Green Paper Discussion (from 24th March, 2025)

Holly_Scope Posts: 1,640 Scope Online Community Coordinator
edited March 25 in Current affairs

Last week, the Government published a Green Paper and a consultation about changes to disability benefits.

The Pathways to Work Green Paper includes proposed changes to:

  • Universal Credit (UC)
  • Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
  • Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)

We have a comprehensive guide to what the proposed changes are on our website Changes to disability benefits, and have summarised some of this below:

What do these proposed changes mean for disabled people?

These proposals would mean that access to disability benefits changes for a lot of disabled people. Changes to the PIP eligibility criteria mean that it will be much harder to get PIP. This may make the assessment more stressful as well.

Scrapping the WCA means that disabled people will only have to go through the PIP assessment for disability benefits. While fewer assessments may be less stressful, this means that disabled people must qualify for PIP to get the health element. The restricted eligibility for PIP will mean it is much harder to get any disability benefits at all.

Disabled young people aged between 18 and 21 will be some of the most affected. Many young disabled people aged between 18 and 21 who do not get PIP may not be eligible for any health-related benefits at all. Most young disabled people on Universal Credit aged 18 to 21 will also have to look for work until they are 22.

There is still a lot of detail about these changes that we don’t know yet. The Government has yet to publish an Impact Assessment of the proposals. This will tell us more about how disabled people might be affected.

When are these changes happening?

It is important to know that none of these changes will happen immediately.

The Government is proposing to start bringing in some of these changes from 2026 and 2027. We can't be sure at this stage, but we expect this means most changes won't happen until at least 2026.

It is important to remember as well that this Green Paper is only the first step towards changing disability benefits. The consultation will run until 30 June 2025. Afterwards, the Government will analyse the results. Their plans may change as a result of our feedback.

Changes to PIP and the WCA, which government are not consulting on, will need legislation to become law. This means MPs will have to debate the proposals in Parliament. This may mean the proposals are changed.  

How can I get involved?

Cuts to disability benefits are not inevitable. Your voice is important, and it can make a difference. Take action to save our lifeline.

Please note that the Government has acknowledged that the consultation form is not accessible and that more accessible versions will be out soon.

Previous comments on the proposed changes can be found here: The Green Paper Discussion



  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 658 Empowering

    TThank You, I've done tgat niw except consultation which I'll do soon.

    What I don't understand (just thinking aloud really) is, I can't remember where I saw it, maybe UC letter, but I read 'this is the amount/minimum ? amount that the law says you can (must ?) live on'.

    So how can they now say that oh you can now legally live on less. Unless its because they'll change that law too.

  • Danny123
    Danny123 Online Community Member Posts: 39 Connected

    Lcwra for new claimants reduces from April / may 2026

    New pip criteria for new and existing claimants from Nov 2026

    Existing lcwra claimants , amount frozen , criteria not changing for reassessments , reassessments will be happening up until 2028 .... Pip assessment then takes over , need to get at least one 4 in daily + standard qualifying points to receive health element .... Basically keeping what we have now .....

    Im on CBESA / new style ESA + lcwra .... I could loose 416 pounds a month , people will be absolutely clobbered by these cruel cuts .... Surely they can't get away with this 😫

  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 658 Empowering

    @Danny123 I need to find whatever letter I had from DWP that stated 'this is the minimum amount that the law says you have to live on' (wasn't connected with PIP at all).

  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 658 Empowering

    Sorry just seen that I've already said that 🙄 my apologies.

  • alexroda
    alexroda Online Community Member Posts: 112 Empowering

    just watched the bit regarding ESA CB and he didn’t have an understanding of the change proposed.

    Not impressed with his knowledge. If he used to work for DWP…

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,745 Championing
  • ElizaRose
    ElizaRose Online Community Member Posts: 596 Empowering

    Sorry, I was half asleep last night. I just thought it might help some people with the angst.

  • noonebelieves
    noonebelieves Online Community Member Posts: 278 Empowering

    Dear All,
    I have Astigmatism &Exophoria(Eye issues), and I’m currently trying to understand the questions in the Green Paper consultation, especially given the proposals to abolish Work Capability Assessments and the fact that PIP is not currently an out-of-work benefit. I’ve tried using Voiceover, but I’m still struggling to make sense of the questions.
    Specifically, I’m having difficulty understanding the following due to the appalling wordings 😡 :

    1.A new baseline expectation of engagement (Question 8):     
    •   How we should determine who is subject to a requirement only to participate in conversations, or work preparation activity rather than the stronger requirements placed on people in the Intensive Work Search regime.

    2.Support conversations(Question 9):

          •   Should we require most people to participate in a support conversation as a condition of receipt of their full benefit award or of the health element in Universal Credit?

    3.Exemption criteria(Question 10):     

    •   How should we determine which individuals or groups of individuals should be exempt from requirements?

    Any guidance or thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
    Best wishes,

  • alexroda
    alexroda Online Community Member Posts: 112 Empowering

    it sounds like they are going to need to design an assessment for that otherwise they could face legal action

  • alexroda
    alexroda Online Community Member Posts: 112 Empowering

    I might be wrong, but as they are scrapping the work capability assessment that is done within the first 3/4 months of application, the PIP assessments will have to be taken place much sooner. Is that something feasible, considering the current time frames?

  • alexroda
    alexroda Online Community Member Posts: 112 Empowering

    That’s my worry. That organisations will not fight our corner and future claimants in our position.

    This change is a tremendous loss for the welfare protections for everyone.

  • noonebelieves
    noonebelieves Online Community Member Posts: 278 Empowering

    Wow @SadOldPanda,You truly deserve a PhD for your efforts in deciphering that! Unfortunately, my disabled brain and my “wonky eyes” are telling me it’s time to step back for today. I’ll try reading again tomorrow and the next day. But seriously, thank you for your patience and support.
    I can’t help but feel that the government is turning a blind eye and taking pleasure in the suffering they’ve caused for disabled people… but I’ll leave it at that to avoid stepping over the line(SCOPE RULES!!!).
    Thanks again!

  • michael57
    michael57 Online Community Member Posts: 1,245 Championing

    roll on the summer recess

  • noonebelieves
    noonebelieves Online Community Member Posts: 278 Empowering

    @alexroda, Thank You They’ve mentioned an accessible version and some kind of events on the main Green Paper government page, but the damage has already been done through fear-mongering and the chaos they’ve caused. It’s not just affecting one person, but the lives of the entire 16 million disabled people and their families. I have no doubt there will be legal repercussions for their actions – no question about it.