Can you write a poem?.



  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    @Sandy_123 are you going to enter 
  • onebigvoice
    onebigvoice Scope Member Posts: 859 Pioneering
    I wrote this poem around a year ago hope you like this:

      Poem to Boris and his people. ( 2020 the terrible year )

     I have been on lockdown since February past

    Cos Boris caught this bug, and just said that this would pass.

    It started off in China, so that’s what I’ve been told

    They called it Corvid-19, its just like a common cold.


    when it started killing people, the world could not believe

    that one day soon it would come knocking, for others to receive.

    They said you might get a temperature, or a runny nose,

    may feel a little headache, or so the story goes.


    But when it went to other places, the whole world gave a gasp

    I think this Corvid-19 has come here and bit us on the ****.

    we were a bit slow acting on what the experts said

    and the only instructions they could give, was just go back to bed.


    now we are in this lock down, almost 4 months have gone by

    the kids are still home from school, there class work, is by the by

    work is just a memory, of some thing that we did

    to fill the time till pay day, and the bank says its O K


    during the day the government, says that it will help

    all its fellow citizens, yes help them on their way.

    we now find food banks are needed, more than ever before

    but who is going to donate, we are stuck behind closed doors.


    I haven’t seen my family, or my friends next door

    Or that man, from down the street, that helped us once before.

    My car might well be the biggest, plant pot in the world

    Since the runner beans and Snails have gone further than those 4 wheels


    They say we are coming out of lock down and started opening shops

    and also allowed the airlines, to take us far away.

    But here in Wales the lockdown is still very much on

    and tried to go to Barry Island the other week and even Cefn onn


    The police were out in force and stopped us in our tracks

    and asked us where we were from, so thinking of some where,

    so I said, I’m from Penarth and not much further on.

    OH please don’t ask me where to, cos my mind had gone a blank

    And thought well this is it, yet said, and me and let us carry on.


    I don’t think I could take much more, of experts telling me what to do

    and the running round the country side, oh yes, this is not for you

    The motorways were empty, because most had stayed at home

    people that came out at Easter, were certainly not from WALES.


    So when the government say, stay at home, I thought that it meant all

    not the select few, who listen and learn when Welsh M P’s tell us ALL.

    The moral of the story was to protect the NHS, and all those unsung hero's

    who became the best of the best, they risked everything just to keep us safe,

    YES I’m asking have you guessed, I’m talking, very special people who work in the NHS.


    When Dominic Cummings decided, to take a little trip,

    you have to realise, he thought he would not be missed

    But when he got to the castle his face was seen, hiding in the trees.

    He said he did not see the problems it would cause

    well he wouldn’t would he, he said he had sore eyes.


    He said his family caught the bug, that killed so many now

    and as a father panicked and decided, I’m off now

    he took his family a 100 miles up the road, to his parents house

    to let his cousins give the specialist help, that was really just up the road.


    He took a risk in thinking, that the NHS were not good enough

    when weighing up the risk, that this support his government gives

    but when you think his title is Medical ADVISER,

    who advised Boris and the rest of us about a travel BAN.


    He put a ban on Travel, well for all the rest,

    and told us to stay at home and contact the NHS

    Boris stood at his podium and said, Look its not very safe,

    and did the same as Cummings, in visiting another place.


    They are not the only ones, to break those simple rules

    especially since he had also closed all the elementary schools.

    They did a total shut down, but by now it was to late,

    thousands died, before they decided to closed the travel gate.


    The way things are going, and the numbers now out of work

    since company’s are folding, the chancellors budget had better work

    You can’t keep taxing people that do not earn, for mistakes that you made

    Cos the chancellor says, tax is pay as you earn.


    I am going to be a good boy and not print out this poem

    and just enjoy the time at home, during this big lock down.

    All you have to remember, that we are making history here

    and in 30 years when I’m not around, 2020 was that terrible year.

    David Simpson.

     I have another one that amused me at the time and will post it on another post.

    @Geoark. like that so much its set me off again.

