How long after PIP phone assessment will I get my decision or payment?



  • kellyloux
    kellyloux Community member Posts: 11 Connected
    I had a txt this morning from dwp saying they’d received the report of my assessment 16 days after I had the assessment is this a bad sign as I’ve seen others had the txt the next day x
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,371 Championing
    Hi @kellyloux - I wouldn't will take varying amounts of time for the DWP to receive the assessor's report depending on the backlog of the individual assessor. So, there's nothing to say this is either a good or bad sign. :)
  • stevecunliffe87
    stevecunliffe87 Community member Posts: 2 Listener
    I had my assessment on the 1st of September just waiting on decision still. 
  • molly3587
    molly3587 Community member Posts: 6 Listener
    i had mine on the 9th august got the decision this week 21st sept and back payment hope it wont take to long now for you
  • Del1149
    Del1149 Community member Posts: 12 Connected
    I had my telephone assessment 1st September, but applied beginning of April. I had a text message on the 2nd September saying they had all the info to make an assessment then I received a letter last week saying the same. They did say within 8 weeks I'll hear....its the not knowing and having to wait so long. Is it a good or a bad sign ?‍♀️
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing
    Del1149 said:
    I had my telephone assessment 1st September, but applied beginning of April. I had a text message on the 2nd September saying they had all the info to make an assessment then I received a letter last week saying the same. They did say within 8 weeks I'll hear....its the not knowing and having to wait so long. Is it a good or a bad sign ?‍♀️


    The letter and text you received are standard procedure and it doesn't mean anything other than what the letter tells you. Backlogs are huge and decisions can be anything up to 12 weeks, sometimes longer, even after receiving the letter and text. The 8 weeks you were told is nothing more than a guide.
  • Monkie78
    Monkie78 Community member Posts: 3 Listener
    Have to say I'm obsessed with this thread! ... applied for PiP in February for the first time (due to RRMS diagnosis last year)..

    - finally had my telephone assessment on the 7th Sept,
    - followed up with another telephone call asking for further info on the 16th Sept
    - and finally a text on the 17th Sept saying they have all the info and estimate 8 weeks (like you've all said)..

    I'm currently checking my bank account daily (like you've also all said) probably checking a bit too much to be honest lol.....

    anyway, the wait is killing me (not literally obviously) but just want to say thank you to all the above that have commented so at least I know what's normal (for something very unnormal)  Emma x 
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,443 Championing
    Welcome to the community, and very best of luck with your claim @Monkie78 :) Fingers crossed you get the award you're hoping for!

    How do you feel the assessment went? 
  • Monkie78
    Monkie78 Community member Posts: 3 Listener
    So, I’ve not had the decision yet, but the 2 people I spoke to were very nice. You could tell they were reading from a question list but when I got confused (which was often) both were patient with me and my son (he filled out the form as I can’t write anymore and was there for all the stuff I constantly forget!) both explained the process to me, what happens next and wished me luck. Once I get the report and decision I might not like it / you never know I might like it fingers crossed! But I can’t moan about the staff on the calls… they did their job and at no point made me feel stupid….
  • Monkie78
    Monkie78 Community member Posts: 3 Listener
    Just as an update and for any future people wondering - I received a nice sum of money into my bank account on the 14th October... so roughly a month from my telephone assessment. 

    Can't quite work out what levels the award is as it doesn't seem to tally up with the weekly figures of living or mobility (but is a backdate from Feb when I telephoned for the PiP form to be sent to me to make the claim). Just have to wait now for my official letter to come through to see what's what.

    As an extra FYI I did also telephone PiP on the 13th October and asked for them to send out my report (which they happily said they would and that it would be with me within 7-10 working days). 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,371 Championing
    edited October 2021
    Thank you for your update @Monkie78 - that sounds like really good news. :)
  • D4G2017
    D4G2017 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    Hi there, new here

    9th june was in a car accident and broke my femur i was in hospital for 2 weeks  Had surgery to place a permanent rod in my leg. was discharged and advised to make a claim (tbh id been advised years ago, but busy being a mum was always my excuse) as i was told by doc my recovery time line is 6-9 months just for bone to heal( last xray 21st oct 60% healed) also have nerve damage which thy are certain is permanent
    So i made a claim over phone on 29 june, thy sent me a link to do form online got all my evidence in before 29th july, had my phone assessment 18th oct and a text to say dwp received report on 19th oct now just waiting on decision
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,443 Championing
    Best of luck with your claim @D4G2017 :) I hope you don't have to wait too too long for a decision!
  • D4G2017
    D4G2017 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    @Tori_Scope thank you ?
  • D4G2017
    D4G2017 Community member Posts: 4 Listener
    Update .  Just received letter today (dated 1 nov) they have all information needed to make a decision.... Still none the wiser 18 weeks since i phoned and started claim?
  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    D4G2017 said:
    Update .  Just received letter today (dated 1 nov) they have all information needed to make a decision.... Still none the wiser 18 weeks since i phoned and started claim?
    Fingers crossed for you :) 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing
    I still don't understand why they continue to send that letter out telling you they have all the evidence to make a decision. It causes even more stress to the claimant because a decision can still take between 2-12 weeks.
    I must be honest 18 weeks since starting your claim is a very quick process.
  • celticgirl
    celticgirl Community member Posts: 23 Listener
    4 weeks since my telephone assessment had the letter nothing else 
  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 11,209 Championing
    Oh that's a shame thanks for updating us on the process. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing
    4 weeks since my telephone assessment had the letter nothing else 

    A decision can take anything up to 12 weeks once the report was returned.