Pip decision after receiving assessor report



  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    You're welcome @mariaaaa123, I believe you've got a bit of time to let them know, one month from the decision date, on the letter. There's a form you can fill out to do this, or you can write in a letter.

    This page is the best place to start on the Turn2Us website, apologies I should have popped it in my earlier post. All the details should be there :)
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    That's okay @mariaaaa123, I believe you have a bit of time to let them know, one month from the decision date on the letter. You can let them know using a form, or by writing a letter.

    You can find more details here, apologies that should've been my original Turn2Us link!
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing
    I usually advise people not to ring but to put it in writing, stating where and why you think you should have scored those points. If you didn't include anecdotal evidence in the form then you should do this for the MR. Adding a couple of real world examples of what happened the last time you attempted that activity for each descriptor that applies to you. Include information such as where you were, did anyone see it, what exactly happened and what the consequences were.

  • mariaaaa123
    mariaaaa123 Community member Posts: 11 Listener
    Thank you @poppy123456 and @Alex_Scope this is really helpful. I will write a letter instead and do the above and look at those links. I was a bit shocked when I scored 0 in every category, I wasn’t sure if I was going to get it but to be scored 0 in everything I couldn’t believe 
  • mariaaaa123
    mariaaaa123 Community member Posts: 11 Listener
    Thank you @Teddybear12 I’ll do that, not sure how successful I will be. On my assessment report she disagreed with everything I said and said she believes I can do those things, I don’t feel like she had any real understanding of my condition 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing
    They don't need to have any knowledge of any specific conditions. It's your responsibility to fully explain how your conditions affect you.
  • danixxx
    danixxx Community member Posts: 128 Connected
    Aww sorry to hear that @mariaaaa123
    it is disheartening for sure 
    make sure when you do a MR you explain yourself fully and hopefully you get what you want 
    good luck xx 
  • JamesSmith33
    JamesSmith33 Community member Posts: 24 Connected
    Hi just some questions poppy as you seem to know what your talking about I made a claim for pip in July 2021 received a letter for telephone assesment October 17th had phone assesment on 16th November never received the text or letter to sat they have report and information so left it 2 weeks I then phoned and asked for a copy of the report wich arrived 2 days later in the post it's now been 3 weeks and still haven't had a decision or a letter or text to say they have report or all information should I worry about this ? Also in my assesors report I scored 13 daily living points and 10 for mobility part also it stated symptoms would have been present for atleast 3 months he ticked yes and symptoms will be present likely in 9 months he ticked yes and it says recommended review time 2 years and that it is likely I will still have the symptoms illness at point of review.  What kind of outcome will I get from the dm do they go with the assesment as I only sent in my pip2 form with the information I provided I set no medical evidence in but did give them permission to contact my doctor on that part and left doctors address and contact details Ive been on uc for 3 years and have almost a year of sik notes that I sent in and am not required to attend appointments or search for work 

  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi there 

    If you got a copy of the report then dwp will have a copy as they must have had it to send you a copy 

    The decision can take 2 to 12 weeks until you hear anything 

    The dm in most cases goes with the report but not in all cases 

    It doesn't matter if you haven't sent medical evidence as it is only relevant if it details how you manage the task 

    If they go with your report you will get enhanced daily living and standard mobility possibly for 2 years 
  • JamesSmith33
    JamesSmith33 Community member Posts: 24 Connected
    Thanks for reply yes I realise they must have the report because I requested a copy 2 weeks after assesment and reciwced it but after looking at other people's story's on here it sounds like everyone gets a letter or text a few days after assesment to say they received everything and decision will be made it's now been 3 weeks since my assesment and I haven't received any atm and thanks I was going to send all my sik notes in but I decided best if I just agree for them to contact my gp or doctor as the sik notes just say qhat my illness is but don't describe how it affects me but thanks for reply hopefully I get a decision letter soon I applied back in July it's been a long stressfull application and now the waiting for a decision is even worse than the assesment 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Fit notes are not relevant for pip 

    Only medical evidence I sent was my prescription list and a letter from a consultant confirming my sight loss 

    Most people do get a text about report being sent bit not everyone could be just a admin error 

    Your claim hasn't taken that long compared to some which are taking over 10 months 

    Fingers crossed you get a decision soon 

    Keep checking your bank account as many get payments before the letter 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing
    People do sometimes receive a text to say DWP have received the report. @JamesSmith33 but as janer has correctly advised, in your case it makes no difference now because you've received your copy. If you report hadn't been returned to DWP you wouldn't have received a copy. A text now would be totally pointless.
    Sick/fit notes are not accepted as evidence for a PIP claim because it's not about being unable to work, people claim PIP and work.
    Perfectly normal to still be waiting 3 weeks after the assessment. Some are waiting over 10 weeks for a decision. Before the decision maker makes a decision they are supposed to look at everything you sent, including the assessment report before making a decision. They mostly go with the report but it has been known for them to go against it.
    Nothing more you can do until a decision's been made. If successful and it's your first claim and you haven't transferred from DLA then backdated money is usually received before the decision letter.
  • JamesSmith33
    JamesSmith33 Community member Posts: 24 Connected
    Okay thanks for your advice 
  • danixxx
    danixxx Community member Posts: 128 Connected
    Hi @JamesSmith33 I have just been awarded pip 
    and they went with the assessor report 
    exactly what she awarded they awarded 2 
    onlt thing different was the assessor said review in 18 months
    DM changed this to 3 years 
  • JamesSmith33
    JamesSmith33 Community member Posts: 24 Connected
    @danixxx that's great news for you and hopefully I get good news too if u don't mind me asking how long did it take from assesment till you got a decision and was your assesment face 2 face or telephone 
  • danixxx
    danixxx Community member Posts: 128 Connected
    Hi @JamesSmith33 sorry for the late reply 
    mine was really quick just under 2 weeks once they had the report
    mine was over the phone 
    the whole process from start to finish was 12 weeks 
    so I was dealt with very quick compared to most people 
    I received my money before the award letter 
    however I did ring up an they told me exactly what the award letter stated before I received it 
    so you could call them and ask if a decision has been made 
    but you will get it if the assessor has awarded you it 
    but it’s not down to me to confirm that have to wait for the DM of course 
    Just goin Of my own experience and other story’s on here to 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing
    danixxx said:

    but you will get it if the assessor has awarded you it 

    The assessor doesn't make decision or give awards, they write reports with recommendations based on their opinion of everything you sent.
  • JamesSmith33
    JamesSmith33 Community member Posts: 24 Connected
    But surely thier opinion is what gets the decision made if they didn't need the assesors help they wouldn't need them the dwp dm doesn't have any medical qualifications or know about illness and how they affect people ime guessing the reason the dwp make the actual decision is because private company's are not allowed to make benefit decisions but yes your are technicly right poppy the assesor doesn't make the decision but we can all agree the assesor does guide the dm towards a certain decision  
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing
    In most cases yes you are correct. Though there are times where a decision maker will go against the report, it's been known here on the community.
    A decision maker should look at everything before making a decision. If the report isn't accurate and a person has filled in their claim pack with all the information, including those real world examples then it's totally possible for them to go against the report.
  • danixxx
    danixxx Community member Posts: 128 Connected
    @poppy123456 think we’re both aware of that 
    but I have never known anyone who was awarded it from assessor point of view but not by the DM is what I was gettin at to @JamesSmith33