UC managed migration guide



  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Community member Posts: 208 Empowering

    yes @Vikki66, everybody’s needs are different. Not everybody has good skills with budgeting and because of that not everybody can just move to UC and cope with the payment frequency.

  • vikki66
    vikki66 Posts: 209 Connected


    Fingers crossed you are in the last batch of letters to be sent out.

    I was hacked off because I didn’t know they were doing people on tax credits first until I got the news in the post

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Community member Posts: 208 Empowering
    edited September 1

    yes @vikki66, totally agree that fortnightly is better if you’ve overspent, the much shorter wait for the next payment is just better for my bank account. I have that with ESA, peace of mind. I can’t just be given a payment of over £800 a month on UC and be expected to stretch it over that whole calendar month just to please the DWP.

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Community member Posts: 208 Empowering

    thanks @Vikki66, if they left me alone until around this next year just brilliant, another 12 months. The longer I can stay on my “fortnightly” ESA ❤️♥️ the better it is.

  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Community member Posts: 208 Empowering
    edited September 1

    @Vikki66, I should get an APA because of the highlighted reason in the image.

    “May also be linked to a medical condition or disability (for example autism, Down’s Syndrome)”.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,021 Empowering

    I was worried they see how I squander money but it is part of my disability so I'm not anymore worrying about what they will say but ask me anything

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,021 Empowering

    Same does it go by surname like the alphabet ? Also them changing WCA I never had a problem with this never that's if they do change

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,087 Championing

    @vikki66 please be aware that not everyone will qualify for a APA, it depends on each individual case.

    Please also note that if they agree to the APA once that starts it will be very difficult at first to manage your money. This is because you will have waited a whole month for your money and then your first payment will be for half of your usual payment. 2 weeks later you will receive the other half.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,087 Championing

    It's random and doesn't depend on anyone's surname. The WCA for UC is the same as it is for ESA and there's been no changes.

  • vikki66
    vikki66 Posts: 209 Connected


    Thanks for the information.

    The impression I got was that I’d get a final ESA after two weeks (but now that I think about it I’m not sure if that would be two weeks after the day I make my claim, which I’m doing on the phone), or if they take my phone claim then first payment two weeks after they process it?
    I don’t think I understand the numbers you mention if I ask for APA, but I won’t lose out on any money would I? Regardless of how often I get the payments it will still be the same amount - is that right?

    Also, I’m mega confused about the transitional protection amount. I thought nobody was meant to be worse off, but I look like I will be when I try to use the benefits calculator. They tell you that there’s (I think)£140pcm for transitional protection, but all the figures on those benefit calculators make it look like I’ll be worse off.

    My child also has diagnosed conditions, I’ve not been able to get CA as it overlaps with SDP, but recently found I was entitled to underlying entitlement to CA, which I just got added to my IR ESA.

    I was told that I do my transition, then apply for CA, then the same amount as received from CA will be deducted from UC.

    It’s very confusing, and I couldn’t find anything that mentions what happens with underlying entitlement added to IR ESA when it goes to UC.

    Does anyone know?

    I have the telephone appt soon and I’m feeling ill at the thought.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,087 Championing

    @vikki66 once you've actually claim UC then your ESA continues for 2 weeks, so there will be 1 more payment of Income Related.

    If any part of your ESA is contributions based then that will continue as normal but it will be deducted in full from any UC entitlement. If you currently have an underlying entitlement to carers allowance then this tells me that part of your ESA is contributions based.

    Claiming carers allowance for looking after your child would not have affected your SDP. SDP is only affected if someone else claims carers allowance or carers element of UC for looking after you.

    When you migrate across you will not be worse off. Using a benefits calculator when migrating isn't helpful in my opinion and may not give you the correct result. It doesn't for me. How much TP you're entitled to will depend on the figures between your current benefits and what your UC figures are.

    If you're in the Support Group for ESA then you'll be entitled to the LCWRA element from the start of your claim. However, the same person can't receive this element and the carers element at the same time. Although I would expect your TP to cover that anyway.

    For the APA, it's basically your UC payments being split into equal payments so you won't be worse off by this.

    If you're claiming by phone is that through the UC helpline or through citizens advice help to claim?

  • vikki66
    vikki66 Posts: 209 Connected


    Hi, thanks again. I find all these things so confusing that my brain is shutting down trying to understand them at the moment. I had expected to be transitioned in 2025, so this has been a jolt.

    I was told so many contradictory things over the years about something to do with ESA / CA being overlapping, therefore I wasn’t entitled to CA and so on ( that includes by dwp). As I said I just got an amount added to my ESA - it was this week, so I haven’t had a paper explanation. When I tried to look up the amount it looks the same as some premium (can’t remember which).

