Can you write a poem?.



  • onebigvoice
    onebigvoice Scope Member Posts: 806 Empowering
    I wrote this while having my knee replacements many years ago which made me chuckle:

          So here it is hope you enjoy and get well soon.....

    A poem to my MUM.  (Dedicated to my mum, sadly now passed but never forgotten)


    I booked an exotic holiday

    I think I need one now,

    It bought me to my knees

    I am feeling drowsy now.


    I went to see the Doctor

    just before I went,

    and just laughed at me

    and sent me down the GWENT. ( hospital in Newport )


    He asked me where I was going

    I told him China's looks nice,

    he looked at me and told me to pack

    I have got the place for you


    I am now in hospital

    as you can see from these posts

    They are trying to fix me,

    but the food is not the most.


    My mum came to visit

    Of this I was so glad

    She bought me all the stuff I like,

    and filled that carrier bag.


    It had Banana's, Apples and Grapes as well

    But, asked her if she could,

    bring me some creature comforts,

    that were by the side of my bed.


    They turned up with my food

    the one that I have being having,

    and even she at first glance

    didn't recognise what it was, I had


    The following day the porter,

    came up along side my bed

    and had a sack truck, with a box on it,

    he said its from your mum


    He took the wrapper off, and set it up by me,

    To find that she had delivered, just what I wanted,

    It was my mini fridge.


    I have never been so happy

    to see that mini fridge

    but when I opened it up

    it was full of 0% alcoholic beer?


    Mum turned up later

    and said, I see its turned up here

    I said what the hell have you done

    with all my ice cold beer?


    She said your not allowed to have,

    those sort of things in here

    so I contacted your mates from Amazon,

    and ordered it from your page?


    I have no mates from Amazon,

    and was wondering what she bought

    and asked what their names were,

    so I can get a resolve.


    You know your mate from Russia, Vladimir Vodka,

    and your English friend Gordon Gin?


    I said those bottles are all energy drinks,

    the ones you put in there.

    and she replied,

    I emptied out the content and put it all in there.


    I asked if I could try,

    one of the 320ml bottles

    to see if they were correct

    and not just filled with 0%beer.


    I took a glug of one

    that had Vladimir on the side

    And by the time it reached my Stomach

    It bought a tear to my eyes.


    By the time the Doctor had got there

    to do his morning exam,

    I had just about finished the bottle

    and was warm and sleepy inside.


    The Doctor made a comment

    that he's glad that I am drinking,

    to keep myself hydrated

    Cos' the colour is coming back, and all seems to be working.


    He suggested that I have TWO bottles

    just before I eat.

    and would like to see me do this

    again at breakfast time

    have you any other flavours

    for me to maybe choose from? 

    My mum said there are two.

    depending on what you want.

    and as a treat before bed

    he's got some cans of beer.

    the doctor said he can't have beer

    it affects the food he's on.

    I said OH its O K

    its non alcoholic BEER.

    so every one is happy, I now can face the food

    and remember, keep your self hydrated

    especially when your in here.


  • Justcheckingin15
    Justcheckingin15 Community member Posts: 364 Empowering
    @onebigvoice...I enjoyed this.
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,680 Championing
  • onebigvoice
    onebigvoice Scope Member Posts: 806 Empowering
    I wrote this poem around a year ago hope you like this:

      Poem to Boris and his people. ( 2020 the terrible year )

     I have been on lockdown since February past

    Cos Boris caught this bug, and just said that this would pass.

    It started off in China, so that’s what I’ve been told

    They called it Corvid-19, its just like a common cold.


    when it started killing people, the world could not believe

    that one day soon it would come knocking, for others to receive.

    They said you might get a temperature, or a runny nose,

    may feel a little headache, or so the story goes.


    But when it went to other places, the whole world gave a gasp

    I think this Corvid-19 has come here and bit us on the ****.

    we were a bit slow acting on what the experts said

    and the only instructions they could give, was just go back to bed.


    now we are in this lock down, almost 4 months have gone by

    the kids are still home from school, there class work, is by the by

    work is just a memory, of some thing that we did

    to fill the time till pay day, and the bank says its O K


    during the day the government, says that it will help

    all its fellow citizens, yes help them on their way.

    we now find food banks are needed, more than ever before

    but who is going to donate, we are stuck behind closed doors.


