sometimes twice, if I'm out side in garden, he sits under the chair. 
  • Geegeenumber1
    Geegeenumber1 Community member Posts: 1,067 Empowering
    that is so nice. WOW seven years? Could you not take him in after all this time?  Wonder where he sleeps

    Better not let him see my beautiful female cats lol mind you theyre all safe ha ha
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,025 Championing
    I've always had my cats done, have to watch him because he will spray in side. He don't stay, he will fuss you and everything but he won't sleep here or anything, I think I'm his second home.
  • Geegeenumber1
    Geegeenumber1 Community member Posts: 1,067 Empowering
    awww he obviously loves you, wish all people would treat cats like that the way you do
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,025 Championing
    He does but I have the love of a cat without vet bills 
  • leeCal
    leeCal Community member Posts: 7,537 Championing
    We had a cat and we moved house but the cat went missing and we found out it gone back to our neighbours, that was seven miles away! They been feeding it salmon that’s why! They told us as much. 

    I was tempted to go and live there myself, I love tinned salmon. 🐈 
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,025 Championing
    I loved tinned salmon too where they live lol
  • leeCal
    leeCal Community member Posts: 7,537 Championing
    Ha ha @Sandy_123
  • Geegeenumber1
    Geegeenumber1 Community member Posts: 1,067 Empowering
    not hungry yet - had ginger and lemon tea. Gonna try and drink more herbal teas. Really getting worried about the headaches I'm getting constantly. Really hard to describe to the doctor other than that they are constant and the only thing that seems to help is annadin with caffeine. I don't like to take these regularly. I can't describe the symptoms and what a migraine is really - I've never been able to describe symptoms like that just that it feels awful. Gonna tell the doctor again today. Gonna go booze free. It's not dehydration as I always drink copious water. I think it might be overload but I'm a bit worried anyone else get headaches. Might have to start a new thread or there might already be one on here 
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Community member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    Morning @Geegeenumber1 it could be work over load darling but if you've still got it i think you've got to check it out again - have you had your eye's tested lately - there's lots of reason why we can get headaches blood pressure is another one. x
  • Geegeenumber1
    Geegeenumber1 Community member Posts: 1,067 Empowering
    yeah my blood pressure was high i think for first time ever the last time it was done i believe - im having an annual health check soon and yet more blood tests

    mum is talking about me adopting lol - but i would consider it, id love to give a child that was unwanted a hope that is really appealing i love the idea especially as you dont need to worry as much about your age etc and i can get my job sorted etc first 

    i think i could offer a lot 

    im gonna put in a new dr consultation and explain how im having to take headache tabs every 4 hours and would take more if it was safe to

    ive just ordered some new expensive 2 in 1 ibuprofen and paracetomol tablets im wondering if im getting a cold or something because i feel that dreaded achey sickey feeling coming all heavy and stuff not good as back at placement full time from tomorrow 

  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Community member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    Fingers crossed it's not a cold @Geegeenumber1

    I would of tried fostering if i couldn't have children x