Suspected AuDHD at 56 (is it or am I being daft?)



  • NDmummy
    NDmummy Community member Posts: 22 Connected

    I have met some really quite nice, generally, NT peeps, I think the reason they don't speak out is whilst we are being scapegoated they can join in with the popular gang , gain brownie points and keep their heads below the parapet.

    They conflate masking with being devious or lying/hiding but they are the ones who tend to not say what they mean and then blame us for not knowing what they mean. eeL the moral compass and compassion thing rings very true, I have had people tell me just bite your tongue, keep your head down and you'll get that job, that promotion, that pay rise, but I just couldn't, I hate bullies or managers who act like bullies and always demean or humiliate the most fragile and I go in guns blazing. It never helped me but it helped the other person , the victim see that not everyone is so cruel. Cost me in many ways but I'd do the same again, every time.

  • eeL
    eeL Community member Posts: 39 Contributor

    NDmummy Good for you, don't ever change! I'm the same, and I lose out every time, but often someone else benefits or I find out the place has changed after I left / got fired, and I'm a big believer that it's not all about me. I'm happy for things to be better for someone else at my expense - it's how things improve. It DOES cost me what I can ill afford, and I get bad press for doing it, but I strongly feel it's the right thing to do. And if it helps someone else then it's not for nothing. In small ways we can make the world a better place. Just because people don't want to do the same for me, does that mean I should stop trying to be a nice person or doing a good deed? If we all stopped giving and trying then society would go down the pan altogether. We can't moan about society if we're not prepared to stand up to change it! And that usually costs and hurts. I guess that's why alot of people don't bother. I'm glad we DO bother - whatever disabilities, faults, frailties or weaknesses / inadequacies we may fear we have, we can be proud of our backbones at least❤

  • NDmummy
    NDmummy Community member Posts: 22 Connected

    Yes, had a long, one of the many long discussions with my number 2 son. He has a real passion for doing right, standing up for the little person to the point I've had nightmares about him being the person who ends up getting hurt or killed to protect someone else. We had a discussion about why NT's can be so cruel and vindictive to those who are different, and that we are deemed to not understand or comprehend empathy. Came to the conclusion that NT's should be grateful that we are so empathic, because we have been so traumatised by life, we know how painful it can be and we choose to not inflict that on others because we know we could really inflict trauma and we are better than that.

  • eeL
    eeL Community member Posts: 39 Contributor

    It's funny how (rarely) in some cultures autistic people are seen as the 'savants', closer to God, 'chosen' ones and special because of their huge hearts, and yet certainly in Western cultures autism is a stigma that shouldn't be mentioned and everyone looks at us as 'lacking' rather than special or gifted. I've always thought that the world would be a better place if autistic people ran it! The human race's wish to exclude autistic people as damaged goods really pays testament to its stupidity and wish to self destruct in my opinion. And I think our kind and open nature is often why we're picked on - yes, we're different and an easy target, but sometimes I think alot of it is because we make NTs think about themselves, their actions, motives and their darker / more unpleasant sides and nobody wants it pointed out that they're a tool so our outlook is an unwelcome inconvenience. They say that if you know an autistic person you'll become a better person because they'll expose your prejudices and wrongs and teach you another outlook. It suits the world that our version is discounted so that they can all be smug and go on the same, unchallenged and greedy / selfish, believing they're the greatest and we're the faulty ones. It hasn't got the world into a good place, has it? I have a great affinity with nature and other creatures who also suffer the ignorance from a place of powerless suffering. Ironic how they said the awful shock of COVID would wake them all up and change everyone's values for the better and they'd all be more appreciative and considerate to their fellow man. Within five minutes they'd forgotten about it and become worse than ever😒