    My Day  ( or Sleep? )

      I think for me, its just another week
    Since like you I cannot sleep.
    I seem to nod right through the day
    So finding sleep, try as I may
    That sandman has gone his merry way.
    He's with someone else during the night,
    I wish that he would see my plight,
    I have no trouble with Fibromyalgia
    To be bright as a button one minute
    then lost in a blur, watching TV down stairs.
    But when my head hits that pillow,
    My head comes up with all this dribble.
    I don't care if bus prices go up,
    or what the price of fish is in China   
    I don't care if Boris is on holiday
    Cos' I've already seen the battle bus.
    I'd like to think I could swim again, or run an marathon,
    But the body has other ideas,
     which are really not on display.
    I've got some hidden illness,
     that most don't understand,
    Until it you,
    just you

      Both still relevant even now......[0]=AZW2B_x6nRCnr5YlUqN32L1zApBuQSiC-8GHz0Hhd0Rj0s5GSj0t5TH0sJZ5W4Eq83rF_pz5bZGKGwPZTErwPWsVHottorIYskEUf0mVZn29aRWL-3YTbvDbfybu0P78IQI&__tn__=EH-R

      This is a link of my daughter and kids over the park in the leaves.  Spent a few hours away from everything and gathered leaves to burry the kids when playing hide and seek.  
      A great stress relief day, thinking about the Autumn poems already written here. 
    Battery's now charged.
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 60,274 Championing
    The link doesn't work for me. 
    I've spent last hour reading Shakespeare sonnets. Quite interesting.
  • Globster
    Globster Community Volunteer Host, CP Network, Scope Member Posts: 2,774 Championing
    The link does work for me as well just tried
    @Sandy_123 How are you?
    How is writing going @Sandy_123

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 60,274 Championing
    Hi @Globster im well thank you so much for enquiring, I hope you are well too. I've not done any writing, I need to get back onto it. I've been doing lots of reading.
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 60,274 Championing

    A winters poem

    The days are short and darkness longer

    The air is cold and the wind is stronger

    The rain thrashes and snow drops flutter

    Starting off light and then in a cluster

    The streets are all dark, no one is out

    Their lights are all on illuminating the house

    The curtains are closed, the heating on

    An old knitted blanket that weighs a ton.

    Some trees are naked no leaves to ware

    No pretty colours just empty and bare

    They are dormant like in a long sleep

    Standing high in the sky line tall and steep.

    The squirrel has his cozy warm drey

    You will only see him out in the day

    Although not often that he will appear 

    Just to find what food he's buried near

    Some  birds do leave for warmer air

    Mainly to get a good meal or two there

    Some stay on  here and rough it out

    Eating the berries, seeds, worms about.

    Us humans do the same as them birds

    We go to warmer air abroad or stick it out

    Hot tasty stews and roasts, curry too

    That's just a start, to name a few

  • Justcheckingin15
    Justcheckingin15 Online Community Member Posts: 364 Empowering
    Love it @Sandy_123
  • onebigvoice
    onebigvoice Scope Member Posts: 859 Pioneering
    fahmida45 said:
    I can’t write poetry but really enjoyed reading the members poems here. I hope to see more talent here at Scope.

      I think that you are brilliant for writing a post on here
    but just write what you think, and post it all on here,
    It doesn't have to make a rhyme, or make a lot of sense
    But to you and what you write, just put it chapter and verse.

    Just think of a subject, like cold or winter snow
     Or that day with the family, on the beach,
    Flying the kite you just made,
    you spent hours trying to make it fly,
    but that's the fun of making it, two sticks, some brown paper and a load of string.

    So come on what did you do yesterday, that made you laugh in tears,
    because poetry is a release for a few minutes  that would last for years.
    I asked google for a random word, which you had to make into a sentence,
    but it had to start with:  I took my mum shopping the other day... 
    I've never laughed so much, so challenge a friend, and when you've finished give them a Cwtch.

      so now I've started just give it a go,
     and who knows, you may find you enjoy the writing
    and contribute a poem that others can relate to and enjoy.  