    I haven’t seen my family, or my friends next door

    Or that man, from down the street, that helped us once before.

    My car might well be the biggest, plant pot in the world

    Since the runner beans and Snails have gone further than those 4 wheels


    They say we are coming out of lock down and started opening shops

    and also allowed the airlines, to take us far away.

    But here in Wales the lockdown is still very much on

    and tried to go to Barry Island the other week and even Cefn onn


    The police were out in force and stopped us in our tracks

    and asked us where we were from, so thinking of some where,

    so I said, I’m from Penarth and not much further on.

    OH please don’t ask me where to, cos my mind had gone a blank

    And thought well this is it, yet said, and me and let us carry on.


    I don’t think I could take much more, of experts telling me what to do

    and the running round the country side, oh yes, this is not for you

    The motorways were empty, because most had stayed at home

    people that came out at Easter, were certainly not from WALES.


    So when the government say, stay at home, I thought that it meant all

    not the select few, who listen and learn when Welsh M P’s tell us ALL.

    The moral of the story was to protect the NHS, and all those unsung hero's

    who became the best of the best, they risked everything just to keep us safe,

    YES I’m asking have you guessed, I’m talking, very special people who work in the NHS.


    When Dominic Cummings decided, to take a little trip,

    you have to realise, he thought he would not be missed

    But when he got to the castle his face was seen, hiding in the trees.

    He said he did not see the problems it would cause

    well he wouldn’t would he, he said he had sore eyes.


    He said his family caught the bug, that killed so many now

    and as a father panicked and decided, I’m off now

    he took his family a 100 miles up the road, to his parents house

    to let his cousins give the specialist help, that was really just up the road.


    He took a risk in thinking, that the NHS were not good enough

    when weighing up the risk, that this support his government gives

    but when you think his title is Medical ADVISER,

    who advised Boris and the rest of us about a travel BAN.


    He put a ban on Travel, well for all the rest,

    and told us to stay at home and contact the NHS

    Boris stood at his podium and said, Look its not very safe,

    and did the same as Cummings, in visiting another place.


    They are not the only ones, to break those simple rules

    especially since he had also closed all the elementary schools.

    They did a total shut down, but by now it was to late,

    thousands died, before they decided to closed the travel gate.


    The way things are going, and the numbers now out of work

    since company’s are folding, the chancellors budget had better work

    You can’t keep taxing people that do not earn, for mistakes that you made

    Cos the chancellor says, tax is pay as you earn.


    I am going to be a good boy and not print out this poem

    and just enjoy the time at home, during this big lock down.

    All you have to remember, that we are making history here

    and in 30 years when I’m not around, 2020 was that terrible year.

    David Simpson.

     I have another one that amused me at the time and will post it on another post.

  • onebigvoice
    onebigvoice Scope Member Posts: 806 Empowering
    This is another problem, about Disabilities and Illnesses.

      I've had another episode, its not what you can see
    It's another problem, yet it's not shown on TV.

      Its caused me to come to a stop, there's not much I can do,
    The Doctor say's get on with it, it won't cause a to do.

      I think you need to see it, from my body's point of view,
    Its like I've lost all the energy, even after I have taken, all those pills.

      There's a pill for Headaches, Nausea and Dizziness as well,
    But when you read the side effects, do I really need to take that pill.

       There's ones for swollen glands, and one for swollen legs, each one tastes so vile,
    Its making me feel so incredibly sick, I can even taste the bile.

      In looking at the symptoms that I had, so many years ago,
    I wonder if its worth it, since they were not half as bad as now.

      Don't stop taking those tablets, I hear the doctor say,
    You need to keep on taking them, come, what, may.

      I've been on these tablets, it must be over ten years now,
    I've had so many reviews, I don't understand any thing now, 

      I feel like a vegetable now, or that's what I think they would,
    If they had been taking this cocktail of tablets, before another episode begins. 
  • onebigvoice
    onebigvoice Scope Member Posts: 806 Empowering
      This is just a bit of fun.....


    I hope you don't mind me tagging this on to your?

    I wrote a poem about my spell checker going back about 6 years ago and this is along the same lines about me.


    Eye ave a spel chekr, eye got it wiv mi masheen

    Eye got the nuer vurson, its never has bean sean.

    Mi’ye computr jusst says its ver best, its only tu underd quid

    and eye'll filtr out mi misteaks as soon as ti's switch on.


