Tice unfair

BrainfartsHere Online Community Member Posts: 37 Connected
edited March 20 in Everyday life


  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,704 Championing

    Yes ignore him.

    He's an arrogant a*** hole

  • Littlefatfriend
    Littlefatfriend Online Community Member Posts: 108 Empowering

    Seriously? This ****'s an MP and he's publishing things like that???

    Frankly I'm most surprised anything could lower my opinion of him any further. He'll never matter.


  • hmass01
    hmass01 Online Community Member Posts: 55 Contributor
    edited March 19

    God help whoever he is MP for. Although I do think that motability should be looked at.

  • Fuji
    Fuji Online Community Member Posts: 75 Empowering

    If i remember correctly he's mp for Skegness. That's what happens when you vote reform, they aren't exactly known for being nice people.

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 311 Empowering
    edited March 19

    I know I was absolutely dumbfounded when I heard she’d moved to Dubai with her kids, hates everything about immigrants and moves to Dubai 😂 she’s a very nasty piece of work too , no wonder they’re attracted to each other .

  • Fuji
    Fuji Online Community Member Posts: 75 Empowering

    She's absolutely vile. I saw a glimpse of her talk tv hosting a few weeks ago and the hatred coming out of her mouth for disabled people and people on benefits was absolutely sickening... she's literally just moved to a tax haven.

  • letitbe
    letitbe Online Community Member Posts: 311 Empowering
  • theme79
    theme79 Scope Member Posts: 26 Contributor
    edited March 19

    It would be nice to ignore Tice (and REFORM) but the sad reality is that people respond to this ridiculous and uninformed propaganda.

    Once things gets tight they come for us … remember that a lot of the advances we made were back by the being able to appeal to the EU rules as members.

    I have long argued NOT as one contributor accused me of being anti many of those who are disabled people under the social model description but that that model is not perfect and that the need to find a way of ‘dumping’ certain groups who are actually disadvantaged not so much by their impairments but by the government and society!s avoidance of meeting their needs - it started on the Thatcher years when mass destruction of the industrial base of the U.K. put many out of work with no prospect of work and it would and did take decades to reskill and provide work and inclusion. Politically by classifying them as sick and chronically ill they were not inflating the unemployment figures and there they stated and the problem was built into the system. Sadly the crude and early ‘social model’ then has added to the problem as services and access and social inclusion has been avoided again by relying on DLA then PiP to under resource those with neurodiversity and mental health by throwing them into the PIP basket which has now become so diverse and heterogeneous that they had to drop the word Disability completely and the term allowance for a personal payment- I mean it’s transparently now not about disability but about avoiding providing for certain groups needs.

    This has now swollen into a problem whose unpicking has become damaging and cruel. Arguing about cars or who is or isn’t deserving is back to the Victorian ‘Charity Model’ where there are deserving and undeserving poor - in our case disable or chronically ill and it’s no longer a human right but a hand out !

    thus leaves aside that we contribute in so many ways to society and it richness and humanity, sadly under threat in every street and corner not just in Parliament as polls indicate our non disabled citizens see as as undeserving.

    The reality h is that we are all deserving even those who may use the system because they are ignored on so many others ways and disability has been used as the best available option.

    Unless we as disabled people find a way to advocate for ourself in a way that recognises the real world where disabled itself as an identity is much more complex and diverse than the system or even our own organisation have been able to recognise, we will be attacked and abused by those who voted for Tice and the more simplistic and amoral parties and people who seem on the asendence

    I’m not sure I know the solution but we need a political narrative that address the need to address our identity not just in term of money but social structures and services and that some groups of disabled people are allied with others but not the same - if not we end up just shouting abuse and anger back at those who are out to reduce us back to Victorian view

    apologies fir typos !

  • kitsmum
    kitsmum Online Community Member Posts: 91 Empowering

    Who would you clarify as disabled if you don't mind me asking.

  • petur64
    petur64 Online Community Member Posts: 34 Contributor
  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 1,640 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi all, we'd prefer to keep the conversations regarding this all in one place - The Green Paper Discussion so as to protect the mental health of all on the community, so we will be closing this discussion. I hope you understand.

This discussion has been closed.