Pip assessment on Monday

RABSTER_78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener
edited August 2019 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
I am dreading my pip assessment on Monday the 5th of August as I am already on pip standard care but no mobility and my physical condition and mental health issues have worsened since I was awarded it in march 2019 backdated from November 2018 and I was told by pip to fill in another form as by law u have to tell them if you're condition gets better or worse of which mines has definitely worsened I have been told I could lose everything of what I am on and I think that's totally unfair if you have been assessed at the time and u get standard care now then u could be reassessed and lose it all how can that be if you're conditions have worsened ? I can't afford to lose my pip of what I am on at the moment any advice from anyone thanks ?


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    For a worsening of condition you must have experienced those changes for at least 3 months, if not then they won't be able to take those into consideration until that time has passed.

    Yes, you should report changes in circumstances but before doing this you should also check whether or not you can score more points for a higher award. A worsening of condition doesn't mean you'll automatically be entitled to a higher award and there's very little point in reporting those conditions if it's not possible to score more points.  I also advise people to get expert face to face advice before reporting a worsening of condition.

    It's very risky report changes because you can go on to lose everything you already have. Of course your award could remain the same or you could be awarded a higher.

    As you've only very recently been assessed for PIP then hopefully it will still be fresh in your memory. You'll be asked questions based on how your conditions affect you and you'll need to verify what you've written on the form. Evidence will be needed to support your worsening condition. Do be aware that you'll be watched from the minute you arrive.

    If you live in the UK a week after the assessment you can ring DWP to request a copy of the assessment report to be sent to you. This will give you some idea what the decision is likely to be because they mostly go with the report.

    Good luck.
  • RABSTER_78
    RABSTER_78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener
    Thank you for your reply l have appointment letters from pain management at the hospital of which I have got to get facet medial blocks injections in my spine 8 of them over the course of 12 months a letter from my GP confirming all my medical history and prescription drugs of which have changed from my last assessment in Feb 19 plus my mental health issues that I have councelling for letter from them plus I need a walking aid now and I have lost 2 jobs since i came off long term ESA in November 2018 of which I was on since 2012 and both jobs ended because of my disability/ conditions I hope that should be enough evidence to suggest my physical and mental state has worsened since my last assessment 
  • RABSTER_78
    RABSTER_78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener
    Has anyone been reassessed because there conditions have worsened and they have lost out thanks ? plus if you are going for another assessment does the examiner already know if you are on pip and if not is it worthwhile taking in your original pip award letter with u to give the assessor as I have mine on Monday and I am dreading it if I am being honest even though my physical and mental health conditions have worsened since my last assessment I had in February ! can someone try and put my mind at ease please thank you ?
  • April2018mom
    April2018mom Posts: 2,863 Championing
    Send photocopies of letters and reports via recorded delivery. My son’s amazing social worker told me to do this. Best decision ever made really. Do you have someone who can act as your advocate on the day or not? Once a week has passed, call DWP to ask politely for a copy of the report to be sent to you. 
    Prepare well. Act confident and answer all questions truthfully. Give as many examples as you can. Describe what happens on a day to day basis at home etc. Also report changes in your circumstances. But before you do so, check that the worsening of your impairments does adversely affect your ability to remain independent.
    There is no point in applying if not. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Has anyone been reassessed because there conditions have worsened and they have lost out thanks ? plus if you are going for another assessment does the examiner already know if you are on pip and if not is it worthwhile taking in your original pip award letter with u to give the assessor as I have mine on Monday and I am dreading it if I am being honest even though my physical and mental health conditions have worsened since my last assessment I had in February ! can someone try and put my mind at ease please thank you ?
    Stories i've read have suggested that some report changes and they are successfully awarded higher and some have gone on to lose everything they already have.

    As previously advised, a worsening of condition doesn't automatically entitle you to a higher award. You must also have experienced the worsening conditions for at least 3 months.

    At this point no one can ease your mind because no one knows how your conditions affect you, the only person that knows this is yourself.

    When you filled out the form hopefully you put as much information as possible and added some real life examples of what happened the last time you attempted that activity for each descriptor that applies to you.

    During the assessment you'll have to confirm what you wrote in the report, along with any other information they ask for.

    During my 2nd PIP assessment the HCP new i was already claiming PIP and she new what award i already had. I don't know if this is the case for everyone. My daughters PIP review the first assessment report was mentioned in the end assessment report (she had a paper based assessment) so yes, they knew she already had an award and what points she scored.

    Whether you take someone with you or not, if they aren't your appointee then you'll have to answer the questions yourself, in your own words.