    I fought ee said it'll do ver job for me

    butt only found it made it wors, cos' it does the finking four me.


    I went and scene a doktor, he's seams a very nice man

    Ee sed I'm an assesser, and from the DWP

    Wee ad a good old chat, he did a lot of riting.

    to find the report he was writin, was reely nofing like that.


    Ee rote about mi condishon, ee said vat eye wos knuts?

    Eye said ewe can't go und say vat, ewe aven't got ver gutts.

    Eye putt is report in meye computr, and scaned it fru the chequer,

    too find wot he had wrot was ver same as mi flipping doktor.


    Eye realy am as mad, as wot vay realy say

    well ow cun u rite vis, and tri to make it rime.

    Eye asked alot of questons, an ee wont answerr me.

    e' says, its not yor spel chequer, it rely is just me.


    eye've bean wachin telly, ther's not mutch going on

    There's Berxit, well eye fort by now wee'd be gone.

    Vere's the DWP ooo sent vis man ver one ooo assesd me

    ee put me in a support grupe, and sanksioned me four is time,

    Eye said wy ver ell did ewe doo vat, ee said beecorse of vis rime.


    If ewe can spel sanxsion theres nuffing wong wif me

    Sow eye said mi computr is traind in Duble Duch, vat's the language vat eye see.

    HA, I cort ewe out, ver's nuffing wron rite now

    I fort ewe sille old cow, do ewe realy want two xamine me, I'm inn a skanner now?


    The moral of the story is, no matter where you are,

    If your due an assessment, get it recorded, there no escaping now.

    I've had another assessment, the doctor say’s I'm mad,

    He put me in with others, to help me, come on back.


    he said you live in cloud coo coo land, I thought that a bit harsh

    until I realised I'm not on holiday, and out front is not a park.


    I had six months to straighten me out, I think it’s done the trick

    cos now I now come realise, that it could be you lot who are thick?



    NO malice intended…………….

      Best part I wrote this when going through a bad patch and still makes sense and others can still read ity?

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,680 Championing
    @onebigvoice brill loved them thanks for sharing 
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,680 Championing
    edited November 2021
    Ok I've received a email from the senior editor, from the poem I submitted. To say that my poem has been selected.  :):D  :o  and will be published at the press on 9th November. I can't quite believe it. Shocked. Me a published poet.

  • Justcheckingin15
    Justcheckingin15 Community member Posts: 364 Empowering
    Fab!! think you were not even 'in to' Poetry...makes it even better lol
  • Justcheckingin15
    Justcheckingin15 Community member Posts: 364 Empowering
    Its rewarding to see your name and Poem in print @Sandy_123,.I had a go twice...quite a while ago...and both Poems got printed....Well Done again....Might get the thinking cap on again.?
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,680 Championing
    Thankyou @Teddybear12  
    @Justcheckingin15 I'm not surprised yours are good.
    Its nice to know im a published poet, even tho poetry wasn't my thing, or I thought not. It's given me the uplift to carry on with my book
  • Globster
    Globster Community Volunteer Host, CP Network, Scope Member Posts: 2,600 Championing
    congratulations on getting your poem published and you should carrying on writing your book

  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Huge congratulations @Sandy_123 :) 
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,680 Championing
    Thanks all but I've opted out. I've done my research and it's looking like a scam. I couldn't find any info on any platform about this company, noted, should of done it before. Also a very masked dodgy email.  So luckily I didn't buy the book. Only thing is now they have my email adress. Hoping they don't do anything with it.  Be very careful when submitting poems etc. I know now todo research 1st, apparently it's a common  scam. I have reported it but won't amount to anything I don't think. 
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    Well done @Sandy_123 for getting your poem published fantastic news 
  • Justcheckingin15
    Justcheckingin15 Community member Posts: 364 Empowering
    Sorry to hear that @Sandy_123,..There are truly some messed up people in this world!
  • fahmida45
    fahmida45 Community member Posts: 38 Contributor
    I can’t write poetry but really enjoyed reading the members poems here. I hope to see more talent here at Scope.
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,680 Championing
    @fahmida45 have a go
  • Globster
    Globster Community Volunteer Host, CP Network, Scope Member Posts: 2,600 Championing
    I agree with @Sandy_123
    You should poetry writing a go you know poetry writing is a powerful tool to express your feeling through poetry writing

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 56,680 Championing