    I don’t know what it means for part of it to be contributions-based (not because of your explanation, but because it’s been a long time since I was able to work, and as far as I know it has always said IR on my yearly letter).

    My call is with CAB

    I think you’re right about those calculators.

    If Im LWCRA and can’t get carers premium on uc, does that mean I do apply for CA after my uc is done, and the amount will be deducted from uc?
    Thanks for the help, it’s much appreciated. I’m really worried as I’m in private rent, and was recently given a 12% rent increase, and I’m stressed in case something goes wrong with this transition. We’ve had a difficult few years, and I’m hoping nothing else is going to make anything worse.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,087 Championing

    @vikki66 If you're claiming Tax credits as well as ESA then your migration now is about right.

    The reason why you couldn't receive CA was because part of your ESA is contributions based, which means they are treated as overlapping benefits. Therefore you can't be paid both at the same time. You would receive an underlying entitlement to it so the carers premium was added to your ESA.

    No, you don't claim CA when you migrate to UC because you're already claiming it with the underlying entitlement to it. You will still not receive any payments for the CA even when you claim UC. This is because your contributions based ESA will continue (£138.20/week) but be deducted in full from any UC entitlement.

    This is good news for you because it will help you to manage your money a little better and you may not need to ask for the APA because you will receive ESA every 2 weeks and your UC every month.

    Yes, ESA letters are very difficult to understand and easy to misunderstand what they mean. Even if part of your ESA is contributions based, it will be known as Income Related.

    For your housing element, you should receive the same as you do on housing benefit. Housing benefit also continues for 2 weeks.

    It's not difficult or complicated to claim UC, it's just fear of the unknown. Once you've claimed everything is done through your journal.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,021 Empowering

    Pls may I ask is income based the support group? Thankyou sorry to jump in

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,087 Championing

    Support Group can be either Income based or contributions based.

  • vikki66
    vikki66 Posts: 209 Connected

    Thanks @poppy123456

    Yes the fear of the unknown is the worst bit.

    You know so much about such tricky stuff - it’s good of you to be helping people like this.

    The CAB adviser who did the form which ended up getting me the new underlying entitlement, said dwp said my contribution ESA was zero, but I had an underlying entitlement to it (at least that what I think he said, I should’ve written it down).

    I thought he said the extra ESA was a premium.

    I’m going to try to focus on what you’ve said about the amount staying the same, I guess that’s mainly what’s scary, like in case it is less.

    Thanks so much and hope you have a lovely sleep 😴

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,087 Championing

    @vikki66 Thank you. It comes from many years of personal experience, research and learning from others.

    Just incase Citizens advice don't advise this, once you have access to your journal please put a message on there to tell them you're in the Support Group for ESA. It may take a few weeks for your details to transfer from ESA so please don't panic.

    You will also be asked to provide a fit note BUT you do not need this so please ignore it. The system is set to automatically ask you to provide one when you report your health condition as part of the claims process.

    Do also be aware that Transitional Protection erodes overtime, which means if other elements increase the TP decreases until it will eventually erode. To put it more simply, your benefits will be frozen until the TP erodes.

    Once you've claimed if you need some more advice please ask and I'm sure someone will advise you further.

    I hope you sleep well too.

  • mason50
    mason50 Community member Posts: 61 Contributor

    thanks poppy . I have now received my migration letter and have untill 20th November, I will apply around 16th October. My anxiety with it has got really bad because I am a single parent of a child who’s nearly 17 and get so worried they will judge me as a parent with very bad mental health , I get a lot of support from my family who does a lot for me and my child. I’m so worried being without money for nearly 5 weeks because of my bills that are direct debit .

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,087 Championing

    You're welcome. I see from a previous thread that you're claiming Income Related ESA, this will continue for 2 weeks once you submit your claim for UC. Same applies to housing benefit if you also claim that.

    You can also ask for an advance payment but this does need to be repaid back and your future UC payments will be reduced.

    If you're in the Support Group for ESA then you'll be entitled to the LCWRA element from the start of your claim. As part of the claims process the system will automatically as you to provide a fit note once you report your health condition. You do not need to provided that fit note. Once you have access to your journal I'd advise you to put a message on there to tell them which group you're in for ESA.

    You won't be judged because you will have no commitments if in the Support Group. It may take a few weeks for ESA to send your details to UC but once that's done your claim will be updated.

    Citizens advice also have a help to claim helpline.


    If your ESA still includes the SDP then you may want to wait until as late as possible to claim UC. This is what I plan on doing when I receive my letter.

  • vikki66
    vikki66 Posts: 209 Connected

    Hi @Mason50

    I’m sorry to hear that you feel judged. As a parent with disabilities, I also often feel the same way, but for your migration to UC it will only be about switching you over, they won’t be asking about your parenting.

    Hope it goes smoothly