    All you can do is attend the assessment and answer those questions honestly. Wait a week and request the report and see what's been recommended. If you're not happy then you'll have 1 month from the date of the decision to request the Mandatory Reconsideration.
  • RABSTER_78
    RABSTER_78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener
    Thanks poppy your advice is much appreciated ! I will always be honest with what I suffer from and I will always answer any questions I am asked by the assessment nurse in an honest and truthful way of how these conditions affect me on a daily basis 
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Welcome to the community @RABSTER_78 and I hope today went okay!
  • RABSTER_78
    RABSTER_78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener
    Yeah think it went well Chloe thanks ! the assessment nurse seemed nice a young girl and today was a bad day on my physical and mental health if am honest as I was struggling with both she asked me questions about my care and mobility and my son's mum came to the assessment with me and she helped to answer alot of things for me like having to remind me about things plus do my shopping and things and she also said I have really went downhill since April this year and the nurse also knew I had been awarded pip when I went to my last assessment in Feb and it's detoriated alot both physically and mentally since then ! I did turn up unshaved and a bit untidy to the assessment as I know they judge u on your appearance of which I think is wrong so I wanted to show the nurse of what a typical day is like for me plus I use a walking stick now where as my last assessment in Feb I didn't ! I am just hoping she is honest about what me and my son's mum told her and she is honest of what she puts on the notes as we were honest with her Chloe she seemed to have a caring and understanding nature but then again you hear horrible things about these f2f assessment's Chloe I hope I get the support I need to live independently 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Leave it a week then ring DWP for a copy of the assessment report. That will give you some idea what the decision is likely to be because they mostly go with the report.

    Your current award will continue until a decision's been made on this. Good luck.
  • RABSTER_78
    RABSTER_78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener
    Thanks Chloe I did say I really hope they don't mess up my original award as I was really nervous and I said I was advised by GP to let pip know when my physical and mental health conditions worsened as my GP knew I was already on standard care rate and that's when I contacted pip in may and she did say I don't think that will happen as it's quite clear seeing you and what I have been told today that you have got worse ! do you think they just say that to keep you happy Chloe thanks ?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    They are not supposed to tell you anything like this during the assessment, it really annoys me when they do. Hopefully they are true to their word and the report will reflect this. Other than requesting the report next week, you've done everything you can do for now.
  • RABSTER_78
    RABSTER_78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener
    Hi I wonder if someone can answer me on this I went to my face to face assessment 2 week's ago as my physical and mental health conditions have worsened since I went to my first face to face February this year and I was awarded standard care of pip but nothing on mobility ! I called pip today to see if a decision had been made yet to which she said they haven't received my assessment back from capita as yet ! I called capita an hour ago and they said it was ready to be sent on to the dwp decision maker anytime now my question is why are capita holding on to my assessment since I had mine 2 week's ago I was under the impression all capita do is assess you then after the assessment send it over to the dwp decision maker for a decision sounds to me as if it's capita that is making the decision about your award not the dwp is there any truth in that thanks ? as I don't like the idea of capita holding on to my assessment for over 2 week's before they pass it on to the dwp any reason why they would do that thanks as I am feeling more anxious now than I did after my assessment and I know I shouldn't have to be worried as I know my conditions have worsened thanks ?
  • pollyanna1052
    pollyanna1052 Online Community Member Posts: 2,015 Championing
    maybe the delay is due to the back log of reports the assessors have to do, before they send it to DWP...maybe
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    @RABSTER_78 it's most likely been in an audit, if this happens then it delays the process in returning it to DWP. There's no timescales how long a report can be in audit for. Once the audit is complete it will be returned to DWP.
  • RABSTER_78
    RABSTER_78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener
    Thank you both that makes me feel a little bit better ! I do suffer from trust issues and I certainly don't trust anything the assessment nurse or the DWP say as I always think they will do anything to not give you the financial support I need and know I should have so I can start to live independently 
  • RABSTER_78
    RABSTER_78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener
    Hi team I received a text message at 8.30 this morning from the DWP saying that they have received my written pip report from my assessment that I had with a health care professional nearly 3 weeks ago and my assessment will be looked at by a decision maker and I should get a reply within 6 weeks but not to call them before that or to say my conditions have worsened ! my question is why have capita taken nearly 3 weeks to send there report of as all they are meant to do I assume is ask you questions about your day to day life and then send it off to the dwp decision maker can anyone tell me why so long to send it thanks ? I have just got a horrible feeling that they take that long as to make things up on the report and don't put in what I or my companion that came to support me said maybe I am far out with the way I am thinking but I have serious trust issues with people I don't know due to my mental health issues thanks if someone can clarify anything on this ?
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @RABSTER_78, I understand that this can be a very stressful time. Unfortunately it can sometimes take this long for them to receive it. If you would also like a copy of the report you would be able to ring up now and ask for one. This will give you an indication of the outcome.
  • RABSTER_78
    RABSTER_78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener
    Thanks Chloe I just don't know why it's with the health accessors for nearly 3 weeks before they send it off to the dwp decision maker as I hear stories about people's face to face assessments going to audit that's why I was asking Chloe 
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    It is very possible that it has been audited. Or there just might have been a backlog. :)
  • RABSTER_78
    RABSTER_78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener
    I don't like the sign that it has been audited as the health professional seemed nice and honest of what I and my companion that came to support me had to say Chloe I don't like that word audited as it sounds to me like they don't believe you or what the assessment nurse puts on there notes