PIP RENEWAL AWARD?!?! Still waiting



  • Welshlad90
    Welshlad90 Online Community Member Posts: 107 Contributor
    Can someone please reply to me.Welshlad90 said:
    So I have a telephone assessment with capita on Monday for my pip renewal....

    Does anyone know how reliable these telephone assessments are? Do capita have a history of missing half the stuff out on the report for the dwp so that you could fail.

    I had a renewal assessment during covid with a dwp assessor and passed no worries but I'm really anxious with going back through it but this time with capita.

  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing
    @Welshlad90 Hi, it can really depend on the assessor you get, how they write the report and how the decision maker interprets the report. You can't really blanket say "all assessors from capita are bad", as this isn't the case. There are people who have assessments that go very well and people whose assessments don't go well, both from the same provider. You'll of course hear a lot of the bad stories here, but that does miss out many of the untold stories that don't go badly. 

    I know the waiting and the thought of the assessment is really anxiety inducing. Is it possible you can have someone sit with you during the assessment? They can help prompt you and remind you of anything you have perhaps missed.
  • Welshlad90
    Welshlad90 Online Community Member Posts: 107 Contributor
    So get up at 6am pip phone assessment due at 9:15am. 9:10am comes and I have a text to say its been cancelled.....5 MINUTES before its due to take place.

    Is this a common thing and whats the usual causes for it? 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    That's unfortunate but yes it does happen. Unfortunately, people do have time off due to illness and this could be the reason why they had to cancel at such short notice.

    Thankfully, you weren't on your way to an assessment centre when they contacted you, this has happened to me twice. 

    Hopefully it won't be too long before they send you another appointment. 
  • Welshlad90
    Welshlad90 Online Community Member Posts: 107 Contributor
    Was just a bit bugged about it as they text me at 8am with a reminder then text me at 10 past 9 saying cancelled 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    The assessor may have rang in sick after they sent the reminder text. 
  • Welshlad90
    Welshlad90 Online Community Member Posts: 107 Contributor
    So I've just had my pip telephone assessment, a few very weird questions to say the least not at least one where when I said I have a pet at home they asked me do I get to cuddle the cat....sorry but is it me or the cat under review?

    She told me at the start not to worry if I can't remember dates of things but then the next thing asked me for dates of my last gp appointment etc sure to say I became quite agitated on the phone about it.

    Not holding my breath that I'll pass, one thing I'll ask is will they see the results about my last assessment as in that I passed straight away? 
  • SharonRuth
    SharonRuth Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    My PIP review was supposed to be up by 23/09/2023, it’s just been extended another year since it hasn’t as yet been actioned. Because I have a concessionery bus pass renewal the same day I contacted PIP for an award letter. Only took 20 minutes waiting today, absolutely gobsmacked!! Asked the young woman has my file actually been reviewed yet to which she replied not yet. She then let me into a little secret that average waiting time atm for a review without physical assessment was ……..50 weeks. My thoughts of a nice little winter break in Blackpool. - Bond Hotel which caters for disabled of all types. Very basic accommodation was there four years ago for my 60th. I’m not a sales rep from them I’m not CD employed by them. Just a single disabled wheelchair user from Manchester who has special needs and made some lovely friends there.
  • SharonRuth
    SharonRuth Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    I just yesterday received my award which I submitted in March last year. Four hour telephone assessment three weeks ago and got the enhanced carer and mobility. I too live in Manchester, am 64 years old and celebrated my 60th at the Bond Hotel in Blackpool. Hopefully I’ll be celebrating my 65th in July there too. Also the award extends until January 2034. No more fighting for justice in the near future. Wishing you all the best in your bid for new award.
  • Welshlad90
    Welshlad90 Online Community Member Posts: 107 Contributor
    I know they say 8 weeks working but does anyone know roughly how long they do take to make a decision? I'm due to get paid next Tuesday.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    I know they say 8 weeks working but does anyone know roughly how long they do take to make a decision? I'm due to get paid next Tuesday.
    Once the report is returned it can take up to 12 weeks for a decision, rather than the 8 weeks they advise. 
  • Welshlad90
    Welshlad90 Online Community Member Posts: 107 Contributor
    Is it true it usually takes 48 hours for the pip report to be uploaded onto the system? Wasn't sure if capita post the report or electronically upload it. Are you guaranteed to get a text to say they have received the report? Wanting to ask for a copy of the report before I get the decision incase I need to prepare a appeal 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    The report is sent electronically so no need to upload it. No, they don’t always send a text once it’s returned. They also don’t always return it straight away. If it’s chosen for audit there will be a longer delay in returning it. 
  • Welshlad90
    Welshlad90 Online Community Member Posts: 107 Contributor
    I will give it until tomorrow and then maybe ring and ask for a copy 
  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 846 Championing

    I will be doing the same.

    My last 4 submissions to DWP were.

    SD 1PM - Arrived
    SD 1PM - Arrived
    Freepost - Went missing.
    Signed for - Went missing.

    Got a form to send them now, there is no pre seal on the envelope, and I have taped it as much as possible but the tape is really weak and I imagine it going through all their machinery and just falling apart, SD goes through different channels. The problem with these big envelopes they have very weak durability compared to the weight they hold. Also now RM can put envelopes in special sealed SD bags as well if you ask so its double sealed.

  • winnersneverquit
    winnersneverquit Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener

    I waited over 9 months For my decision , I enquired after 6 months to be told I qualified for highest award but was told there just waiting for the manager/ supervisor to sign it off which was another 3 anxious months , try to be patient but give them a nudge every few weeks , 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