How is your day going?
Enjoyed watching the sewing bee .
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Hi @Strawberry1
I enjoyed watching it too 😊
I quite like the black guy who presents the show, he doesn't seem to know much about sewing and he is really funny
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Good luck with scans and results @Amberpearl it's heavy rain all day here too
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Glad you enjoyed the sewing bee @66Mustang , yes I agree. I like the jokes they have with one another. The cocktails kept going missing lol 😆. Esme pretending to be asleep lol 😆.
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Sounds like it was a good start for the Sewing Bee! I'm looking forward to watching it on my lunch break 😊
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I watch telly very rarely but I enjoyed it even though I'm not massively into sewing, I just like the atmosphere of the show and how it's so gentle and non-confrontational. I'd sooner watch that than something I was interested in, like cars, which may have triggers in it for me 😊
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Glad you enjoyed the sewing bee @Beaver79 . Hope you enjoy watching the sewing bee @Rosie_Scope . I find the programme calming .
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I love Esme from the sewing bee . She's lovely.
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Hope you get some answers from the vets @Amberpearl, it must be really worrying for you. Rainy here today too ❤️
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Afternoon everyone I hope yous are doing good today, shame most off you have rain I don’t think it’s to far off here either.
I’ve been busy cleaning up my kitchens getting painted just now can’t wait till it’s all done.
I won’t tag everyone as there’s a lot off people lol@Marydoll5
I’m so pleased things are going well for yous it’s great to see your so happy.@Amberpearl
I hope things improve with your cars soon look after yourself to.❤️
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Hi @Lou67 , good luck with everything.
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Hey everyone, hope you all have a good day.
Not doing much today since its miserable out and waiting for a wardrobe to be delivered today.
I miss miss miss old top gear, nothing even comes close in terms of car shows anymore. I just wish there was a way to bring it back. I have binged watched every show of top gear with clarkson, hammond and james may and hated when they got fired and the new presenters took over it wasn't the same.
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Yeah sorry not been on much, been struggling with the site for a while and just been busy. But I hope everyone is good
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@Beaver79 thank you. I'm glad I slept so much while Mr was in hospital as I forgot how full on it is taking care of everything when first home.
I have a chance now as he's sleeping then some visitors in an hour.
@Ada hope you are feeling betterx
@lou67 aaahhh it won't tag again…please take cleaning at a steady pace and enjoy your decorated rooms.
Have a good afternoon everyone. Its raining here
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Hi it’s nice to see you on I hope your doing well and I your wardrobe got delivered.
Aww I can imaging you’re kept busy now trying take it easy when you can.
I’m having a tea break just now not got that much to do now.
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afternoon all rishi making a speach at 7 it just came on
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Ooh @Sandy_123 we could play buzz word bingo
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All sorts of speculation going on! The lecturn has gone out by number 10 just now, so we could hear whatever it is pretty soon.
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That's what I thought @Beaver79, I don't know why they couldn't have had someone hold a brolly over him so he didn't get so soggy!