  • Rue
    Rue Online Community Member Posts: 12 Contributor
    Anxiously, I pace my room, wheels leaving tracks,
    Nervously, I tap a beat, tinny, quiet and fluttering, 
    Xanthic eyes threatening to spill,
    Ignominious insecurities running rampant and unfiltered,  
    Emboldened thoughts clamouring to prove them right, 
    Tightly wound, the words coil and strangle, 
    Yearning, I still, and close my eyes, forever wishing to be free. 
  • WestHam06
    WestHam06 Online Community Member Posts: 1,390 Trailblazing
    Hi everyone, 
                        Thank you for sharing your poems they are really good. I believe anyone can write a poem because it is unique to them, to how they experience a particular thing whether that be practically, emotionally or in any other way. I used to write poems but not so much now. Thank you.
  • euro
    euro Online Community Member Posts: 73 Contributor

    Here's one I wrote a few years ago.  We had just received the news from our area manager that the tenants in the flat above us would not be getting evicted because the judge thought they were remorseful and hadn't realised how much distress they were causing.  It took nearly 2 more years before they eventually were evicted.  In the meantime, my husband and I had moved, leaving them to tourment some other poor sods . . . I was at the end of my tether and this rather long poem helped me vent at least some of my frustration with the 'system'.

    To the Judge

     To the Judge who ruled my neighbours

    deserved a stay of execution -

    did you not consider how I feel

    about their constant noise pollution?


    Their alarm clock wakes me at 06.30

    and it's not silenced to well after 9.

    They don't seem to have any door handles

    'cause they're slamming them all the time.


    They'll come home at 2 in the morning -

    I can hear them already outside.

    Shouting like they're at a concert,

    using language I just can't abide.


    Their intercom (apparently) is broken

    so they yell for access instead.

    They don't seem to care what the time is

    or if the whole neighbourhood is in bed.


    Or the door just gets ragged from its magnet

    and allowed to slam shut on its own.

    Their conversations echo in the stairwell -

    quite obnoxious, high volume, vial tone.


    Footsteps can be heard quite clearly

    as their heals pound down on the floor

    and I physically brace myself, ready

    for the slam and bang of their door.


    I've considered going up in my PJ’s,

    my slippers and dressing gown.

    But is it wise to tell drunk, drugged up people

    to keep their noise levels down?




    To the Judge who decided my neighbours

    were able to toe the line -

    do you know they've had final warnings,

    time after time after time?


    Their friends are equally noisy

    and just as antisocial, too.

    The one time I asked them to be quiet

    I was told to 'F@*% off' and 'F@*% you!'


    Drugs are delivered 'most daily

    dealers honking their horns right outside.

    The exchange is done in the open, quite blatant,

    no attempt at all made to hide.


    Violent arguments usually follow

    and continue well into the night.

    Can't remember the last time I slept

    undisturbed by them through 'till daylight.


    Their rubbish goes out of the window

    and has blown on the wind into mine!

    Drop their rubbish wherever they’re standing

    is littering not a fine-able crime?


    The police come a knocking most weeks -

    my neighbours nowhere to be found.

    I shouldn't complain though, 'cause really,

    it's they only time they don't make a sound.


    As soon as the cops are done braying

    and shouting: “Police! Open the door!”

    They return to their usual behaviour -

    not sure I can cope with much more!


    To the Judge who thought that my neighbours

    were entitled to sit tight and stay put -

    did you know I have got fibromyalgia?

    If you don't know what that is, look it up!


    The list of my symptoms seems endless

    and many things I once really enjoyed

    are either just simply not possible

    or just get me really annoyed.


    Like knitting and doing jigsaw puzzles

    if my hands would give me a half chance.

    Before my legs became utterly useless

    I loved running and going out for a dance.


    My brain has three modes now – none pretty -

    there's auto-drive, strand-by and stop.

    The rare moments I manage to think straight

    and upstairs turns into a grogshop.


    I know I am sensitive to noise,

    but make no mistake – they are noisy.

    When family and friends come to visit,

    they say that the noise drives them crazy!

    Used to sleep like a slough on barbiturates

    getting plenty of replenishing sleep

    now I'm lucky if I feel even drowsy

    after counting to 10,000 sheep!


    So when I feel sleepy, start nodding

    the last thing I need is upstairs

    shouting and swearing and banging

    like the whole block is no one's but theirs!


    To the Judge who offered my neighbours

    a chance to do ‘neighbourly’ right -

    do you know they just can't help,

    but be noisy, get high and fight?


    Did you ask how others are affected

    by our neighbours lack of respect?

    Well let me give you my answers

    though most of these, you should expect!


    How do you think I cope

    when they are violent towards each other?

    I hide like a scared little child,

    protected only by my duvet cover.


    What do you imagine I do

    when their swearing offends my ears?

