Pip assessment on Monday



  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    An audit is not to check your information, quite the opposite. It's to ensure the assessor is writing the reports correctly. An audit is carried out at random and not based on your information. :)
  • pollyanna1052
    pollyanna1052 Online Community Member Posts: 2,015 Championing
    do the assessors give points or is it the decision makers?
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    The assessor will give their recommendations (which can be found on the report if you request a copy) and then it is up to the decision maker to read through the evidence and the report and make the final decision. However, they go with the recommendations the majority of the time.

    I hope this helps. :)
  • RABSTER_78
    RABSTER_78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener
    I have just called pip and asked them to send me a copy of the assessment and they also said while they got my details it's still showing that they are looking at a change whatever that means 
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @RABSTER_78, have you received the report?
  • RABSTER_78
    RABSTER_78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener
    Not yet I only asked for it Friday Chloe
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Ah okay! Thanks for letting us know and I hope you get it soon!
  • RABSTER_78
    RABSTER_78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener
    Hi just a quick update I received my report from my medical assessment yesterday some of it was lies specially regarding my mental health issues so reading it looks like I won't score any points on it but on the care side of things I have worked out that I have scored 9 points according to the pip website and on mobility the medical nurse has said I can stand and move 1 metre but no more than 20 metres either aided or unaided so most days I can't move more than 20 metres readily and according to that pip site I have scored 12 points so that would be higher mobility ! would the DWP decision maker go by that assessment and if you get the highest award for mobility surely you should get the highest award on care also as I can't move more than 20 metres outside so surely that applies to me when am indoors ? and if I do get the highest award for mobility will that help me get on the support group for universal credit as they have deemed me fit for work and I appealed through the mandatory reconsideration but it never got overturned so I have appealed to the first tier tribunal of which I received a letter 3 weeks ago from the tribunal and HM courts to say they have received my appeal and they will write to the dwp for them to prepare there paperwork but community law who are acting on my behalf on this universal credit appeal has said to me that if I get awarded the highest mobility on the 20 metre thing it would most definitely help me appeal as I can't be expected to work on that ruling any advice on that please team thanks ?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    They usually go with the report, it's rare to go against it but it can happen.

    Enhanced mobility doesn't mean you're entitled to Enhanced daily living because moving around outside isn't part of the daily living criteria. Daily living is all about washing/dressing/preparing food/engaging with others/managing toilet needs etc.

    The work capability assessment criteria for mobilising (walking) is different to PIP. For the WCA they take into consideration your ability to use a self propel wheelchair, PIP doesn't do this. If you are awarded Enhanced mobility there's no harm in sending the award and assessment report to HMCTS.
  • RABSTER_78
    RABSTER_78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener
    Ok thanks for that Poppy I just hope the decision maker does her job right and goes by the recommendation's of the assessment nurse report and not lie so not to give you the award you are entitled to poppy ?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    It's very rare they go against the report, i really wouldn't worry, or at least try not to. Hopefully a decision won't be too long but of course there's no timescales.
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @RABSTER_78, like Poppy has said, they do tend to go with the report. I hope you won't be waiting too long!
  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 715 Trailblazing
    great news on the report @RABSTER_78, I wish you the best of luck on the decision.
  • RABSTER_78
    RABSTER_78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener
    Hi team I had my face to face assessment on the 5th of August and a SMS text message from the DWP to confirm that they have received the health professional assessment report on the 22nd of August then today I missed a call from the pip I called them back and the woman said that someone called me to ask about dates that my physical and mental health conditions worsened and I said I can't remember the actual date but I know my physical health has got worse since I applied for pip on November 2018 and I had my first face to face assessment in February 2019 of which I was awarded standard pip but nothing on mobility and it was may this year I spoke to pip to say that my mental health and physical health has worsened so I was then told that I would need to fill out another form and send in all the evidence to support my claim that was all done then I was asked to go to a face to face assessment on the 5th of August and I requested the health professional assessment report of which going by what she put I have enough points for standard care and she put on the mobility that I can stand and move 1 metre but no more than 20 metres either aided or unaided reliably of which is enhanced mobility so I thought it would be a case of the DWP decision maker looking at the assessment report and the recommendations of what was in it and go by that but to get a call to ask about dates worries me as I think they are trying to wriggle out of giving my award on both parts or I am just being paranoid ? can someone please put some light on this matter why would a decision maker call you asking about dates when I have put everything on the form sent gp and consultants letters my medication list and been to a face to face assessment and told them everything am worried sick and am stressing at them calling me to ask about dates or is this normal thanks for any advice team ?
  • david235
    david235 Online Community Member Posts: 170 Empowering
    I suspect the issue is simply a need to establish a clear timeline about your deterioration, @RABSTER_78 . The law states PIP cannot be paid until the problem has existed for 3 months at the stated severity, and the problem must be expected to last at least 9 months after those first 3 months.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    I agree with @david235 here that it sounds like it's the timeline of your worsening of condition that they are looking at here. Of course we can only guess and you'll still need to wait for the decision to be made.
  • RABSTER_78
    RABSTER_78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener
    Ok thanks team although I had my first face to face assessment in February 2019 I have stated my physical condition has worsened monthly since I applied for pip November 2018 and I contacted pip again in the middle of may this year to say my condition has worsened and I have been referred to pain management because of it I also said this has affected my mental health because of the pain and changes of medication and lack of sleep but something tells me they are trying to get out of awarding me my pip on both parts of care and mobility even though it my physical condition will certainly last more than 9 months I am surprised as why they have waited till I have had my face to face assessment I had in August to ask me about dates why not say anything to me before when I sent my form and medical evidence in at the end of June ? it just seems they are looking for loopholes not to pay me and because the health professional scored me high on mobility do you think this might be the case thanks ? as I have hardly slept with worry because of this call I received 
  • david235
    david235 Online Community Member Posts: 170 Empowering
    I very much doubt DWP are looking for loopholes. The problem is that your condition has been rapidly deteriorating ("worsening monthly" as you put it) but the Decision Maker has to try to fix the date where you first met the criteria for a higher level of benefit so that he or she can award you that higher level from 3 months after that date.

    The law gives no flexibility here - entitlement to a particular rate of PIP only starts after the criteria for a particular rate of a component has been met for 3 months and there must be a reasonable expectation of you continuing to meet those criteria for 9 months after that iniitial 3 months.
  • RABSTER_78
    RABSTER_78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener
    thanks for that David I know I went for my first face to face assessment roundabout 20th February 2019 and I was awarded standard care of pip on the 8th of march 2019 even though I was going to appeal as I knew my mobility was getting worse but I was told if I appeal I could lose everything so I left it but after losing my job in April due to my health I was advised to contact pip and tell them of my worsening conditions of which were affecting my day to day activities of which I contacted pip around the middle of may and that's when I was told to fill in another form so by the time I received that it was nearly the end of may so what worries me know is it going to go against me coz I had my pip assessment around about 20th February 2018 and I contacted pip around the middle of may as I don't think that's a full 3 months ? but by the time I contacted them and had my face to face assessment it would be going on 5 months and yet on my health assessment report she has put these conditions have been going on 3 months and more than likely last 9 months so that's why I am puzzled why they called me asking about a specific date not month thanks team
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    When reporting a change of circumstances for a worsening of condition if you're awarded a higher rate then they usually backdate you the money from the date you reported the change, if the changes took place after 3 months.

    For you the decision of your current claim took place on 8th March and you reported the changes in middle of May, that's not 3 months from the date of the decision. If they go with the report and mostly they do then you most likely won't be backdated to the date you reported the changes because of the 3 month rule. If they go with the report, you may receive some backdated money but not the full amount.