    I rock back and forth in my chair,

    trying desperately to shake off my fears.


    How high do you think I jump

    when they slam and bang a door?

    I can tell you I feel closer

    to the ceiling than the floor


    How safe do you think I feel

    in this flat I call my home?

    No safer than outside

    when it's dark and I'm all alone.


    Why didn't you ever ask me

    how often they crossed the line?

    And who gave you the right to determine

    their needs are greater than mine?

  • onebigvoice
    onebigvoice Scope Member Posts: 859 Pioneering
    Hi @euro, absolutely brilliant in every way.  I think everyone can understand or know someone who this has happened to, my self included.
     What about a new poem request as we are now on the last legs towards Christmas, and poems Christmas related?
      Please don't stop writing about other things as well as I love them... <3:)
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 60,274 Championing
     @euro brilliant
  • euro
    euro Online Community Member Posts: 73 Contributor
    Thank you @Teddybear12, @onebigvoice and @Sandy_123

    I find the poems I have written whilst feeling vulnerable in some way have really helped me express myself.  'Poetic license' feels safer than saying or 'just' writing down what I think or feel.
  • onebigvoice
    onebigvoice Scope Member Posts: 859 Pioneering
    Just a poem about Christmas.

    Christmas Cheer. 

     Christmas time is here again,

    The adverts have all started

    That toy or doll you always wanted

    now on sale, discounted, just ask for it.


    I have to be nice to mum and dad

    To wake up with that luck bag,

    If I play my cards right, I might even go for two

    But just in case, I need a contingency plan.


    I’ve dropped loads of hints, that my computer stinks

    with notes about computing,

     and how slow mine is,

     their certainly not disputing?


    They walked me round a store last week.

    They said, to take a look,

     and see what’s on the market

    What’s any better than mine.


    Well after a wait of three weeks,

    Santa finally come,

     and run down two flights of stairs,  

    to be met with a cheery greet.


    I’ve got you that I pad,

     as I saw the notes you left

    But thought it a strange request

    As I though you wanted a computer?


    Now my dad is not very technical and that box was awful light.

    But not to be ungrateful, I said it’s what I really wanted


    I opened the box and found this….


    Eye Patch A black eye patch isolated on white Costume Eye Patch Stock Photo  

      My heart just dropped,

     and could feel a sob coming on,

    So I just said thanks, and went to get up

    And he said don’t you want the other one.


    It was that I Pad, the one from the shop we saw.

    And burst out crying, thank you mum and dad.

    So remember when you ask for things, you might not get them all

    After all who’s birthday is it, God bless you one and all.

  • Justcheckingin15
    Justcheckingin15 Online Community Member Posts: 364 Empowering
  • Justcheckingin15
    Justcheckingin15 Online Community Member Posts: 364 Empowering
    Loveeeee it @euro
  • euro
    euro Online Community Member Posts: 73 Contributor
    @onebigvoice that's cool - I love the way you wove an image into your poem and I could feel the anticipation growing with each verse. Brilliant!
  • Geoark
    Geoark Online Community Member Posts: 1,464 Championing
    Words of prose
    Or words to pose
    Lots of words and then some
    You are all awesome

    Some are whimsical
    Others are philosophical
    Many are from the heart 
    So all you have to do is make start.

    So here goes
    Who knows?

    My mum looked at me
    I looked at my mum
    And my mum said
    George you're a nag!

    I looked at my mum
    And my mum looked at me 
    I said
    Did you call me a nag?

    My mum looked at me
    And I looked at my mum
    My Mum said
    Yes you're a nag!

    I stared at my mum
    My mum stared at me
    And I said 
    Neeeeigh not me!
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 60,274 Championing

    Spring is on its way to fetch finer days

    Will it be cold or snow or warmer rays

    Never ever cast a clout until May is out 

     Refers to  clothing an old saying they shout

     farms will be ready to plant their crops

    Ready to grow  them to sell in the shops 

    Ewes will be out grazing with new lambs

    Kept a close eye on by the big rams

    The trees will grow their leaves so green

    Flowers will start to bud a colourful scene

    Ready for the Queen bees to  nectar 

    This helps liven and to protect her 

    The birds who left will start to flock back

    Now they'll be able to get a tasty snack

    The hibernating animals now start to awake 

    For they now have to find a partner to mate.